Nevron Open Vision Documentation
Framework / Data Structures / Filters
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    In This Topic

    Filters are predicates that execute a boolean algebra expression upon an item of a specific type. The abstraction of a filter is defined by the INFilter<T> interface, that has only one method:

    bool Filter(T item);

    The filter method returns true, if the item passes the filter, otherwise it returns false.

    NOV Data Structures implement a large set of commonly used filters that are summarized by the following table:

    Filter Description

    Basic Boolean Algebra Filters

    NAndFilter<T> Aggregates two other filters. Returns true if both filters return true, otherwise returns false.
    NOrFilter<T> Aggregates two other filters. Returns true if at least one of the filters return true, otherwise returns false.
    NNotFilter<T> Aggregates a single other filter. Returns true if the aggregated filter returns false, otherwise returns true.
    NFalseFilter<T>.Instance Singleton filter that always returns false.
    NTrueFilter<T>.Instance Singleton filter that always returns true.

    Comparison Filters.
     (available only when T implements the IComparable<T> interface)
    All take a comparison Value at construction time.

    NEqualsToFilter<T> Returns true if item.CompareTo(Value) == 0.
    NGreaterThanFilter<T> Returns true if item.CompareTo(Value) > 0.
    NGreaterThanOrEqualToFilter<T> Returns true if item.CompareTo(Value) >= 0.
    NLessThanFilter<T> Returns true if item.CompareTo(Value) < 0.
    NLessThanOrEqualToFilter<T> Returns true if item.CompareTo(Value) <= 0.

    Objects Equality Filters.
    All take a comparison Other object at construction time.

    NObjectEqualsFilter<T> Returns true if item.Equals(Other) == true. Both item and Other can be null.
    NReferenceEqualsFilter<T> Returns true if Object.ReferenceEquals(Other) == true. Both item and Other can be null.

    Type Filters.
    All take a TTargetType as generic argument.

    NAsFilter<T, TTargetType> Aggregates another filter of type INFilter<TTargetType>. Returns true, if the item can be casted to TTargetType and the aggregated filter returns true.
    NIsFilter<T, TTargetType>.Instance Singleton filter, which only passes items, which are instances of TTargetType.
    NTypeEqualsFilter<T, TTargetType>.Instance Singleton filter, which only passes items, whose type is exactly TTargetType.