Inheritance Hierarchy
In This Topic
    Nevron.Nov.Diagram Namespace
    In This Topic
    ClassA plotter command that draws a bowed circular arc from the previous command location to this command location.
    ClassDesigner for NArcTo.
    ClassRepresents an attribute, which controls the shape, size and appearance of arrowheads.
    ClassDesigner for NArrowhead.
    ClassRepresents an arrowhead shape
    ClassRepresents the stencil that is used to render the arrowheads in a drawing
    ClassRepresents an action from the AutoConnect
    ClassRepresents the context in which an auto connect operation is executed.
    ClassRepresents the information that is required for each auto connect button.
    ClassRepresents an AutoConnect action from the context menu
    ClassRepresents a page bookmark.
    ClassA collection of NBookmark elements
    ClassDesigner associated with NBookmarkCollection
    ClassRepresents a page bookmark manager.
    ClassEvent arguments associated with the NDiagramItem.BuildContextMenuEvent.
    ClassEvent arguments associated with the NShape.BuildContextRibbonGroupEvent.
    ClassA geometry command that plots a circular arc from the previous command location to this command location.
    ClassDesigner for NCircularArcToDesigner.
    ClassRepresents a shape control point.
    ClassDesigner for NControl.
    ClassA collection of NControl elements.
    ClassRepresents the glue that is used by NControlGlueFx expressions assigned to the shape control points.
    ClassA control point glue, which glues a shape control point to a the factor location specified by the LocationFactor parameter (0 is the start of the geomety contour, 1 is the end). Additionally the location can be offset with an absolute value, specified by the LocationOffset parameter.
    ClassDesigner for NControlGlueToGeometryContour.
    ClassA control glue, which glues the shape control to a certain vertex of a certain geometry command of the control Glue shape.
    ClassA control point glue, which glues the a shape control point to a certain port of the control Glue shape.
    ClassA control point glue, which glues a shape control point to a point defined relatively to a shape box respectively.
    ClassDesigner for NControlGlueToShapeBox.
    ClassAn end point glue, which glues a shape end point (Begin or End) to a shape line factor location specified by the LocationFactor parameter. The shape line is the line connecting the Begin and End points. 0 is the start of the shape line, 1 is the end.
    ClassDesigner for NControlGlueToShapeLine.
    ClassA geometry command that plots a cubic bezier curve from the previous command location to this command location.
    ClassDesigner for NCubicBezierToDesigner.
    ClassThe NDataObjectAdaptor class serves as base class for all data object adapters that "adapt" Data Objects content to Diagram Clippings.
    ClassThe NDataObjectAdaptorCollection class is a strongly typed collection, containging NDataObjectAdaptor instances
    ClassThe NDiagramClipping serves as base class for drawing and library clippings. A diagram clipping facilities the Data Exchange operations related to drawing and library items. A drawing clipping contains one or more page clippings.
    ClassCreates the Nevron Diagram command bar UI.
    ClassServes as base class for drawing and library context menues.
    ClassBase class for all diagram extensions. Diagram extensions are used to determine the type of the diagram in a drawing page in order to adapt the commanding user interface to it.
    ClassA collection of diagram extensions.
    ClassDesigner for diagram extension collections.
    ClassA static class that contains some commonly used diagram filters.
    ClassA static class that contains some commonly used diagram filters.
    ClassContains functions that are commonly used in different diagram places.
    ClassAn input element subclass, that serves as base class for all essential diagram elements, such as page items and library items.
    ClassFilters shapes nodes with the specified type.
    ClassFilters diagram items by their permissions
    ClassRepresents the Nevron Diagram module.
    ClassCreates the Nevron Diagram ribbon.
    ClassBase class for diagram root elements.
    ClassRepresents a surface for diagram items. Serves as base class for NPage and NLibrary.
    ClassDesigner for NDiagramSurface.
    ClassRepresents the settings related to the page printing layout.
    ClassServes as base class for selections of diagram items (page items and library items selection objects)
    ClassA theme plugin that adds rules for the Nevron diagram control.
    ClassA command action that undos a single or multiple history commands
    ClassA document view that serves as base class for NDrawingView and NLibraryView.
    ClassRepresents a search item from the directories tree. Serves as base class for NLibrarySeachItem and NFolderSearchItem
    ClassRepresents a collection of directory search items
    ClassNamespace class for resources used by the Nevron.Diagram assembly
    ClassA geometry command that serves as base class for draw box commands such as DrawRectangle, DrawEllipse, DrawPolyline, DrawPolygon and DrawPath.
    ClassDesigner for NDrawBox.
    ClassA geometry command that draws an ellipse inside the box defined by the Left, Top, Right and Bottom sides.
    ClassRepresents an interactive drawing, that consists of pages. A drawing is the root element inside a NDrawingDocument.
    ClassThe NDrawingClipping represents a set of drawing items, that can be transfered across documents via Clipboard and Drag and Drop operations
    ClassServes as base class for drawing code behind objects
    ClassRepresents a context menu factory. It is used to construct context menus for the context editable drawing elements. An instance of this class can be obtained by the NDrawing.ContextMenu property.
    ClassThe NDrawingDataObjectAdaptor is used to adapt data objects for diagram drawing.
    ClassRepresents a document that contains an NDrawing element. An NDrawingDocument can be viewed and edited inside a NDrawingView.
    ClassAn element, which contains various drawing settings related to the the appearance and behavior of the item editors, tools etc.
    ClassDesigner for NDrawingSettings.
    ClassRepresents an interactive drawing, which consists of a set of pages.
    ClassRepresents a context menu builder for diagram rich text text context menus
    ClassA drawing view with command bars.
    ClassA drawing view with a ribbon.
    ClassA geometry command that draws a path inside the box defined by the Left, Top, Right and Bottom sides. The path points are expressed relatively to the box defined by the (Left, Top, Right and Bottom) sides.
    ClassA geometry command that draws a polygon inside the box defined by the (Left, Top, Right and Bottom) sides. The polygon points are expressed relatively to the box defined by the (Left, Top, Right and Bottom) sides.
    ClassA geometry command that draws a polyline inside the box defined by the Left, Top, Right and Bottom sides. The polyline points are expressed relatively to the box defined by the (Left, Top, Right and Bottom) sides.
    ClassA geometry command that serves as base class for NDrawPolygon and NDrawPolyline commands inside the box defined by the Left, Top, Right and Bottom sides.
    ClassDesigner for NDrawPolypoints.
    ClassA geometry command that draws a rectangle inside the box defined by the Left, Top, Right and Bottom sides.
    ClassA geometry command that plots an elliptical arc from the previous command location to this command location.
    ClassDesigner for NEllipticalArcToDesigner.
    ClassRepresents the glue that is used by NEndPointGlueFx expressions assigned to the shape end points.
    ClassAn end point glue, which glues a shape end point (Begin or End) to a dynamic point, defined by the shape geometry, box, ports or other aspects. Serves as base class for NEndPointGlueToBoxContour, NEndPointGlueToGeometryContour and NEndPointGlueToNearestPort.
    ClassAn end point glue, which glues a shape end point (Begin or End) to a the factor location specified by the LocationFactor parameter. 0 is the start of the geomety contour, 1 is the end.
    ClassDesigner for NEndPointGlueToGeometryContour.
    ClassAn end point glue, which glues a shape end point (Begin or End) to the intersection point between the vector formed by the gluee shape center and the end-point direction vector and the gluee shape geometry.
    ClassAn end point glue, which glues a shape end point (Begin or End) to a certain geometry command vertex of the From or To shape respectively.
    ClassAn end point glue, which glues a shape end point (Begin or End) to the nearest port of the From or To shape respectively.
    ClassAn end point glue, which glues a shape end point (Begin or End) to a certain port of the From or To shape respectively.
    ClassAn end point glue, which glues a shape end point (Begin or End) to a point defined relatively to the From or To shape box respectively.
    ClassDesigner for NEndPointGlueToShapeBox.
    ClassAn end point glue, which glues a shape end point (Begin or End) to the intersection point between the vector formed by the gluee shape center and the end-point direction vector and the gluee shape Width/Height box.
    ClassAn end point glue, which glues a shape end point (Begin or End) to a shape line factor location specified by the LocationFactor parameter. The shape line is the line connecting the Begin and End points. 0 is the start of the shape line, 1 is the end.
    ClassDesigner for NEndPointGlueToShapeLine.
    ClassDiagram extension for family tree diagrams.
    ClassDesigner for NFamilyTreeExtension objects.
    ClassContains settings for text find operations.
    ClassDesigner for NFindTextSettings.
    ClassDiagram extension for floor plan diagrams.
    ClassDiagram extension for flowchart diagrams.
    ClassInformation about a library folder.
    ClassAn attribute that serves as base class for all types of glue (end points glue, master glue, control points glue etc.)
    ClassDesigner for NForeignGlue.
    ClassRepresents a shape geometry. The geometry defines a dynamically constructed graphics path, which is created by the geometry child commands.
    ClassDesigner for NGeometry.
    ClassServes as base class for all plotter and figures geometry commands that define the base path of a geometry.
    ClassDesigner for NGeometryCommand.
    ClassAn attribute that serves as base class for all types of glue (end points glue, master glue, control points glue, ports etc.)
    ClassDesigner for NGlue.
    ClassEvent which is raised by the page interaction when a 1DShape begin or end point needs to be connected to 2DShape.
    ClassRepresents the page grid.
    ClassDesigner for NGrid.
    ClassServes as base class for the page grid and rulers
    ClassDesigner for NGridRulersBase.
    ClassRepresents a shape that holds (contains) other shapes and which the user can manipulate (group, ungroup etc.).
    ClassA designer for NGroup.
    ClassServes as base class for horizontal and vertical guidelines.
    ClassDesigner for NShape.
    ClassRepresents an attribute, which controls the appearance of a specific set of handles.
    ClassRepresents a horizontal guideline.
    ClassThe Horizontal ruler of the drawing
    ClassRepresents the horizontal ruler mouse position marker.
    ClassRepresents the icons library items view.
    ClassRepresents an image block
    ClassRepresents the glue that is used by NImageBlockGlueFx expressions assigned to the shape ports.
    ClassAn image block glue, which glues the image block Pin and Angel to a relative value along the shape contour.
    ClassDesigner for NImageBlockGlueToGeometryContour.
    ClassAn image block glue, which glues the image block to the center of the largest inner rectangle in the shape's polygon.
    ClassA shape block glue, which glues a shape block to a factor location along the line connecting the begin and end points of a shape.
    ClassDesigner for NImageBlockGlueToShapeLine
    ClassA content holder that holds the widget for a shape inplace editing.
    ClassRepresents a page layer
    ClassA collection of NLayer elements
    ClassRepresents a per shape data that NOV Diagram layouts can optionally use.
    ClassDesigner for NGrid.
    ClassThe NLibrary class represents a storage for reusable drawing clippings, represented by NLibraryItem instances. The items of a library are contained in the Items collection.
    ClassDesigner for NPage.
    ClassA navigation bar, which shows libraries and libraries created from shape factories.
    ClassThe NLibraryClipping represents a set of library items, that can be transfered across documents via Clipboard and Drag and Drop operations
    ClassRepresents a context menu factory. It is used to construct context menus for the context editable library items. An instance of this class can be obtained by the NLibrary.ContextMenu property.
    ClassThe NLibraryDataObjectAdaptor is used to adapt data objects for library documents
    ClassRepresents a document that contains a NLibrary element. A NLibraryDocument can be viewed and edited inside a NLibraryView.
    ClassRepresents a library search item that is loaded from a file.
    ClassRepresents a library section from the libraries accordion in the library browser.
    ClassRepresents a library search item that is loaded from a library file section.
    ClassHolds information about the predefined libraries in which to search for shapes and libraries.
    ClassThe NLibraryItem class represents a drawing clipping, which contains one or more page items (Shapes, Connectors, Guidelines etc.).
    ClassA designer for NLibraryItem.
    ClassA collection of NLibraryItem elements
    ClassServes as base class for the different types of views upon the library items.
    ClassDesigner associated with NLibraryItemsView
    ClassRepresents the settings related to the page printing layout.
    ClassLibrary search index.
    ClassRepresents a search item that represents a library. Serves as base class for NLibraryFileSearchItem and NLibraryFileSectionSearchItem
    ClassManages the searches for shapes and libraries inside NOV diagram.
    ClassEncapsulates the library search options
    ClassRepresents a search result section from the libraries accordion in the library browser.
    ClassServes as base class for all sections inside the library browser.
    ClassRepresents the currently selected items of a page.
    ClassA diagram view, which displays a library document.
    ClassThe NLineJumps attribute is used to encapsulate the line jumps feature of the connectors inside a drawing page.
    ClassDesigner for NLineJumps.
    ClassA plotter command that plots a line segment from the previous command location to this command location.
    ClassRepresents the list library items view.
    ClassA logical unit box.
    ClassRepresents the glue that is used by the NMasterGlueFx expressions that can be assigned to the shape PinX, PinY and Angle properties.
    ClassA master glue, which glues a shape port to a port of its master shape. This glue translates the shape so that the ports locations match, and rotates the shape so that the ports directions match.
    ClassRepresents an attribute, which controls the visibility of different drawing elements and decorations in the context of a specific media type.
    ClassA plotter command that moves the plotter to a new location (starts a new figure) and optionally closes the previous figure.
    ClassDesigner for NMoveTo.
    ClassRepresents a named shape part, which is a shape element that has a name, with which it can be referenced in the shape sheet.
    ClassA collection of NUserCell elements
    ClassA plotter command that plots a nurbs curve from the previous command location to this command location.
    ClassDesigner for NNurbsTo.
    ClassRepresents an orthogonal (Horizontally-Vertical) routable connector model.
    ClassRepresents a drawing page.
    ClassDesigner for NPage.
    ClassServes as base class for page code behind objects
    ClassA collection of NPage elements
    ClassRepresents a paged preview.
    ClassContains interation behavior properies
    ClassDesigner for NPageInteraction.
    ClassServes as base class for all items that can be placed in the items collection of a page or a library item - currently these are NGuideline and NShape.
    ClassA collection of NPageItem elements
    ClassRepresents the settings related to the page printing layout.
    ClassServes as base class for all subelements of a page, that are not page items
    ClassRepresents the settings related to the page printing layout.
    ClassThe NPageRouting element encapsulates the page routing abilities. The NRoutableConnector instances that reside in the page use this manager to find a route in the obstacles map.
    ClassDesigner for NPageRouting.
    ClassRepresents the currently selected items of a page.
    ClassA dialog that edit the properties of a drawing page.
    ClassRepresents a view for panning and zooming the content displayed by a drawing view. In order to be functional you need to set the DrawingView property to the view you want to pan and zoom.
    ClassRepresents a corner from the pan and zoom viewport
    ClassRepresents a side from the pan and zoom viewport
    ClassA geometry command that serves as base class for plotter commands such as MoveTo, LineTo etc.
    ClassDesigner for NPlotterCommand.
    ClassRepresents a polyline routable connector model.
    ClassA geometry command that plots a cubic bezier curve from the previous command location to this command location.
    ClassDesigner for NPolylineToDesigner.
    ClassRepresents a shape port. A port is a point in the shape local coordinate system, which is typically used in shape connections.
    ClassDesigner for NPort.
    ClassA collection of NPort elements.
    ClassFilters ports by their flow mode.
    ClassRepresents the glue that is used by NPortGlueFx expressions assigned to the shape ports.
    ClassFilters ports by their glue mode.
    ClassA port glue, which glues the port to a the factor location specified by the LocationFactor parameter (0 is the start of the geomety contour, 1 is the end). Additionally the location can be offset with an absolute value, specified by the LocationOffset parameter.
    ClassDesigner for NPortGlueToGeometryContour.
    ClassA port glue, which glues a port to a factor location along the line connecting the begin and end points of the shape.
    ClassDesigner for NPortGlueToShapeLine
    ClassA collection of visual elements. Used as an overlay in drawings, pages and libraries.
    ClassControls the visibility of different drawing elements and decorations in the context of a print media type.
    ClassRepresents a pair of a property editor and its value.
    ClassEvent arguments associated with the NShape.QuerySmartTagsContentEvent event
    ClassContains settings for text replace operations.
    ClassDesigner for NReplaceTextSettings.
    ClassDO NOT MODIFY MANUALLY. Automatically generated by NResourceMaker.
    ClassRepresents a shape, the geometry of which can avoid obstacles (other shapes) in its path.
    ClassA designer for NRoutableConnector
    ClassEvent arguments associated with the NRoutableConnecgtor.CreateGeometryPath event
    ClassRepresents the model of a routable connector, that consists of points in the parent coordinate system.
    ClassThe NRoutableConnectorSegmentIterator class is used to iterate through the segments of a routable connector
    ClassRepresents a rule-based drawing theme.
    ClassServes as base class for the horizontal and vertical ruler of the drawing.
    ClassServes as base class for the horizontal and vertical ruler mouse position markers.
    ClassRepresents the page rulers element, which control the content of the horizontal and vertical drawing rulers, when the rulers page is the currently active page.
    ClassDesigner for NRulers.
    ClassRepresents a work area for entering expressions,the results of which can be consumed by other elements property expressions. By using scratches for common and repeating expressions, you can significantly improve the diagram evaluation performance.
    ClassDesigner for NScratch.
    ClassA collection of NScratch elements
    ClassControls the visibility of different drawing elements and decorations in the context of a screen media type.
    ClassRepresents a search item. Serves as base class for shapes, libraries and folder search items.
    ClassRepresents a collection of search items
    ClassA page item that represents an object from the real world, concept or abstraction. Shapes are the primary building blocks of drawings.
    ClassDesigner for NShape.
    ClassA shape part, which represents a rotatable box inside the shape coordinate system. Serves as base class for NTextBlock and NImageBlock
    ClassDesigner for NTextBlock.
    ClassThe glue associated with shape blocks. Serves as base class for NImageBlockGlue and NTextBlockGlue
    ClassServes as base class for shape code behind objects.
    ClassA collection of NShape elements.
    ClassFilters NShape instances that be considered as valid graph vertices or edges.
    ClassRepresents a shape link to an URL, file, page, shape or bookmark.
    ClassDesigner of shape hyperlinks.
    ClassRepresents a menu action from the shape menu actions
    ClassServes as base class for all shape menu items.
    ClassA collection of NShapeMenuItem elements.
    ClassA filter that filters shapes by name.
    ClassServes as base class for all subelements of a shape.
    ClassServes as base class for ports and control points.
    ClassDesigner for NShapePoint.
    ClassRepresents a custom shape property.
    ClassA collection of NShapeProperty elements
    ClassRepresents a shape search item
    ClassRepresents a collection of shape search items
    ClassContains theme styling information about a shape.
    ClassDesigner for shape styles.
    ClassA shape menu item that creates a menu item that has a submenu.
    ClassA filter that filters shapes by text.
    ClassShape text search state.
    ClassFilters shapes nodes with the specified type.
    ClassSkips the connected 1D shapes filter.
    ClassAn attribute, which controls the snap and glue behavior of a drawing.
    ClassDesigner for NSnapAndGlue.
    ClassBase class for all snap point results
    ClassRepresents the result of a point snapping. The snapped point is available in two coordinate systems - the drawing and the active page.
    ClassServes as base class for NSnapPointResult and NSnapCoordinateResult.
    ClassEvent which is raised when a 1D shape is splitted.
    ClassA shape part, which renders a text table.
    ClassThe document block represents the text document and contains one or more sections.
    ClassDesigner for tables.
    ClassEnables the inplace editing of table text block
    ClassFilters diagram items by their permissions
    ClassRepresents a port which is attached to a table cell
    ClassRepresents a port which is attached to a table col
    ClassRepresents a port which is attached to a table
    ClassRepresents a port which is attached to a table row
    ClassA shape part, which renders a text string. The text is controlled by the Text property.
    ClassDesigner for NTextBlock.
    ClassA shape part, which renders a text string. The text is controlled by the Text property.
    ClassDesigner for NTextBlock.
    ClassA scrollable widget that displays an editable text. The text is controlled by the TextBlockContent property.
    ClassThe document block represents the text document and contains one or more sections.
    ClassSection state designer
    ClassA scrollable widget that displays an editable text. The text is controlled by the TextBlockContent property.
    ClassRepresents the glue that is used by NTextBlockGlueFx expressions assigned to the shape ports.
    ClassA shape block glue, which serves as base class for Text and text blocks glue that glue the box to a geometry contour location and angle.
    ClassDesigner for NTextBlockGlueToGeometryContour.
    ClassA text block glue, which glues the text block to the center of the largest inner rectangle in the shape's polygon.
    ClassA shape block glue, which glues a shape block to a factor location along the line connecting the begin and end points of a shape.
    ClassDesigner for NTextBlockGlueToShapeLine
    ClassImplements search functionality
    ClassContains theme info and shape style nodes.
    ClassContains theming information.
    ClassDesigner for NThemeInfo.
    ClassRepresents the thumbnails library items view.
    ClassRepresents a user cell from the user cells collection of a shape.
    ClassA collection of NUserCell elements
    ClassUser class filter.
    ClassRepresents a vertical guideline
    ClassA simple visual element, that draws a visual aid with verbatim parameters
    ClassA collection of page visual aids, that renders in drawing coordinates
    ClassServes as base class for Geometry and TextBlock subelements of a shape.
    ClassThe Vertical ruler of the drawing
    ClassRepresents the vertical ruler mouse position marker.
    ClassA collection of visual elements. Used as an overlay in drawings, pages and libraries.
    InterfaceInterface implemented by all glues to geometry contour.
    InterfaceInterface implemented by all glues to geometry vertex.
    InterfaceInterface implemented by all glues to shape line.
    InterfaceInterface implemented by elements subject to styling through drawing themes.
    InterfaceInterface implemented by text block content.
    EnumerationEnumerates the predefined ways in which a 1D shape transform can be initialized.
    EnumerationEnumerates the modes in which the geometry arrowheads are filled.
    EnumerationEnumerates the currently available arrow head shapes.
    EnumerationDefines the available arrowhead sizes
    EnumerationEnumerates the modes in which the geometry arrowheads are stroked.
    EnumerationEnumerates the arrowhead types (i.e. a begin or an end arrowhead).
    EnumerationEnumerates the supported barcode types.
    EnumerationDefines the possible ways in which points X and Y coordinates can behave
    EnumerationEnumerates the default ways in which a shape 1D begin or end point is by default glued the shape via shape-to-shape connections.
    EnumerationEnumerates the "Delete" command keys.
    EnumerationEnumerates the flags that define the types of operations that can be performed with diagram items.
    EnumerationEnumerates the diagram text search directions.
    EnumerationEnumerates the way in which a 1D shape begin or end point can connect to a shape.
    EnumerationEnumerates the genders.
    EnumerationEnumerates the clipping modes of the geometry with the shape block.
    EnumerationEnumerates the geometry command types.
    EnumerationEnumerates the direction modes for the geometry begin and end.
    EnumerationDefines the possible styles in which the page grid can be displayed
    EnumerationEnumerates the ZOrder in which the group Geometry, TextBlock and Widget element are displayed in relation to the group shapes.
    EnumerationEnumerates the default way in which shapes in groups are resized.
    EnumerationEnumerates the default way in which shapes in groups are resized.
    EnumerationDefines the currently available handle shapes
    EnumerationDefines the possible handle types
    EnumerationEnumerates the possbile HV segments type
    EnumerationEnumerates the possible ways in which an image block can be resized.
    EnumerationEnumerates the predefined ways in which a shape image block transform can be initialized.
    EnumerationThe interaction style mask
    EnumerationEnumerates the display order in which the library displays items.
    EnumerationEnumerates the possbile library view types
    EnumerationEnumerates the currently available line jumps shapes (displayed at lines intersections)
    EnumerationDefines the possible line jump targets
    EnumerationEnumerates the multi line commands.
    EnumerationEnumerates the nudge steps.
    EnumerationDefines the way in which pasted content is positioned inside drawing documents
    EnumerationEnumerates the parts of a person shape.
    EnumerationDefines the possible point types
    EnumerationEnumerates the modes in which a port can determine its direction angle
    EnumerationDefines the port flow type -
    EnumerationDefines the possible port types
    EnumerationEnumerates the table ports distribution modes.
    EnumerationDefines the mode in which a page item pteview is started
    EnumerationEnumerates the ways in which Nevron will update the shape transformation and dimensions, when a shape, which resides in a group is resized.
    EnumerationEnumerates the modes in which a route can be automatically rerouted
    EnumerationEnumerates the predefined select all filters.
    EnumerationEnumerates the possible ways in which a page selection can be edited
    EnumerationBounds mask
    EnumerationEnumerates the shape hyperlink actions.
    EnumerationEnumerates the shape hyperlink types.
    EnumerationA masked enumerations which defines the shapes that must be moved together with a certain shape.
    EnumerationEnumerates the supported shape property types
    EnumerationDefines the possible shape types
    EnumerationEnumerates the status panes.
    EnumerationEnumerates the possible table block resize modes
    EnumerationEnumerates the table cell port direction
    EnumerationEnumerates the possible ways in which a image block can be resized.
    EnumerationEnumerates the possible text block view modes
    EnumerationEnumerates the predefined ways in which a shape text block transform can be initialized.
    EnumerationEnumerates the search targets
    See Also