| Name | Description |
| GetEnumValue | Gets the value associated with the given enum key. Returns a default value if the given key does not exist in the map. |
| OnChildInserted | Overridden. Called when a child node has been inserted. Overriden to update the theme item map. |
| OnChildRemoved | Overridden. Called when a child node has been removed. Overriden to update the theme item map. |
| SetEnumValue | Set the value for the specified enum key. |
| Setup | Setups the map to mimic the given UI theme scheme. |
| SetupBrick | When overriden in a derived class, setups a map that mimics the Windows Classic Brick theme. |
| SetupDarkTheme | When overriden in a derived class, setups a map that creates a dark theme. |
| SetupDesert | When overriden in a derived class, setups a map that mimics the Windows Classic Desert theme. |
| SetupEggplant | When overriden in a derived class, setups a map that mimics the Windows Classic Eggplant theme. |
| SetupHighContrast1 | When overriden in a derived class, setups a map that mimics the Windows Classic High Contrast 1 theme. |
| SetupHighContrast2 | When overriden in a derived class, setups a map that mimics the Windows Classic High Contrast 2 theme. |
| SetupHighContrastBlack | When overriden in a derived class, setups a map that mimics the Windows Classic High Contrast Black theme. |
| SetupHighContrastWhite | When overriden in a derived class, setups a map that mimics the Windows Classic High Contrast White theme. |
| SetupLightTheme | When overriden in a derived class, setups a map that creates a light theme. |
| SetupLilac | When overriden in a derived class, setups a map that mimics the Windows Classic Lilac theme. |
| SetupMacElCapitan | When overriden in a derived class, setups a map that mimics the Mac OS X 10.11 El Capitan theme. |
| SetupMacLion | When overriden in a derived class, setups a map that mimics the Mac OS X 10.7 Lion theme. |
| SetupMaple | When overriden in a derived class, setups a map that mimics the Windows Classic Maple theme. |
| SetupMarine | When overriden in a derived class, setups a map that mimics the Windows Classic Marine theme. |
| SetupPlum | When overriden in a derived class, setups a map that mimics the Windows Classic Plum theme. |
| SetupPumpkin | When overriden in a derived class, setups a map that mimics the Windows Classic Pumpkin theme. |
| SetupRainyDay | When overriden in a derived class, setups a map that mimics the Windows Classic Rainy Day theme. |
| SetupRedWhiteAndBlue | When overriden in a derived class, setups a map that mimics the Windows Classic Red, White and Blue theme. |
| SetupRose | When overriden in a derived class, setups a map that mimics the Windows Classic Rose theme. |
| SetupSlate | When overriden in a derived class, setups a map that mimics the Windows Classic Slate theme. |
| SetupSpruce | When overriden in a derived class, setups a map that mimics the Windows Classic Spurce theme. |
| SetupStorm | When overriden in a derived class, setups a map that mimics the Windows Classic Storm theme. |
| SetupTeal | When overriden in a derived class, setups a map that mimics the Windows Classic Teal theme. |
| SetupWheat | When overriden in a derived class, setups a map that mimics the Windows Classic Wheat theme. |
| SetupWindows10 | When overriden in a derived class, setups a map that mimics the Windows 10 default theme. |
| SetupWindows11 | When overriden in a derived class, setups a map that mimics the Windows 11 default theme. |
| SetupWindows7Aero | When overriden in a derived class, setups a map that mimics the Windows 7 Aero theme. |
| SetupWindows8 | When overriden in a derived class, setups a map that mimics the Windows 8 default theme. |
| SetupWindowsClassic | When overriden in a derived class, setups a map that mimics the Windows Classic theme. |
| SetupWindowsStandard | When overriden in a derived class, setups a map that mimics the Windows Classic Standard theme. |
| SetupXPBlue | When overriden in a derived class, setups a map that mimics the Windows XP Blue (Luna) theme. |
| SetupXPOlive | When overriden in a derived class, setups a map that mimics the Windows XP Olive theme. |
| SetupXPSilver | When overriden in a derived class, setups a map that mimics the Windows XP Silver theme. |