Nevron Open Vision Documentation
Schedule / Commanding / Ribbon / Schedule Ribbon via Code
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    Schedule Ribbon via Code
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    If you are building a cross-platform NOV application, you can't use the Visual Studio designer, so you should customize the ribbon via code.

     Hiding Ribbon Tab Pages and Ribbon Groups

    To hide a an element from the ribbon use the corresponding Get... method of the NRichTextViewWithRibbon or the NRichTextViewWithRibbonControl class and set its Visibility property to Collapsed:

    • GetApplicationMenu - gets the ribbon application menu.
    • GetRibbonTabPage - gets the ribbon tab page with a given title.
    • GetRibbonGroup - gets the ribbon group with a given groupTitle in the tab page with a specified pageTitle.
    • GetRibbonSearchBox - gets the ribbon search box.
    • GetRibbonQuickAccessToolbar - gets the ribbon quick access toolbar.
    • GetStatusBar - gets the status bar.

    The following code snippet hides the "Settings" ribbon tab page and the "Orientation" ribbon group of the "Home" ribbon tab page:

    Hide ribbon tab pages and ribbon groups
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    // Hide the "Settings" ribbon tab page
        .Header.Visibility = ENVisibility.Collapsed;
    // Hide the "Orientation" ribbon group of the "Home" ribbon tab page
    nScheduleViewWithRibbonControl1.GetRibbonGroup(NScheduleRibbonBuilder.TabPageHomeName, NHomeTabPageBuilder.GroupOrientationName)
        .Visibility = ENVisibility.Collapsed;
    Note that instead of using string literals like "Settings", it is better to use the string constants defined in the NScheduleRibbonBuilder class to get ribbon tab page names as shown in the code snippet above. You should use the constants in the corresponding tab page builder to get ribbon group names, for example NHomeTabPageBuilder.GroupOrientationName.
     Removing Commands

    To remove all widgets associated with specific commands from the commanding UI, use the RemoveCommands method of the rich text view with ribbon:

    Remove commands
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    // Create an array of commands to remove
     NCommand[] commandsToRemove = new NCommand[] {
    NScheduleViewRibbon scheduleViewWithRibbon = new NScheduleViewWithRibbon();
     Modifying Ribbon Group Builders Collection

    If you want to remove a given ribbon tab page, you can easily do so by using the Remove method of the TabPageBuilders collection of the schedule ribbon builder. To remove a ribbon group from a tab page, you should use the Remove method of the RibbonGroupBuilders collection of the ribbon group builder.

    The names of all schedule ribbon tab pages are exposed as constants in the NScheduleRibbonBuilder class. Each of the tab page builders exposes as constants the names of its ribbon group builders. The following piece of code demonstrates how to remove the "Editing" ribbon group of the "Home" tab page of the schedule ribbon:

    Remove ribbon group
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    NRibbonTabPageBuilder homeTabBuilder = ribbonBuilder.TabPageBuilders[NScheduleRibbonBuilder.TabPageHomeName];

    In order to add or insert your own ribbon group builders, you can use the Add or Insert methods of the RibbonGroupBuilders collection respectively.

    Add custom ribbon group
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    NRibbonTabPageBuilder homeTabBuilder = ribbonBuilder.TabPageBuilders[NScheduleRibbonBuilder.TabPageHomeName];
    homeTabBuilder.RibbonGroupBuilders.Insert(0, new CustomRibbonGroupBuilder());
     Custom Ribbon Group Builders

    To create a custom ribbon group builder you should create a class, which inherits NRibbonGroupBuilder:

    Custom ribbon group builder
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    public class CustomRibbonGroupBuilder : NRibbonGroupBuilder
        public CustomRibbonGroupBuilder()
            : base("Custom Group", NResources.Image_Ribbon_16x16_smiley_png)
        protected override void AddRibbonGroupItems(NRibbonGroupItemCollection items)
            // Add the "Add Appointment" command
                Nevron.Nov.Schedule.NResources.Image_Edit_AddAppointment_png, NScheduleView.AddAppointmentCommand));
            // Add the custom command
            items.Add(CreateRibbonButton(NResources.Image_Ribbon_32x32_smiley_png, NResources.Image_Ribbon_16x16_smiley_png, CustomCommand));
    See Also