Nevron Open Vision Documentation
Diagram / Diagram DOM / Batches
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    In This Topic
     About Batches

    Batches serve as a functionality layer between the DDOM and the user. They help you apply a uniform operation to a set of diagram items. All types of batches derive from the base NBatch abstract class. Some batch operations are constrained by permissions (see Abilities, Protection and Permissions for more information). The batches are defined in the Nevron.Nov.Diagram.Batches namespace.

    Prior to executing some batch operation you must first call it's Build method, which takes a single argument - array of nodes, from which the batch must be built.

    Batches are used to perform different operations on a set of diagram items, which are optionally recorded as a single transaction in the document history service. All batch methods, which record transactions in the document history service return an instance of the NTransactionResult structure.

    Following is a brief description of the currently available batches:

    Batch class Description
    NBatchCompose Facilitate the Composite Solid Geometry operations with shape geometries (e.g. Union, Intersect, Subtract and ExclusiveOr).
    NBatchDelete Facilitate the deletion of multiple diagram items
    NBatchFormat Facilitate format operations (mainly with shapes geometry and text block).
    NBatchGroup Facilitate the grouping of shapes (e.g. the creation of a new group from a set of shapes)
    NBatchInsert Facilitate the insertion of multiple elements in one collection.
    NBatchLayout Provides transaction based layout operations. Implements common alignment, resize, horizontal spacing, vertical spacing and center in page operations.
    NBatchOperation Provide miscellaneous transaction based operations, which are not constrained by permissions and purely rely on the type of items inside the batch.
    NBatchReorder Facilitates the reorder of items in their containers (e.g. Z-Order)
    NBatchTransform Facilitates transformation based operations on a set of shapes
    NBatchTranslate Facilitates the translation of multiple items together with their translation slaves
    NBatchUngroup Facilitates the ungrouping of groups (e.g. the destruction of existing groups)

    Format batch example: The following code applies solid red color filling to all selected elements:

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    // create a new format batch associated with the specified document
    NBatchFormat batchFormat = new NBatchFormat(m_DrawingDocument);
    // build it from the active page selection
    // check if the style of all batch nodes can be changed
    if (batchFormat.CanFormat())
        // set red fill style to all batch nodes
        batchFormat.ChangeGeometryFill(new NColorFill(NColor.Red));

    Layout batch example: The following code horizontally aligns the selected nodes to the selection anchor left side: 

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    // get the active page
    NPage activePage = m_DrawingDocument.Content.ActivePage;
    // create a new layout batch associated with the specified document
    NBatchLayout batchLayout = new NBatchLayout(m_DrawingDocument);
    // build it from the active page selection
    // check if all batch nodes can be aligned to the selection anchor
    if (batchLayout.CanAlignHorizontally(activePage.Selection.AnchorItem as NShape))
        // align the lefts of all batch nodes to the selection anchor left side
        batchLayout.AlignHorizontally(activePage.Selection.AnchorItem as NShape, ENHorizontalAlignment.Left);

    Translate batch example: The following code translates the selected elements and their translation slaves:

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    // create a new translate batch associated with the specified document
    NBatchTranslate batchTranslate = new NBatchTranslate(m_DrawingDocument);
    // build it from the active page selection
    // check if all batch nodes can be translated with the specified amounts
    if (batchTranslate.CanTranslate(10, 10, false))
        // translate all batch nodes with the specified amounts
        batchTranslate.Translate(10, 10, false);

    Transform batch example: The following code rotates the selected models to 90 degrees:

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    // create a new transform batch associated with the specified document
    NBatchTransform batchTransform = new NBatchTransform(m_DrawingDocument);
    // build it from the view selection
    // check if all batch nodes can be rotated to 90 degrees
    if (batchTransform.CanRotate(90))
        // translate all batch nodes with the specified amounts

    Delete batch example: The following code deletes all selected elements

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    // create a new delete batch associated with the specified document
    NBatchDelete batchDelete = new NBatchDelete(m_DrawingDocument);
    // build it from the view selection
    // check if the delete operation can be performed
    if (batchDelete.CanDelete())
        // delete all batch nodes