Name | Description | |
AlignInPage | Sets the left-top corner of the shape Alignment Box in page coordinates to be the specified point. This method is internally performing a translation of the shape. | |
AppendContextMenuItems | Overridden. Appends custom context menu items. | |
CanClip | Overridden. Overriden to return true. | |
CanTransform | Overridden. Overriden to return true | |
CreateEllipse | Creates an ellipse shape | |
CreateLineShape | Initializes a 1D shape, the geometry of which draws a line from the Begin to the End point of the shape. | |
CreateRectangle | Creates a 2D shape, the geometry of which draws a rectangle inside the WH box. | |
GetAbilitiesMask | Overridden. Overriden to return the shape abilities | |
GetAccessibleShapes | Gets a list of the accessible shapes (e.g. NeighbourShapes + the accessible shapes of the neighbour shapes) | |
GetAlignBoxInPage | Gets the alignment box of the shape. For a 2D shape this is the bounds of the shape box projection in page coordinates. For a 1D shape this is the bounds of the shape end-points projection in page coordinates. | |
GetAlignBoxInParent | Gets the alignment box of the shape. For a 2D shape this is the bounds of the shape box projection in parent coordinates. For a 1D shape this is the bounds of the shape end-points projection in parent coordinates. | |
GetBeginPoint | Gets the begin point of the shape (in parent coordinates) | |
GetBeginPointInDrawing | Gets the begin point of the shape in drawing coordinates | |
GetBeginPointInPage | Gets the begin point of the shape in page coordinates | |
GetClip | Overridden. Gets the shape clipping region. | |
GetDestinationShapes | Gets a list of the destination shapes (e.g. the shapes which are connected to the end plug of outgoing shapes). | |
GetDisplayBounds | Gets the current display bounds of this shape (in local coordinates). | |
GetDisplayBoundsInPage | Gets the display bounds of the shape in page coordinates. | |
GetEndPoint | Gets the end point of the shape (in parent coordinates) | |
GetEndPointInDrawing | Gets the end point of the shape in drawing coordinates | |
GetEndPointInPage | Gets the end point of the shape (in page coordinates) | |
GetFromToShapes | Gets a list of the shapes to whose inward ports, the plugs of this shape are connected | |
GetIncomingShapes | Gets a list of the 1D shapes whose end plug is connected to an inward port of this shape | |
GetLocPinPoint | Gets the local pin point position (in local coordinates). | |
GetMoveSlaves | Gets a list of shapes which will be moved when this shape is moved. | |
GetNeighbourShapes | Gets the union of the Source and Destination shapes. | |
GetOutgoingShapes | Gets a list of the 1D shapes whose start plug is connected to an inward port of this shape | |
GetPaintCacheMode | Overridden. Determines whether the 2D painting of the object can be cached. | |
GetPinPoint | Gets the pin point position (in parent coordinates). | |
GetPinPointInPage | Gets the pin point position in page coordinates. | |
GetPinPointInWHBox | Gets the pin point position (in local coordinates) | |
GetPortByName | Gets the first port with the specified name. Returns null if no such port exists. | |
GetPredecessorShapes | Gets a list of the predecessor shapes (e.g. SourceShapes + the predecessor shapes of the source shapes) | |
GetProtectionMask | Overridden. Overriden to add additional shape specific protection | |
GetReflexiveShapes | Gets a list of the 1D shapes whose start and end plugs are connected to inward port(s) of this shape (e.g. 1D shapes, which start and end in this shape) | |
GetShapeStyle | Gets the shape style to apply to this styleable element. | |
GetSlaveShapes | Gets a list of the shapes, which consider this shape as master (i.e. are glued in a master-slave manner) | |
GetSnappedBoxDirection | Gets the snapped box direction | |
GetSourceShapes | Gets a list of the source shapes (e.g. the shapes which are connected to the start plug of incoming shapes). | |
GetSuccessorShapes | Gets a list of the successor shapes (e.g. DestinationShapes + the successor shapes of the destination shapes) | |
GetTableBlock | Helper method that gets a NTableBlock object | |
GetTextBlock | Helper method that gets a NTextBlock object | |
GetTextBlockContentNoCreate | Gets the text block content without creating a text block if it not already created | |
GetTextSelection | Gets the text selection | |
GetThemeInfo | Gets the theme properties to use for styling this styleable element. | |
GetTransform | Overridden. Gets the matrix that transforms local to parent coordinates. | |
GetWHBox | Gets the box formed by the shape Width and Height (in shape local coordinates) | |
GetWHBoxInParent | Gets the box formed by the shape Width and Height, projected to the shape parent coordinates. | |
GlueBeginToGeometryContour | Overloaded. Glues (connects) the begin point of this shape to a factor location on the specified FROM shape geometry contour. 0 is the begin of the countour, 1 is the end of the contour. | |
GlueBeginToGeometryIntersection | Glues (connects) the begin point of this shape to the intersection point between the vector formed by the FROM shape center and the begin-point direction vector and the FROM shape geometry. | |
GlueBeginToGeometryVertex | Glues the begin point of the shape to the vertex of the specified geometry command. | |
GlueBeginToNearestPort | Glues the begin point of this shape to the nearest port of the specified FROM shape. | |
GlueBeginToPort | Glues the begin point of this shape to the specified port | |
GlueBeginToShape | Glues the begin point to the specified shape. The type of glue that is performed depends on the shape.DefaultShapeGlue property. | |
GlueBeginToShapeBox | Glues the begin point of the shape to a point defined by factors in the specified FROM shape box. | |
GlueBeginToShapeBoxIntersection | Glues (connects) the begin point of this shape to the intersection point between the vector formed by the FROM shape center and the begin-point direction vector and the FROM shape Width/Height box. | |
GlueBeginToShapeLine | Glues the begin point of the shape to a factor location along the FROM shape line. 0 is the begin of the line, 1 is the end of the line. | |
GlueEndToGeometryContour | Overloaded. Glues (connects) the end point of this shape to a factor location on the specified TO shape geometry contour. 0 is the end of the countour, 1 is the end of the contour. | |
GlueEndToGeometryIntersection | Glues (connects) the end point of this shape to the intersection point between the vector formed by the TO shape center and the end-point direction vector and the TO shape geometry. | |
GlueEndToGeometryVertex | Glues the end point of the shape to the vertex of the specified geometry command. | |
GlueEndToNearestPort | Glues the end point of this shape to the nearest port of the specified TO shape. | |
GlueEndToPort | Glues the end point of this shape to the specified port | |
GlueEndToShape | Glues the end point to the specified shape. The type of glue that is performed depends on the shape.DefaultShapeGlue property. | |
GlueEndToShapeBox | Glues the end point of the shape to a point defined by factors in the specified TO shape box. | |
GlueEndToShapeBoxIntersection | Glues (connects) the end point of this shape to the intersection point between the vector formed by the TO shape center and the end-point direction vector and the TO shape Width/Height box. | |
GlueEndToShapeLine | Glues the end point of the shape to a factor location along the TO shape line. 0 is the begin of the line, 1 is the end of the line. | |
GlueMasterPortToPort | Glues (connects) a port of this shape to a port of the master shape. This type of glue translates the shape to match the port locations, and rotates the shape to match the port directions. | |
HitTest | Overloaded. Overridden. Hit tests a shape by point | |
Init1DShape | Helper method for setting up a 1D shape. Sets the ShapeType to 1D.
If xformType is Vector, the shape transform is initialized as a vector connecting the begin and end points, such that: Binds the Width to the distance between the Begin and End points. Binds the Angle to the angle formed by the line connecting the Begin and End points and the X axis. Binds the PinX and PinY to the middle point of the line connecting the Begin and End points. Binds the LocPinX and LocPinY to the center of the shape local alignment box. If xformType is Box, the shape transform is initialized as a vector connecting the begin and end points, such that: Binds the Width to the X distance between the Begin and End points. Binds the Height to the Y distance between the Begin and End points. Sets the angle to zero. Binds the PinX and PinY to the middle point of the line connecting the Begin and End points. Binds the LocPinX and LocPinY to the center of the shape. | |
Init2DShape | Helper method that sets the ShapeType to Shape2D and places the local pin point inside the center of the shape Width and Height (via expressions). Additionally, if the shape was previously a Shape1D, this method unglues the Begin and End points and destroys any expressions associated with the shape Angle, Width, Height, PinX and PinY properties. ShapeType = ENShapeType.Shape2D; SetFx(NShape.LocPinXProperty, new NShapeWidthFactorFx(0.5f)); SetFx(NShape.LocPinYProperty, new NShapeHeightFactorFx(0.5f)); | |
InvalidateArrangeFromChild | Called by child or descendant arrange elements that consider this element as arrange parent, and want to inform it to invalidate it's arrange. | |
InvalidateMeasureFromChild | Called by child or descendant measure elements that consider this element as measure parent, and want to inform it to invalidate it's measure. | |
IsConnector | Gets whether the given shape is a connector, which is true if it is a 1D shape and its UserClass is equal to "Connector". | |
LocalToParent | Overloaded. Overridden. Transforms a point in local coordinates to the coordinates of its parent coordinate system | |
MoveTextBlockBelowShape | Moves the text block of the shape below it. | |
ParentToLocal | Overloaded. Overridden. Transforms a point in parent coordinates to local coordinates | |
RaiseQueryAutoConnectButtonContent | Raises the QueryShowAutoConnectButton event | |
Resize | Overloaded. Resizes the shape box by setting the specified value to the box point corresponding to a compass direction. | |
Rotate | Rotates the shape with the specified angle amount. Internally this method calls SetAngle with a value equal to Angle + angle. | |
SetAngle | Sets the shape angle relatively to its parent (i.e. Page or Group). This operation unglues the shape from its master (if any). If the shape is inside the page, this method sets a constant value to the Angle property. If the shape is inside a group, this method also updates the expressions of the Width and Height properties, depending on the ResizeInGroup setting. | |
SetArrangeSlot | Overloaded. Sets the arrange slot of the shape and positions it into it taking into account the horizontal and vertical placement specified in the LayoutData. | |
SetBeginPoint | Sets a constant begin point of the shape (in parent coordinates). This implementation Unglues the begin point. | |
SetBounds | Overloaded. Sets the bounding box the shape to be the specified rectangle (in parent coordinates). | |
SetEndPoint | Sets a constant end point of the shape (in parent coordinates). This implementation Unglues the end point. | |
SetHeight | Sets the shape Height. If the shape is inside a group, this method updates the expression for shape Height. If the shape is inside a page, this method sets a constant value to the shape Height. | |
SetLocPinPoint | Overloaded. Sets the local pin point position (in local coordinates). By default the local pin point is specified relatively to the shape width and height. This implementation sets proportional expressions to the LocPinX and LocPinY properties. | |
SetPinPoint | Overloaded. Sets the pin point position (in parent coordinates). This operation unglues the shape from its master (if any). If the shape resides in a group, the Pin is expressed as factor expressions of the group dimensions. If the shape resides in a page, the Pin is set to constant values. | |
SetShapePropertyValue | Overloaded. Sets the shape property with the given name. | |
SetWidth | Sets the shape Width. If the shape is inside a group, this method updates the expression for shape Width. If the shape is inside a page, this method sets a constant value to the shape Width. | |
ShowPropertiesDialog | Overridden. Shows the shape properties dialog | |
Split | Splits this shape with the given 2D shape. Works only if this shape is a splittable 1D shape (Splittable = true) and the given 2D shape can split shapes (CanSplit = true). | |
StartInplaceEditing | Overloaded. Starts inplace editing for this shape, by showing the inplace editor of the shape. | |
Translate | Overridden. Translate this item with the specified amounts. For 2D shapes this method translates the PinPoint, For 1D shapes this method translates the BeginPonit and EndPoint of the shape. | |
Translate1D | Translates a 1D shape, by offseting the begin and end points of the shape. The modification of both the begin and end points of the shape is optional. Throws an exception if this is not a 1D shape. | |
Translate2D | Translates a 2D shape, by offseting the PinPoint with the specified amounts. Throws an exception if this is not a 2D shape. | |
TryGetBounds | Tries to get the specified shape bounds (in shape coordinates) | |
TryGetShapePropertyValue | Overloaded. Tries to get the value of the specified property for the this shape by converting the variant value of the property to the given type. | |
TryGlueEndPoint | Overloaded. Glues the begin or end point of the shape to a snap point result. Returns true, if successfully glued to a port, shape or geometry. Otherwise returns false. | |
UnglueAll | Destroys the shape begin glue, end glue and master glue, if any. | |
UnglueBegin | Unglues the begin point | |
UnglueEnd | Unglues the end point | |
UnglueFromIncommingShape | Unglues this shape from the specified incomming shape. If the specified shape is not an incomming shape, does nothing. | |
UnglueFromMaster | Unglues (disconnects) the outward connection of this shape if any. | |
UnglueFromOutgoingShape | Unglues this shape from the specified outgoing shape. If the specified shape is not an outgoing shape, does nothing. | |
UpdateBounds | Updates the Width and Height box of the shape to encompass the geometry and inner shapes of the shape. This operation should be carefully used, since it refactors the geometry expressions to be proportional to the new shape bounds. | |
ValidateArrange | Overridden. Validates the arrange of the element |