Nevron Open Vision Documentation
Schedule / Schedule / Schedule
In This Topic
    In This Topic
     Schedule Structure

    The content of a Nevron Schedule document is simply called a schedule. As shown in the Schedule Overview topic, a schedule consists of the following parts:

    • Header - displays the names of the groups currently used for grouping schedule appointments. Different schedule view modes can have different groupings. By default each schedule view mode is grouped by date, but you can easily append or prepend additional groupings.
    • Time Ruler - shows the time at a given scale.
    • Grid - the place where the appointments reside.
    • Appointments - the pieces of data of the schedule. Usually defined by start and end time and a subject.
     View Modes

    A view mode defines the way appointments are grouped and rendered. A Nevron Schedule has the following view modes:

    • Day - a single day is shown. By default has a day grouping added.
    • Week - a whole week (7 days) is shown. By default has a day grouping added.
    • Month - a whole month together with the end of the previous month and the start of the new one (42 days) is shown in a calendar like manner. By default has a week grouping added.
    • Timeline - shows 5 days in a timeline like manner. Does not have any groupings.

    You can control the active view mode of the schedule through the ViewMode property. Each view can have one or more groupings assigned. These groupings determine the way appointments are arranged inside the schedule view. For more information check out the Grouping Overview and Grouping Appointments topics.

     Appointment Tags
    The schedule contains a collection of categories and a collection of time markers cumulatively called appointment tags. These tags can be used to categorize appointments and affect their appearance. The categories determine the background fill of the appointment and the time marker determines the fill of the appointment's header. For more information and code examples check out the Appointment Categorization topic.

    The schedule can easily be zoomed in and out and scrolled in any direction. The easiest way to let the user zoom the schedule is to use the zoom slider that is placed in Nevron Schedule's status bar. The status bar is automatically created by schedule command builders like the NScheduleRibbonBuilder and the NScheduleCommandBarBuilder.

    To zoom a schedule programmatically you should modify its ZoomFactor property, where a value of 1 means the schedule is at 100%, 0.8 means the schedule is zoomed to 80%, 1.2 means the schedule is zoomed to 120% and so on. You can also use the ZoomIn() and ZoomOut() methods to zoom the schedule in and out with the value of the ZoomStep property.


    To scroll the active view mode of the schedule to a given time, you can use the schedule's ScrollToTime method passing a time span value to scroll to. For example to scroll to 6 AM you can use the following piece of code:

    Scroll schedule to a given time
    Copy Code
    // Scroll the schedule to 6 AM

    You can also scroll the schedule by modifying its ViewportOrigin or using the ScrollInDirection(ENCompassDirection direction, double steps) method to scroll it in the given direction. The specified number of steps to scroll are automatically multiplied by the value of the SmallHScrollChange and the SmallVScrollChange properties depending on the scroll direction to determine the amount to scroll the schedule with.

    See Also