Nevron Open Vision Documentation
Grid / Grid Features / Selection
In This Topic
    In This Topic
     About Selection

    The selection of the grid is exposed by a NGridSelection attribute, that is accessible from the Selection property of NGrid. The grid selection is organized to work around grid rows and to maintain the notion of a Current Row and Current Cell.

    The grid selection is also responsible for performing a variety of navigation commands that can alter the current cell, select/deselect rows and also change the current cell. The grid selection also exposes properties that control the events that trigger the current cell editing.

    The selected rows and current cell are visually demonstrated on the following image:

    The rest of the topic discusses all these aspects of the grid selection in details. All code examples work with an NGrid instance. To get the grid shown in a grid view, use its Grid property:

    Getting the grid of a grid view
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    NGrid grid = gridView.Grid;
     Current Cell and Current Row

    The current cell is exposed by the CurrentCell property. The following code example changes the current cell to be the first cell of a specific row:

    Current Cell
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    // Get the data row for the data source record number 10
    NDataRow row = grid.GetDataRow(10);
    // Get the first cell of the row
    NCell cell = row.GetCellAt(0);
    // Change the current cell
    grid.Selection.CurrentCell = cell;

    Changing the current cell also changes the current row of the selection. The current row is exposed by the CurrentRow property. Setting the current row property automatically resets the CurrentCell property to null. The following code example changes the current row and resets the current cell:

    Current Row
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    // Get the data row for the data source record number 10
    NDataRow row = grid.GetDataRow(10);
    // Change the current row
    grid.Selection.CurrentRow = row;

    The grid can be configured to operate in row selection mode only - that is does not allow the user to navigate around the individual row cells. This is achieved by setting the AllowCurrentCell property to false (by default set to true).

     Selection Events

    To get notified when the current row or the current cell changes subscribe to the following events of the grid's Selection object:

    • CurrentRowChanged - raised when the current row has changed.
    • CurrentCellChanged - raised when the current cell has changed.

    The following piece of code demonstrates how to subscribe and handle the CurrentRowChanged event:

    Handling the CurrentRowChanged event
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    grid.Selection.CurrentRowChanged += OnGridSelectionCurrentRowChanged;
    private void OnGridSelectionCurrentRowChanged(NCurrentRowChangedEventArgs arg)
        NRow currentRow = arg.NewCurrentRow;
     Row Selection Operations

    The grid selection can be configured to operate in two modes via its Mode property, which are:

    • Single - only a single row can be selected
    • Multiple - multiple rows can be selected

    The selection object provides a powerful set of methods, which can help you modify the selection. The most important ones are demonstrated in the following example:

    Row Selection Operations
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    // get the grid selection
    NGridSelection selection = grid.Selection;
    // make row1 the one and only selected node
    // append row2 to the current selection
    // toggle the selection state of the row3 (in this case this will select row3)
    // toggle the selection state of the row3 (in this case this will deselect row3)
    // deselect row1
    // deselect all rows (in this case only row2)
    // get the selected rows
    NList<NRow> selectedRows = selection.SelectedItems;
     Navigation and Editing Commands

    The selection object provides a complete set of methods that help you perform different navigation and editing commands. These commands are usually performed in response to different user actions via the NSelectionNavigationTool. The following table outlines the methods and the keyboard commands in response to which they are usually performed:

    Method Description Keyboard Shortcut

    Arrow Navigation

    MoveUp() Changes the current row to previous navigable row and tries to preserve the current cell column. Up Arrow
    MoveDown() Changes the current row to next navigable row and tries to preserve the current cell column. Down Arrow
    MoveLeft() Changes the current cell to the cell that is on the left of the current one. If there is no current cell tries to collapse the current row. Left Arrow
    MoveRight() Changes the current cell to the cell that is on the right of the current one. If there is no current cell tries to expand the current row. Right Arrow
    MoveUpFirst() Moves the current cell up to the first navigable cell in the current column CTRL + Up Arrow
    MoveDownLast() Moves the current cell down to the last navigable cell in the current column CTRL + Down Arrow
    MoveRowStart() Moves the current cell to the first cell in the row. CTRL + Left Arrow
    MoveRowEnd() Moves the current cell to the last cell in the row. CTRL + Right Arrow

    Extended Navigation

    MoveRowStart() Moves the current cell to the first cell in the row. Home
    MoveRowEnd() Moves the current cell to the last cell in the row. End
    MovePageDown() Moves the current/selected row to a row that is one page down. Page Down
    MovePageUp() Moves the current/selected row to a row that is one page up. Page Up
    MoveFirstCell() Moves the current cell to the first navigable cell in the grid. CTRL + Home
    MoveLastCell() Moves the current cell to the last navigable cell in the grid. CTRL + End

    Editing Commands

    TryCurrentCellBeginEdit() Tries to begin the editing of the current cell. F2
    TryCurrentCellCancelEdit() Tries to cancel the editing of the current cell. ESC
    TryCurrentCellCommitEdit() Tries to commit the editing of the current cell. CTRL + Enter
    MoveRightEdit() Same as the move right command, except that it also begins editing of the new current cell, if the previous one was in edit mode. Tab
    MoveLeftEdit() Same as the move left command, except that it also begins editing of the new current cell, if the previous one was in edit mode. SHIFT + Tab
    MoveDownEdit() Moves the current cell to the navigable cell below it in the grid. If the current cell was edited, starts editing of the new current cell. Enter


    The selection object also exposes the following properties that affect the editing behavior of the grid:

    Property Description
    BeginEditCellOnClick Gets or sets whether cell editing should begin when the cell is clicked.
    BeginEditCellOnDoubleClick Gets or sets whether cell editing should begin when the cell is double clicked.
    BeginEditCellOnBecomeCurrent Gets or sets whether cell editing should begin when the cell becomes the current cell.