| Class | Description |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NAccordion | A widget in which descendants of NExpandableSection can register. Of all the sections that are registered in the Accordion, only a single one can be selected at a time. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NAccordionFlexBoxPanel | A flex box panel that automatically updates the Grow and Shrink flex box extended properties of the expanded accordion expandable section. Set an instance of this class to the Content property of the accordion if you want the expanded section to fill the whole available area. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NActionListSplitButton | A split button, that that is typically used to perform undo/redo commands. You will typically assign a NActionListSplitButtonCommandSource to this type of split button. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NActionListSplitButtonCommandSource | A command source that can be applied to NActionListSplitButton widgets. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NActionListSplitButtonDoActionsEventArgs | Raised as arguments of NActionListSplitButton.DoActions event. The consumer must execute the number of actions that were selected by the user. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NActionListSplitButtonListBox | Represents the list box of an NActionListSplitButton. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NActionListSplitButtonQueryActionsEventArgs | Raised as arguments of NActionListSplitButton.QueryActions event. The consumer must populate a list of widgets, that represent the sequencial actions that need to be performed. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NAdvancedColorPicker | A color picker that aggregates Palette, Standard, Named and Custom color pickers. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NAdvancedGradientBox | Represents a control for interactive editing of advanced gradient point positions. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NAdvancedGradientVariantPicker | A picker for advanced gradient variant. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NAdvancedGradientVariantPickerCell | A cell of the NAdvancedGradientVariantPicker. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NApplicationMenu | Represents the application menu of a ribbon. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NApplicationMenuFooterPanel | The wrap flow panel use in the footer of an application menu popup window. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NApplicationMenuPopupWindow | The popup window shown when the application menu is clicked. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NAutoCompleteBox | An UI element, which hosts a text box and provides auto complete functionality for it. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NBeginPrintEventArgs | Provides data for the BeginPrint event. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NBorder | An attribute, which defines the appearance of a border wall. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NBorder.NAdvancedBorderDesigner | A designer for borders, which lets the user edit all border properties and parts. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NBorder.NSimpleBorderDesigner | A designer for borders, which lets the user quickly edit the most commonly used border properties. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NBorderAndThickness | A class that holds a border and a border thickness. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NBorderAndThickness.NBorderAndThicknessDesigner | Designer for border and thickness. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NBorderAndThicknessPreview | A widget that shows previews of borders and their thickness. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NBorderCorner | Represents a border corner that displays a border corner brick. Each border corner can be drawn with different inner and outer strokes and filling. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NBorderCorner.NBorderCornerDesigner | Designer for border corners. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NBorderPart | Represents a border part and serves as base class for border sides and corners. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NBorderPreview | A widget that shows a preview of a NBorder object |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NBorderSide | Represents a border side (e.g. left, top, right or bottom) that displays a border side brick. Each border side can be drawn with different inner and outer strokes and filling. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NBorderSide.NBorderSideDesigner | Designer for border sides. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NBorderSplitButton | A style split button, which is used to edit a border and its thickness. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NBorderStylePicker | A picker for selecting a predefined border style. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NBorderStylePickerCell | A cell of the NBorderStylePicker. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NBorderWall | Represents a border wall, defined as a list of bricks. A border wall is similar to a path figure (e.g. can be opened or closed) and defines two outlines - inner and outer. The wall is constructed from side and corner bricks that a NBorder attribute can paint. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NBoundsEditWidget | A widget for editing a rectangular bounds. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NBoxElement | An input element that adds core support for the box-model. Box elements participates in the document measure and layout system. Serves as base class for Windows and Widgets. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NBoxElement.NBoxElementDesigner | Represents a designer for box elements. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NBoxUIPartSkinner | A class that makes a border and a background rule declarations for a specific UI part skin. An instance of this class can be obtained by the GetBoxUIPartSkinner methods of an NUITheme. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NButton | Represents a push button, which can alter the window result of the window in which it resides. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NButtonBase | Serves as base class for all buttons. It is a content holder widget, which raises a Click event when it is pressed or released. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NButtonBase.NButtonBaseDesigner | Base designer of buttons. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NButtonBaseCommandSource | A command source that can be applied to all types of buttons that derive from NButtonBase. It subsrcibes for the NButtonBase.Click event to execute the command with empty parameter. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NButtonStrip | Represents a content holder that can be initialized to contain predefined configurations of buttons as well as custom buttons. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NButtonUpdateImageCommandSource | A command source that can be applied to all types of buttons that derive from NToggleButton. It subsrcibes for the NButtonBase.Click event to execute the action and also updates the Checked state of the owner toggle button. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NCalendar | Represents a calendar control that allows the user to visually select a date. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NCalendarArrowButton | Represents the prev view range or next view range button of a calendar header. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NCalendarHeader | Represents a calendar header that is a strip of three buttons - prev page, title and next page buttons. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NCalendarPicker | A table picker, that serves as base class for the pickers of a calendar. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NCalendarPickerCell | A cell from a NCalendarPicker. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NCalendarTitleButton | Represents the title button of a calendar header. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NCanvas | A widget, which raises pre and post paint events, that the user can intercept to perform arbitrary custom painting with a NPaintVisitor. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NCanvasPaintEventArgs | The event arguments associated with paint events raised by canvas elements |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NCaret | Represent a text box or rich text caret. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NCheckableMenuDropDownCommandSource | Command source for checkable menu drop downs. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NCheckableMenuItem | A menu item that can be checked. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NCheckableMenuItemCommandSource | A command source that can be applied to NCheckableMenuItem instances. It subsrcibes for the NMenuItem.Click event to execute the action and also updates the Checked state of the owner checkable menu item. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NCheckBox | A symbol toggle button, which represents a check box. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NCheckedComboBox | Represents a combo box that contains check boxes. Use the AddCheckBoxItem method to add check boxes to the combo box. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NChildWindow | A window, that can be hosted as a child of a native widget. The native widget that can host a child window is platform specific, but is by convention called "NXXXChildWindowHost", where XXX is a presentation layer abbreviation. Child Windows are used when you want to embed Nevron Open Vision content in the native widgets hierachy of a specific presentation layer. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NClipboard | Manages the clipboard operations inside Nevron Open Vision. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NCollapsedStateDropDown | A menu drop down for the collapsed state of a ribbon group. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NColorBar | Base class for all color bars. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NColorBox | A drop down edit that displays a drop down color picker for selecting a color from a palette. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NColorBoxBase | Base class for all drop down edits that display a drop down color picker for selecting a color from a palette. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NColorDialog | Represents a dialog that hosts an advanced color picker. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NColorPalette | Represents a color palette. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NColorSkin | Contains the colors needed for the skinning of an UI part. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NColorSkinState | A class that contains styling information for a state of a color skin. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NComboBox | Represents a widget, which displays a drop down list of items to choose from. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NComboBoxDecimalCommandSource | A combo box command source, which accepts only integer and decimal values as text (with fixed precision), for example the command source of a font size combo box. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NComboBoxIntegerCommandSource | A combo box command source, which accepts only integer values as text, for example the command source of a font size combo box. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NComboBoxItem | Represents a combo box item. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NComboBoxItemCollection | A collection of combo box items. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NComboBoxItemsCommandSource | A command source that can be applied to NComboBox widgets. The combo box items are populated by the source. The parameters list should cointain NKeyValuePairs of string:object. The ActiveParameter should be an itemb from the parameter list object. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NComboBoxListBox | Represents the list box of an NComboBox. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NComboBoxStringCommandSource | A command source that can be applied to NComboBox widgets. It subsrcibes to the NComboBox.SelectedIndexChanged event to execute the command with a parameter equal to selected combo box index. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NComboTextBox | Represents the text box part of a combo box. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NCommand | Serves for the classification of command actions that can be executed in response to shortcut key combinations, and provides the alternative visual command sources, with the ability to link themselves to command actions. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NCommandAction | Serves as base class for all command actions that can be executed in a reaction to keyboard gestures and command source events. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NCommandBar | Represents a command bar, that consists of a gripper, collection of items and a pendant. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NCommandBarBuilder | Provides facility methods for creating widgets that are bound to commands and reside in command bars. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NCommandBarCollection | A collection of command bars. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NCommandBarDock | A collection of command bar lanes, that represents a command bar docking area. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NCommandBarFloater | An top-level window that is created to host floating command bars. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NCommandBarFloaterCollection | A collection of command bar floater windows. Exposed by the Floater property of each NCommandBarManager. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NCommandBarFloaterOptionsButton | Represents the options button of a command bar floater. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NCommandBarGripper | A symbol box, which serves as command bar gripper. When the user drags the gripper inside the command bar dock the command bar is repositioned inside the dock. When the user drags the gripper away from the command bar dock the command bar is floated. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NCommandBarItemCollection | A collection of command bar items that belongs to a command bar. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NCommandBarLane | A collection of command bars, which represents a horizontal or vertical command bar lane. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NCommandBarLanePosition | Represents the desired position of a command bar, inside a command bar lane. It pairs a length offset and a stamp, which is automatically provided by the command bar lane. A valid instance of this class can be obtained from the NCommandBarLane.CreatePosition method. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NCommandBarManager | A content holder widget, the content of which is surrounded by four command bar docks (left, right, top and bottom). The top and bottom docks are by default oriented horizontally, while the left and right docks are by default oriented vertically. A command bar manager allows for the command bars, owned by it to be floated and closed. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NCommandBarPendant | Represents the pendant of a command bar, that shows a dynamically constructed menu, that displays the currently hidden items, as well as a menu that allows for selecting the items that are shown in the command bar lane. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NCommandBarSeparator | A widget, that represents a separator in a command bar. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NCommandBarUIBuilder | Creates a command bar based UI. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NCommandBuilder | Base class for all builders that create UI elements and associate them with commands. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NCommandBuilderCollection<T> | A collection of NCommandBuilder instances. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NCommander | Represents a collection of command actions, that input elements can use to manage the command handling on their behalf. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NCommandEventArgs | Serves as base class for all events associated with commands |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NCommandingItemCollection<TLayout> | Base class for commanding item collections like the NCommandBarItemCollection and the NRibbonGroupItemCollection. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NCommandSource | An extended attribute that is applied to elements that must be considered as command sources. A command source, is typically a widget that is used to invoke a command action upon a command target. The command target is dynamically provided by the command source ancestors chain. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NCommandSourceEventArgs | Serves as base class for all events associated with commands, that are raised by command sources. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NCommandUIBuilder | Base class for all command UI builders. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NCommandUIHolder | A content holder, which hosts a command target with its commanding UI. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NCommandWidgetFactory | Base class for command widget factories used by the ribbon search box and quick access toolbar. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NCommonDialog | Used as a base class for all classes that represent platform-provided common dialog boxes, such as NOpenFileDialog, NSaveFileDialog and NPrintDialog. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NCommonDialogResult<T> | An abstract base class for dialog results. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NCompositeTool | A tool, which is composited of other tools. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NCompositeWidget<T> | Represents a widget, which is composed from other elements of certain type. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NContentHolder | A widget, which contains a single other widget that is placed inside its content area. The content holder by default measures to fit the contained element. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NContentPopupHost | A popup window host, the popup window content of which is static and is not recreated when the popup is opened or closed. Serves as base class for NMenuPopupHost. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NContextMenu | Represents an attribute that is typically associated with widgets that can display context menus or popups for the elements they contain. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NContextMenuBuilder | Represents a command builder that facilitates the creation of context menus. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NContextMenuPopupWindow | A popup window that hosts a mini toolbar and/or a context menu. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NContinuousMediaDocument<TContent> | Represents a continious media document, which facilitates the image export of NVisual elements. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NContinuousMediaExportDialog<TContent> | Represents a continuos media export dialog. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NContinuousMediaExporter<TContent> | Base class for exporters, which can export a document to a continuous media, such as a raster or vector image. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NCursor | Represents a cursor |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NCursor.NCursorDesigner | Designer for cursors. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NDataFormat | Represents a data format. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NDataObject | Represents a data object in the Nevron Open Vision data exchange mechanizms (i.e. drag and drop and clipboard). |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NDateTimeBox | A drop down edit that lets you select a date and/or time from a drop down calendar or some other widget. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NDateTimeTextBox | Represents the text box part of a date/time box. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NDayOfWeekHeader | The header that the calendar control places on top of the day of week columns. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NDayPicker | A calendar picker that selects from one of the days in a given month. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NDayPickerCell | A cell from a day picker, that represents a day from the currently viewed month of a specific year. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NDesktop | Represents the Desktop of a specific operating system or integration environment. An instance of this class can be obtained from the NApplication.Desktop property. The Desktop is the root element of the windows-widgets hierarchy and contains the root level windows of the application. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NDesktopDocument | Represents the document that contains the Desktop element |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NDirectedLayoutPanel<TLayout> | A layout panel, that serves as base class for layout panels that aggregate directed box layouts |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NDockPanel | A layout panel, which integrates the NDockLayout in the context of the Nevron User Interface. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NDocumentBox | A widget, which contains a document. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NDocumentBoxSurface | Represents a content holder widget that is placed inside the document, hosted by a document box. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NDocumentBoxSurfaceDocument | Represents the document contained inside a document box. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NDocumentLoadEventArgs | Event arguments for document loaded events. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NDocumentMediaExportDialog<TContent> | Base class for all document export dialogs. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NDocumentSaveEventArgs | Event arguments for document saved events. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NDocumentView<TDoc,TDocContent,TDocFormat,TDocFormatRegistry,TDocLoadSettings,TDocSaveSettings> | A viewport that hosts a document of a certain type and provides facility methods for loading and saving this document into different medias. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NDocumentViewCommandAction<TDocumentView,TDoc,TDocContent,TDocFormat,TDocFormatRegistry,TDocLoadSettings,TDocSaveSettings> | Base class for all document view command actions |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NDocumentViewMessage | Represents a document view message. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NDocumentViewTask<TDoc,TDocContent,TDocFormat,TDocFormatRegistry,TDocLoadSettings,TDocSaveSettings,TPromiseResult> | Serves as basse class for all async tasks executed upon a NDocumentView |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NDocumentViewWithCommandBars<TView> | A document view with attached command bars commanding UI. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NDocumentViewWithCommanding<TView> | A document view with attached commanding UI. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NDocumentViewWithRibbon<TView> | A document view with attached ribbon commanding UI. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NDragActionEventArgs | The event arguments associated with NDragDrop.DragOverEvent and NDragDrop.DragDropEvent events (i.e. when a data object is moved over or dropped on a drag drop target). |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NDragDrop | Manages the drag and drop operations inside Nevron Open Vision. Also serves as dispatcher of native window peers drag and drop events to the Nevron DOM. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NDragDropSource | Represents the source of data in a Drag-And-Drop operation, when the Drag-And-Drop is iniated by NOV. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NDragDropSourceEventArgs | Represents the event arguments dispatched by NDragDropSource events. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NDragEndedEventArgs | The data associated with the end of drag and drop |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NDragEventArgs | Serves as base class for NDragOverChangeEventArgs and NDragOverEventArgs |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NDragEventData | The NDragEventData class provides information about drag-drop events |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NDragOverChangeEventArgs | The event arguments associated with NDragDrop.DragEnterEvent, NDragDrop.DragInEvent, NDragDrop.DragOutEvent and NDragDrop.DragLeaveEvent events. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NDragTool | A tool, which serves as base class for all tools, which perform some drag operations. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NDropDownButton | A content popup host, which also has a symbol (typically a down arrow). |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NDropDownEdit | A popup window host, that serves for base class for drop down widgets. Drop down edits consist of an item slot and a drop down button located at the right or at the bottom side, that toggles a popup window. The popup window is usually dynamically populated with relevant information that assists the field editing. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NDropDownEditDropDownButton | Represents the drop down button of a drop down edit |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NElementMediaExportDialog<TContent> | Base class for all element export dialogs. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NElementMediaExporter<TContent> | Base class for exporters, which export documents to different medias such as raster image, vector image (SVG), print, PDF, etc. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NEllipseSymbolShape | Represents a rectangle symbol shape. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NEmptySkinState | Represents an empty skin state. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NEndActionEventArgs | Event args that are commply used in abortable actions |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NEndPrintEventArgs | Provides data for the EndPrint event. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NEnumWidgetFactory<TEnum> | Enum widget factory. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NErrorDialog | A task dialog that shows information for an exception with option to save it to file. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NExecuteCommandEventArgs | Event arguments associdated with the NCommand.Execute event. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NExpandableContentHolder<THeader> | Represents an expandable content holder |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NExpandableSection | Represents an expandable section |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NExpandableSectionHeader | Represents a symbol button, which when clicked toggles the expanded section of the |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NExportMediaDocument<TContent> | Serves as base class for media documents that export certain elements to print, pdf and image medias. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NFileDialog | Used as a base class for classes that represent platform-provided file dialogs. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NFileDialogFileType | Represents a pair between a file extension description and the associated file extensions. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NFileSelector | Represents a widget that allows the user to type or pick a file using the built in file open dialog. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NFillableSymbolShape | Represents a shape of a symbol. Serves as base class for rectangle, ellipse and path symbol shapes. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NFilledPickerCell | Serves as base class for table picker cells that fill the content area with some filling. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NFillSplitButton | A style split button, which is used to select a fill style. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NFlexBoxPanel | A layout panel that arranges widgets like the CSS Flexbox layout. Use the Nevron.Nov.Layout.NFlexBoxLayout.SetGrow and Nevron.Nov.Layout.NFlexBoxLayout.SetShrink static methods to set the Grow and Shrink extended properties of the widgets. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NFlowLayoutPanelBase<T> | A layout panel, that serves as base class for layout panels exposing flow layouts. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NFocusChangeEventArgs | Event arguments, dispatched as notifications for Keyboard Focus changes. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NFocusDecorator | The focus decorator is used to display a decoration over the currently focused widget. It serves as base class for all focus decorators. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NFocusDecorator.NFocusDecoratorDesigner | Designer for focus decorators. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NFocusFrameDecorator | A focus decorator that renders a stroked frame at the padding area of the ui element. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NFontNameComboBox | A combo box that contains the available regular font names. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NFontNameThumbnailComboBox | Repsents a font name combo box that shows a thumbnail of the font. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NFontThumbnailImage | Represents a font thumbnail image. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NFourColorsBorderCorner | Represents a border corner that is filled with four colors. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NFourColorsBorderCorner.NFourColorsBorderCornerDesigner | Designer for four colors border corners. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NGradientBar | Represents a control for interactive editing of gradient stop positions. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NGradientVariantPicker | A variant picker for two color gradients. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NGradientVariantPickerCell | Represents a single cell of the NGradientVariantPicker. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NGroupBox | Represents a group box, which consists of an arbitrary Header and Content widgets. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NGroupBoxHeader | Represents a holder for the group box header content. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NHatchStylePicker | A picker for an ENHatchStyle. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NHatchStylePickerCell | A cell from a NHatchStylePicker |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NHeaderedContentElement<THeader> | Represents an element that has a header and content. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NHexagonColorPicker | A color picker that lets the user select a color from a honeycomb of hexagon cells. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NHRangeScrollBar | A horizontally oriented scroll bar for selecting a range. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NHsbColorPicker | A color picker, which consists of a Saturation-Brightness color box and a hue bar. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NHsbWheelColorPicker | A color picker, which consists of a Saturation-Brightness triangle and a hue color wheel. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NHScrollBar | Represents a horizontal scrollbar. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NHueColorBar | Represents a color bar for selecting hue value. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NImageBox | A widget, which renders and sizes to an image. The image is controlled by the Image property. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NImageBoxBase | Base class for all image boxes. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NImageSkin | Represents an image list for an image based theme. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NImageSkinState | Represents a state from an image skin. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NInnerAdorners | Serves as base class for widgets that arrange side and corner adorner widgets. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NInputCharEventArgs | The event arguments associated with NKeyboard.InputCharEvent event |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NInputCharEventData | The NCharEventData class, provides information about an input char event |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NInputElement | A visual element that serves as base class for elements that can receive and process user input. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NInputElement.NInputElementDesigner | A designer for an input element. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NInputTargetChainEvent | Serves as base event arguments for UI events dispatched allong input target chains. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NInteractor | Represents a collection of tools that input targets can use to manage the user interaction on their behalf. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NItemsStack<TItem> | Represets an optimized stack of widgets, that serves as base for list box, tree view, and accordion items collections. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NKeyboard | Manages the keyboard focus and operations related with the keyboard inside Nevron Open Vision. Also serves as dispatcher of native window peers keyboard events to the Nevron DOM. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NKeyEventArgs | The event arguments associated with NKeyboard.KeyDownEvent and NKeyboard.KeyUpEvent events (i.e. when a keyboard key is pressed or released). |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NKeyEventData | The NKeyEventData class, provides information about KeyUp and KeyDown events |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NLabel | A widget that renders a text string. The text is controlled by the Text property. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NLabel.NLabelDesigner | Default designer for labels. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NLabelCommandSource | A command source that can be applied to labels. The text of the label is updated from the command active parameter. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NLayoutPanel<TLayout,TChildren> | A panel, that serves as base class for panels that integrate NOV Box Layouts, in the context of the NOV UI. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NLineSymbolShape | Represents a line symbol shape. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NLinkLabel | A label that displays a hyperlink and opens it in the user's default web browser when clicked. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NLinkLabel.NLinkLabelDesigner | Designer for link labels. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NListBox | A widget that contains a list of selectable items. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NListBox.NListBoxDesigner | The designer for list boxes. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NListBoxItem | Represents a list box item. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NListBoxItemCollection | A collection of list box items. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NListBoxSelection | Represents the selection of a list box. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NLuminanceColorBar | Represents a bar for setting the luminance of a color. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NMacElCapitanTheme | An UI theme, which mimics the Mac OS X 10.11 El Capitan theme. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NMacLionTheme | An UI theme which emulates the Mac OS X 10.7 Lion theme. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NMaskedEnumEditorCommandSource | A command source that can be applied to masked enum editors - masked enum panels and masked enum drop downs. The checked checked boxes are updated from the command active parameter. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NMaskedTextBox | A text box that uses a mask to distinguish between proper and improper user input. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NMaskInputRejectedEventArgs | Masked text box reject args. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NMeasureUpDown | Represents a text box with a spinner to select a numeric value and a combo box to select the value's measurement unit. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NMeasureUpDownCommandSource | A command source that can be applied to measure up downs. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NMenu | A widget that represents a vertically oriented menu. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NMenuBar | A command bar, the items of which are typically menu drop downs. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NMenuDropDown | A menu popup host, whose automatic popup position is located below the element. It doesn't have a drop down symbol if placed in a menu bar, but has a drop down symbol if placed in a command bar (toolbar). |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NMenuDropDownBuilder | Creates a menu drop down. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NMenuItem | A menu popup host, that represents an item from a menu. Each menu item represents a row of header, content and symbol elements, that are aligned by the menu item collection in which it resides. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NMenuItemCollection | A vertical stack of widgets, that aligns the columns of the menu items contained in it. Although a menu item collection is designed to primary hold menu items, it can virtually hold any widget(s), thus enabling users to alter the default layout of the menu items and to place arbitrary widgets in menus. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NMenuItemCommandSource | A command source that can be applied to NMenuItem instances. It subsrcibes for the NMenuItem.Click event to execute the command with empty parameter. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NMenuPopupHost | A popup window host, the popup window of which contains an NMenu. The popup content of a menu popup host (e.g the menu) is static and is not recreated when the popup is opened (i.e. allows the users to populate the menu before showing it. Serves as base class for menu drop downs and menu items. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NMenuSeparator | A widget, that represents a separator in a menu. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NMenuSplitButton | A split button, which pop ups a menu. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NMenuSplitButtonCommandSource | A command source that can be applied to NMenuSplitButton instances. Besides to the SelectedIndexChanged and menu item click it also uses the NMenuSplitButton.Click event to execute the command with the index of the currently selected menu item. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NMenuSplitButtonTagCommandSource | A command source that can be applied to NMenuSplitButton instances. It executes the command with the value assigned to the Tag property of the currently selected menu item. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NMessageBox | Represents a modal dialog window that shows a message to the user and lets him click a button in response to the message. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NMonthPicker | A calendar picker that selects from one of the months in the current year. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NMonthPickerCell | A cell from a NMonthPicker |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NMouse | Manages the mouse capture and operations related with the mouse inside Nevron Open Vision. Also serves as dispatcher of native window peers mouse events to the Nevron DOM. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NMouseButtonEventArgs | The event arguments associated with NMouse.DownEvent and NMouse.UpEvent events (i.e. when a mouse button is pressed or released). |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NMouseCaptureChangeEventArgs | The event arguments associated with NMouse.GotCaptureEvent, NMouse.CaptureInEvent, NMouse.CaptureOutEvent and NMouse.LostCaptureEvent events. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NMouseEventArgs | Event arguments associated with mouse events |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NMouseOverChangeEventArgs | The event arguments associated with NMouse.EnterEvent, NMouse.InEvent, NMouse.OutEvent and NMouse.LeaveEvent events. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NMouseTargetChangeEventArgs | The data associated with a mouse capture change |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NMouseWheelEventArgs | The event arguments associated with the NMouse.WheelEvent (i.e. when the mouse wheel is rotated). |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NMultiLengthUpDown | Represents a text box with a spinner to select a numeric value and a combo box to select the value's measurement unit. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NMultiSplitter | A widget that splits its content area into multiple resizable panes, which can be interactively resized with help of thumbs located between them. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NNamedColorPicker | A color picker that lets the user select a color from a list of named colors. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NNavigationBar | A widget, which mimics the Microsoft Outlook Navigation bar. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NNavigationBarOptionsDialog | Represents the NavigationBar options dialog. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NNavigationBarPane | Represents a pane from an Outlook bar. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NNavigationBarPaneButton | A content holder that serves as base class for NNavigationBarPaneHeader and NNavigationBarPaneIcon |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NNavigationBarPaneCollection | Represents a collection of outlookbar panes. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NNavigationBarPaneContent | Represents the header of an NNavigationBarPane |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NNavigationBarPaneHeader | Represents the header of an NNavigationBarPane |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NNavigationBarPaneIcon | Represents the header of an NNavigationBarPane |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NNavigationBarPendant | Represents the pendant of a navigation bar, that shows a dynamically constructed menu, that displays options to show/hide panes, as well as modify the panes order. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NNavigationBarThumb | Represents the thumb of an outlook bar. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NNevronDarkTheme | Represents the Nevron Dark theme. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NNevronLightTheme | Represents the Nevron Light theme. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NNumericUpDown | Represents a text box with a spinner that can be used for selecting numbers in a specified range. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NNumericUpDownCommandSource | A command source that can be applied to numeric up downs. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NNumericUpDownTextBox | Reprensets the text box part of a numeric up down. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NOpenFileDialog | Represents a platform-provided "Open File" dialog. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NOpenFileDialogResult | Represents the result for an "Open File" dialog box. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NOverlay | A colleciton of visuals, that uses the coordinate system to which it belongs. An overlay is often used for the drawing of previews and other visual aids. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NPagedContext | Represents the context passed for paged exports of document content elements that implement the INPagedElement interface. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NPagedMediaExportDialog<TContent> | A dialog for exporting document content to paged medias. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NPagedMediaExporter<TContent> | Serves as base class for document exporters that export documents to paged medias, such as NPrintMediaExporter and NPdfMediaExporter |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NPageOrientationCommandSource | A command source, which works with a page orientation drop down button. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NPageOrientationDropDown | A drop down edit that lets you select a page orientation |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NPageSizeCommandSource | A combo box command source, which accepts only integer values as text, for example the command source of a font size combo box. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NPageSizeDropDown | A drop down button that lets you select a page size from a list of predefined ones. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NPairBox | Represents a pair of two arbitrary widgets, which is a commonly used UI construction. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NPaletteColorPicker | A table picker that lets the user pick a color from a palette of colors. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NPaletteColorPickerBase | Base class for all table pickers that let the user pick a color from a palette of colors. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NPaletteColorPickerCell | A cell from a NPaletteColorPicker. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NPanel | A widget, which is a collection other widgets. Serves as base class for all panels. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NPathSymbolShape | Represents a rectangle symbol shape. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NPdfExportDialog<TContent> | Represents a PDF export dialog |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NPdfExporter<TContent> | Exports a document to PDF. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NPolygonSymbolShape | Represents a rectangle symbol shape. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NPolylineSymbolShape | Represents a polyline symbol shape. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NPopupWindow | A top-level window that is by default displayed without a title bar and raises a QueryStayOpened event. Because of the temporary nature of a popup window, it is typically contained in a NPopupWindowHost element, that defines its closing conditions and start position. A popup window can however be opened in any node window context, thus enabling context popups and menus for virtually all descendants of a window. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NPopupWindowHost | A widget that hosts a popup window. Serves as base class for all types of widgets, that can host popup windows, such as drop down edits, menu drop downs, menu items etc. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NPreview | Base class for all widgets that show a preview of a given object. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NPreviewBase | Base class for preview widgets and preview widget hosts. Styling and interactivity is disabled in this class. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NPreviewHost | This widget defines a hatch background and a border and is used to host a preview widget. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NPrintDialog | Represents a platform-provided "Print" dialog. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NPrintDialogResult | Represents the dialog result of the Print dialog. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NPrintDocument | Defines an object that is used to receive printing-related events and send output to a printer. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NPrintExportDialog<TContent> | A dialog for setting print related properties. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NPrintExporter<TContent> | Serves as base class for printing documents. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NPrintLayout | Represents the settings related to the printing (paged media) layout of a document or a document sheet. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NPrintLayout.NPrintLayoutDesigner | Designer for NPrintLayout. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NPrintLayoutTilingGridSet | Represents a set paging grids, that need to be printed together. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NPrintPageEventArgs | Provides data for the PrintPage event. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NProgressBar | A widget, which fills to indicate the progress of an operation. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NProgressBarBufferedPart | Represents the buffered part of a progress bar. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NProgressBarCompletedPart | Represents the completed (full) part of a progress bar. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NProgressBarPart | Represents a progress bar part. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NProgressBarRemainingPart | Represents the remaining (empty) part of a progress bar. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NProgressWindow | Represents a popup window that shows a progress of an operation to the user. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NProgressWindowHeaderLabel | Represents the header label of a progress window. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NQueryCommandTargetEventArgs | Event arguments associated with the NCommand.QueryTarget event |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NQueryDragActionEventArgs | The data associated with query continue drag events |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NQueryPageSettingsEventArgs | Provides data for the QueryPageSettings event. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NRadioButton | A symbol toggle button, which represents a radio button. A radio button is considered grouped, when it is a descendand of a NRadioButtonGroup. For a single NRadioButtonGroup element, only one descendant radio button can be checked at a time. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NRadioButtonGroup | A toggle button group for radio buttons. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NRangeBase | Serves as base class for widgets displaying a range |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NRangeScrollBarThumb | Represents a begin or an end thumb of a range scroll bar. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NRangeSlider | A slider with two thumbs, which allows for a selection of a range. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NRangeSliderThumb | Represents the thumb of a range slider. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NRasterImageExporter<TContent> | Exports document content to a raster image such as PNG, JPEG, BMP, etc. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NRectangleSymbolShape | Represents a rectangle symbol shape. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NRedoCommandAction | A command action that redos a single or multiple history commands |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NRepeatButton | Represents a button, which repeatingly raises the Click event. The initial delay and repeating clicks time intervals are user specifiable. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NRibbon | Represents a ribbon. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NRibbonButton | Represents a ribbon button, which is a button that has image and text and resides in a ribbon. It provides support for 3 states: Large, Medium and Small. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NRibbonButtonContent | Represents the content of a ribbon button. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NRibbonButtonFilter | Filters nodes that implement the INRibbonButton interface. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NRibbonButtonNotInQuickAccessToolBarFilter | Filters nodes that implement the INRibbonButton interface and not placed in a ribbon quick access toolbar. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NRibbonCollapsiblePanel | A layout panel that arranges ribbon group widgets and can collapse or expand based on the available area. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NRibbonContextTabPageGroupBuilder | Base class for contextual ribbon tab page group builders. The tab page groups created by this builder are initially collapsed. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NRibbonDropDownButton | Represents a ribbon drop down button that shows a widget in a popup window when clicked. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NRibbonGallery | Represents a ribbon gallery. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NRibbonGalleryCommandSource | Base class for command sources that can be applied to ribbon galleries. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NRibbonGallerySpinner | Represents a ribbon gallery spinner. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NRibbonGroup | Represents a ribbon group that consists of a header and a collection of ribbon group items. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NRibbonGroupBuilder | Provides facility methods for creating widgets that are bound to commands and reside in ribbon groups. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NRibbonGroupCollection | Represents a collection of ribbon groups. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NRibbonGroupHeader | Represents the header of a ribbon group. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NRibbonGroupItemCollection | A collection of widgets that belongs to a ribbon group. The ribbon group item collection's horizontal and vertical placements are by default set to "Center" and "Top" respectively. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NRibbonHelpButton | Represents a ribbon help button that typically resides in the top right content of a ribbon tab. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NRibbonHelpers | Contains helper methods for working with ribbons and ribbon widgets. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NRibbonLayoutPanel<TLayout> | Base class for all ribbon layout panels. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NRibbonMenuDropDown | Represents a ribbon drop down menu. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NRibbonQuickAccessButtonItem | Represents a ribbon quick access button item. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NRibbonQuickAccessItem | Base class for all ribbon quick access items. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NRibbonQuickAccessRepeatButtonItem | Represents a ribbon quick access repeat button item. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NRibbonQuickAccessSplitButtonItem<TSplitButton> | Represents a ribbon quick access split button item. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NRibbonQuickAccessToggleButtonItem | Represents a ribbon quick access toggle button item. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NRibbonQuickAccessToolBar | A quick access ribbon toolbar. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NRibbonQuickAccessToolBarBuilder | Base class for all builders that create ribbon quick access toolbars. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NRibbonRepeatButton | Represents a ribbon repeat button, which is a repeat button that has image and text and resides in a ribbon. It provides support for 3 states: Large, Medium and Small. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NRibbonSearchBox | An autocomplete box that can be placed in a ribbon and searches through its widgets for quick access to ribbon commands. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NRibbonSeparator | A widget that represents a separator in a ribbon group. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NRibbonSplitButton | Represents a ribbon split button. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NRibbonStackPanel | A stack panel placed in a ribbon. It automatically sets the extended look of its children to Flat. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NRibbonTab | Represents a ribbon tab. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NRibbonTabContextCommandSource | Base class for command sources that can be applied to ribbon tabs. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NRibbonTabPage | Represents a ribbon tab page that couples a header and a ribbon group collection. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NRibbonTabPageBuilder | |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NRibbonTabPageCollection | Represents a collection of ribbon tab pages. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NRibbonTabPageGroup | Represents a ribbon tab page group. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NRibbonTabPageGroupBuilder | Base class for ribbon tab page group builders. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NRibbonTabPageGroupCollection | Represents a collection of ribbon tab page groups. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NRibbonTabPageHeader | Represents the header of a ribbon tab page. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NRibbonToggleButton | Represents a toggle ribbon button, which is a toggle button that has image and text and resides in a ribbon. It provides support for 3 states: Large, Medium and Small. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NRibbonUIBuilder | Creates a ribbon based UI. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NRibbonWidgetFactory | An widget factory used by the ribbon search box and the ribbon quick access toolbar. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NRibbonWrapFlowLayout | Represents a variation of the wrap flow layout, which layouts boxes on a given number of lanes (typically 2 or 3) and is used by the ribbon wrap flow panel. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NRibbonWrapFlowPanel | A layout panel that arranges ribbon group widgets on 2 or 3 lanes based on the available area. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NSaveFileDialog | Represents a platform-provided "Save File" dialog. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NSaveFileDialogResult | Represents the dialog result for the Save file dialog. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NSBColorPicker | A Saturation-Brightness color picker. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NScreen | Represents information about a screen (monitor) |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NScrollAndZoomToolBase | A tool, which implements mouse wheel scrolling and zooming of a NViewport instance. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NScrollBar | Serves as base class for horizontal and vertical scrollbars |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NScrollBarArrowButton | Represents the arrow button of a scrollbar. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NScrollBarShaftButton | Represents the shaft button of a scrollbar. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NScrollBarThumb | Represents the thumb of a scrollbar. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NScrollContent | A widget, which contains a single other widget and allows for its scrolling. It measures to fit the contained element without scrollbars, but if this is not possible, the scroll content element will display scrollbars. The contained element is always sized to its desired size. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NScrollContentBase | A widget, which allows for the scrolling of arbitrary content. It measures to fit the content without scrollbars, but if this is not possible, it will display scrollbars. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NScrollerBase<TThumb,TShaft> | Servers as base class for scrollbars and sliders, that support interactive scrolling of a value inside a range. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NScrollEventArgs | The NScrollEventArgs class represents the event arguments associated with scroll events. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NSelectEventArgs<T> | Represents the event arguments associated with node selection events. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NSelection<TItem> | Serves as base class for selection objects than manage single or multiple selected items. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NSelectPredefinedBorderCommand | A command, which displays a dialog box that lets the user select a predefined border and its thickness. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NShadowPicker | A table picker for selecting a predefined shadow. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NShadowSplitButton | A style split button, that is used to select a shadow style. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NSingleVisiblePanel | A panel in which only a single child element can be visible. The single visible panel can be instructed to size itself to the visible element, or to all contained elements. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NSixColorsBorderCorner | Represents a border corner that is filled with six colors. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NSixColorsBorderCorner.NSixColorsBorderCornerDesigner | Designer for six colors border corners. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NSkin | Base class for skins. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NSkinProperty<T> | Represents a skin property. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NSkinPropertyBase | Base class for skin properties. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NSkinPropertyCollection | A collection of skin properties. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NSkinPropertyCollection.NSkinPropertyCollectionDesigner | Designer of skin property collections. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NSkinState | Base class for all box skin states. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NSkinStateCollection | Represents a collection of skin states. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NSlider | A range based widget, which lets the user select a value bu dragging a thumb. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NSlider.NSliderDesigner | Designer for sliders. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NSliderAxis | Represents the axis of s slider. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NSliderShaftButton | Represents the shaft button of a slider. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NSliderThumb | Represents the thumb of a slider. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NSliderThumbBase | Base class for all slider thumbs. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NSpinner | Represents a two button spinner, with increase and decrease buttons, that are horizontally or vertically arranged. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NSpinnerButton | Represents the increase or decrease button of a spinner. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NSpinnerSpinEventArgs | The NSpinnerSpinEventArgs class represents the event arguments associated with scrollbar scroll events |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NSplitButton | A drop down edit, which serves as base class for all split buttons. The item slot is filled with an action button, which generates a Click event on behalf of the split button. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NSplitButtonActionButton | Represents the action button of a split button. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NSplitButtonCommandSource | A command source that can be applied to all types of buttons that derive from NSplitButton. It subsrcibes for the NSplitButton.Click event to execute the command with empty parameter. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NSplitter | A widget that splits its content area into two resizable panes, which can be interactively resized with help of a thumb located in the middle. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NSplitterBase | Base class for splitters. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NSplitterPane | Represents a pane of a splitter. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NSplitterThumb | Represents the thumb of a splitter. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NSplitterThumbButton | A button that resides in a splitter thumb. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NSplitterThumbGhost | Represents the ghost of a splitter thumb. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NSplitterWidgetCollection | A collection of widgets that resides in a multi splitter. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NStackPanel | A layout panel, which integrates the NStackLayout in the context of the Nevron User Interface. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NStatusBar | A command bar, the items of which are typically status bar panes. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NStatusBarBuilder | Creates a status bar. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NStatusBarPane | A content holder widget that resides in the Items collection of a status bar. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NStrokedPathSymbolShape | Represents a rectangle symbol shape. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NStrokeSplitButton | A style split button, which is used to select a stroke style. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NStylePropertyEx | A static class, that contains extended properties used for additional styling purposes. Defines the ExtendedLook, IsSelected, IsHighlighted, FontStyleBold, etc. extended properties and the respective helper methods for working with them. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NStyleSplitButton<T> | A split button, that serves as base class for split buttons editing different appearance style attributes such as fill, stroke, shadow etc. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NStyleSplitButtonCommandSource<T> | A split button command source that can be applied to style split buttons. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NSymbol | Represents a symbol (glyph) that certain UI elements can render as part of their background rendering. It is a collection of symbol shapes, meaning that a symbol can be composed by several shapes with different style. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NSymbolBox | A widget, which renders and sizes to a symbol. The symbol is controlled by the Symbol property. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NSymbolButton | Represents a button that can also contain a symbol. Serves as base class for all buttons that need to possibly have a symbol inside them (such as the drop down edit buttons). |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NSymbolContentBox | Represents a content holder that is extended to have a symbol. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NSymbolRepeatButton | Represents a repeat button that also contains a symbol. Serves as base class for all repeat buttons that need to have a symbol inside them (such as scrollbar arrow buttons). |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NSymbolShape | Represents a shape of a symbol. Serves as base class for rectangle, ellipse and path symbol shapes. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NSymbolToggleButton | Represents a toggle button, that has a symbol, which indicates that it is checked and/or pressed. Serves as base class for check boxes and radio buttons. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NSymbolUIPartSkinner | A class that makes a border and a background rule declarations for a specific UI symbol part skin. An instance of this class can be obtained by the GetSymbolUIPartSkinner methods of an NUITheme. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NTab | Represents a tab widget, that contains tab pages, which are represented by NTabPage elements that you add through the TabPages property. The order of tab pages in this collection reflects the order the tabs appear in the widget. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NTableFlowPanel | A layout panel, which integrates the NTableFlowLayout in the context of the Nevron User Interface. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NTablePicker | A toggle button group, the items of which are arranged in a table flow fashion. The table picker items are usually NTablePickerCell elements, but can be any other widgets. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NTablePickerCell | A toggle button that can be selected and navigated to from a table picker. A table picker cell usually resides inside a NTablePicker. For a single NTablePicker element, only one child cell can be checked at a time. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NTablePickerLabel | A label that is used in wrap flow table pickers and occupy a full row of the picker. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NTabPage | Represents a tab page that couples header and content widgets. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NTabPageCollection | Represents a collection of tab pages. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NTabPageHeader | Represents a content holder for the tab page header content. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NTabPageHeadersSkin | Holds the tab page header skins for all possible locations of a tab page header. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NTabSpinner | Represents the spinner (scroller) of a tab. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NTaskDialog | A task dialog is a dialog box that can be used to display information and receive simple input from the user. It's similar to a message box, but contains many additional features such as support for header, content and footer, radio and command buttons and a verification check box. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NTaskDialogCustomButton | Represents a task dialog custom button. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NTaskDialogCustomButtonCollection | Represents a collection of task dialog custom buttons. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NTaskDialogHeader | Represents the header of a task dialog. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NTaskDialogHeaderLabel | Represents a task dialog header label, which usually resides in a task dialog header or in a task dialog custom button. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NTaskDialogRadioButtonGroup | Represents a task dialog radio button group. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NTexBoxCommandSource | A command source that can be applied to text boxes. The text of the text box is updated from the command active parameter. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NTextBackground | The NTextBackground class defines the appearance of the text bac |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NTextBox | A scrollable widget that displays an editable text string. The text is controlled by the Text property. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NTextRepresentableItem | A content holder widget that has a text representation. This class serves as base for combo box and list box items. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NTextRepresentableItemMap | A map of text representable items optimized for search by the first char of the item's text (case insensitive checks are performed). This map is used by combo boxes and list boxes for keyboard navigation. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NTextStyle | Represents a text style |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NThemeDocument | A document that contains a theme. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NThreeColorsBorderSide | Represents a border side that is filled with three colors. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NThreeColorsBorderSide.NThreeColorsBorderSideDesigner | Designer for three colors border sides. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NThumb | A content holder widget, which the user can drag. A thumb can only be dragged if it resides in a thumb axis element (for example a scrollbar). |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NThumbDragEventArgs | The NThumbDragEventArgs class represents the event arguments associated with thumb drag events |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NTimeSpanBox | A combo box for selecting a time span. If you use the AddItem methods to add items to the combo box, it's kept sorted by time span. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NTitleBar | Represents the title bar of a window. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NTitleBarButton | A symbol button that serves as base class for the typical buttons in a title bar - close, minimize, maximize/restore and help. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NTitleBarCloseButton | The close button in a title bar's control box. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NTitleBarControlBox | A widget that consists of 3 title bar buttons - Minimize, Maximize and Close. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NTitleBarHeader | Represents the header of a title bar. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NTitleBarHelpButton | The help button in a title bar's control box. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NTitleBarItemCollection | A collection of widgets that reside in a title bar. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NTitleBarMaximizeButton | The maximize button in a title bar's control box. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NTitleBarMenuDropDown | The drop down menu of a title bar. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NTitleBarMinimizeButton | The minimize button in a title bar's control box. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NToggleButton | A general purpose toggle button, which can also act like a radio button. A radio button is considered grouped, when it is a descendand of a NToggleButtonGroup. For a single NToggleButtonGroup element, only one descendant toggle button can be checked at a time. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NToggleButtonBase | A button which serves as base class for all toggle buttons. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NToggleButtonCommandSource | A command source that can be applied to all types of buttons that derive from NToggleButton. It subsrcibes for the NButtonBase.Click event to execute the action and also updates the Checked state of the owner toggle button. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NToggleButtonGroup | A toggle button group for toggle buttons. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NToggleButtonGroupBase<TToggleButton> | A widget in which descendant toggle buttons of a certain type can register. Of all toggle buttons that are registered in the group, only a single one can be selected at a time. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NTool | Serves as base class for all tools. It is a pluggable part of an interactor. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NToolBar | A command bar, which represents a toolbar. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NToolBarBuilder | Creates a toolbar. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NTooltip | A container for the information that can be displayed when the mouse moves over a certain element or area. A tooltip window is internally created for each tooltip that is shown. In general only one tooltip window can exist at a given time, because like the cursor, the tooltip is used to provide additional information about the current mouse pointer location, and is a shared resource. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NTooltip.NTooltipDesigner | A designer for tooltips. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NTooltipWindow | A top-level window that is by default displayed without a title bar. A tooltip window is a temporary window that is created for a tooltip. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NTopLevelWindow | Represents a top-level window, that can be opened in a top-most window fashion. The native window that is created is dependant on the integration platform. Top-level windows are used when you want to display top-most or popup content. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NTopLevelWindowCollection | A collection of top-level windows. Exposed by the TopLevelWindows property of each NWindow. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NTouch | Manages the touch gesture operations inside Nevron Open Vision. Also serves as dispatcher of native window peers touch events to the Nevron DOM. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NTouchActionEventArgs | The event arguments associated with NTouch.DownEvent, NTouch.UpEvent and NToch.Move events (i.e. when a touch device is pressed, released or moved). |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NTouchCaptureChangeEventArgs | The event arguments associated with NTouch.GotCaptureEvent, NTouch.CaptureInEvent, NTouch.CaptureOutEvent and NTouch.LostCaptureEvent events. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NTouchDevice | Represents a touch device (you can think of a single finger). |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NTouchEventArgs | Event arguments associated with mouse events |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NTouchOverChangeEventArgs | The event arguments associated with NTouch.EnterEvent, NTouch.InEvent, NTouch.OutEvent and NTouch.LeaveEvent events. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NTouchTargetChangeEventArgs | The data associated with a mouse capture change |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NTransformContent | A widget, which contains a NTransformContentVisual element that places an arbitrary transform on another widget. The transformation of the contained NTransformContentVisual is controlled by the ScaleX, ScaleY and Angle properties. In this way the widget contained inside this visual can be scaled and rotated. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NTransformContentVisual | An input element which transforms the widget it contains. The NTransformContent is the inner element of a NTransformContentHolder widget. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NTreeView | A widget that displays hierarchical data in a tree structure with items that can expand, collapse and be selected. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NTreeView.NTreeViewDesigner | The designer of tree views. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NTreeViewItem | Represents a tree view item, that couples a header and sub items |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NTreeViewItemCollection | A collection of tree view items. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NTreeViewItemHeader | Represents a holder for the tree view item header content. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NTreeViewRootItemCollection | A collection of tree view items |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NTwoColorsBorderCorner | Represents a border corner that is filled with two colors. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NTwoColorsBorderCorner.NTwoColorsBorderCornerDesigner | Designer for two colors border corners. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NTwoColorsBorderSide | Represents a border side that is filled with two colors. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NTwoColorsBorderSide.NTwoColorsBorderSideDesigner | Designer for two colors border sides. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NUIPartSkinner | Base class for UI part skinners. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NUIPartSkinsTheme | Serves as base class for all Nevron User Interface themes, which use skins to style widgets. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NUISingleton | Serves as base class for User Interface singleton instances (such as NMouseSingleton, NKeyboardSingleton, NClipboardSingleton, NDragAndDropSingleton etc.) |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NUITheme | This is the base class of all Nevron User Interface themes. It also defines the most commonly used theme states and contexts. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NUIThemeColorMap | A map of UI theme colors. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NUIThemeColorMap.NUIThemeColorMapDesigner | Designer associated with NUIThemeColorMap. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NUIThemeFontMap | A map of UI theme fonts. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NUIThemeFontMap.NUIThemeFontMapDesigner | Designer associated with NUIThemeFontMap. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NUIThemeMap<TEnum,TValue> | Represents a map of UI theme key/value pairs. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NUIThemeMapItem<TEnum,TValue> | Represents an item of an UI theme map. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NUIThemePlugin | Base class for all UI theme plugins. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NUIThemeSkinMap | A map of UI part skins. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NUIThemeTabSkinMap | A map for tab page header image skins. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NUndoCommandAction | A command action that undos a single or multiple history commands |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NUniSizeBox | A content holder, that measures to the uniform size of all unisize boxes that belong to the same group. In order for a unisize box to be functional it needs to reside in the subtree of a NUniSizeBoxGroup element. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NUniSizeBoxGroup | A content holder, that syncronizes the measure sizes of the NUniSizeBoxes that reside in its subtree. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NUpdateCommandSourceEventArgs | Event arguments associated with the NCommand.UpdateSource event. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NUpDownBase | Serves as base for up downs. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NUserPanel | A panel that does not measure and arrange its child widgets. Used when you want to explicitly position widgets. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NVectorImageExporter<TContent> | Exports a document to a vector image such as SVG, Enhanced Metafile (EMF) or AutoCAD DXF. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NViewportAutoScroller | The NViewportAutoScroller element is used to provide a NViewportBase instance with autoscroll capabilities. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NViewportBase | Serves as base class for viewports, that are scrollable and optionally zoomable inner adorners for other types of content. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NViewportDragTool | A drag tool, which serves as base class for drag tools that are associated with instances of NViewportBase. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NVRangeScrollBar | A vertically oriented scroll bar for selecting a range. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NVScrollBar | Represents a vertical scrollbar. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NVScrollItemsBase<T> | A widget, which allows for the scrolling of vertically arranged items. It measures to fit the content without scrollbars, but if this is not possible, it will display scrollbars. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NWidget | Represents an User Interface box element and serves as base class for all widgets. Widgets are the primary building blocks for Windows content. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NWidget.NWidgetDesigner | Represents a designer for widgets. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NWidgetBodyAdapter | A body adapter, which provides layouts with the ability to threat widgets as layout bodies. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NWidgetFactory<TItem> | A class that is used for creating widgets and texts for items of a given type. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NWidgetImageExportDialog<TContent> | Represents a widget image export dialog |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NWidgetPdfExporter<TContent> | Represents a widget PDF exporter. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NWidgetPrintExporter<TContent> | Represents a widget print exporter. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NWidgetRasterImageExporter<TContent> | Raster image exporter for widgets. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NWidgetSplitButton<TContent> | A split button, which pop ups user defined widget |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NWidgetVectorImageExporter<TContent> | Exports a widget to a vector image, such as SVG or EMF. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NWindow | Represents an integration surface with the native presentation layer of a specific enviroment. Serves as base class for child and top-level windows. Each window (child or top-level) can have other top-level windows, that consider the window as their owner. The content of a window is represented by a Widget, that is assigned by the Content property. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NWindowCollection | A collection of windows. Exposed by the Windows property of the NDesktop element. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NWindows10Theme | An UI theme that mimics the Windows 10 theme. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NWindows11Theme | UI theme that mimics the Windows 11 theme. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NWindows8Theme | An UI theme that mimics the Windows 8 theme. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NWindowsAeroTheme | An UI theme that mimics the Windows 7 Aero theme. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NWindowsClassicTheme | An UI theme, which mimic the outlook of the "Windows Classic" theme. An instance of this theme can be created from an instance of the NWindowsClassicThemeSettings class, thus allowing for all standard color schemes of the Windows Classic theme for Windows XP to be reproduced. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NWindowsXPBlueTheme | An UI theme that mimics the Windows XP Blue (aka Windows XP Luna) theme. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NWrapFlowPanel | A layout panel, which integrates the NWrapFlowLayout in the context of the Nevron User Interface. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NWrapFlowPicker | A picker that arranges its cells with a wrap flow layout. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NYearPicker | A calendar picker that selects an year from a decade. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NYearPickerCell | A cell from a NYearPicker |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NZoomSlider | A widget that consists of a slider and zoom in/zoom out buttons. |
![Class](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Class.png) | NZoomSliderCommandSource | A command source that can be applied to NMenuItem instances. It subsrcibes for the NMenuItem.Click event to execute the command with empty parameter. |