| Class | Description |
| NAddFontStyleToInlinesBatch | Sets the specified font style to the currently selected inlines |
| NAlignTableCellBatch | Aligns the content of one or more table cells. |
| NApplyBlockBackgroundFillBatch | Applies block background fill to the currently selected root blocks. |
| NApplyBlockFloatModeBatch | Applies block float mode to the currently selected blocks. |
| NApplyBulletFormattingBatch | Applies bullet formatting to the current selection. |
| NApplyCellBackgroundBatch | Applies background fill to one or more table cells. |
| NApplyLeftMarginParagraphBatch | Applies paragraph left margin to the currently selected paragraph. |
| NApplyParagraphAlignmentBatch | Applies paragraph alignment to the currently selected paragraph. |
| NApplyParagraphLineHeightFactorBatch | Sets paragraph line height factor to the currently selected paragraph. |
| NApplyRightMarginParagraphBatch | Applies paragraph right margin to the currently selected paragraph. |
| NBasePageBreakInline | Represents a break inline |
| NBatch | The base of all batches |
| NBatchContainer | Represents a batch that consists of one or more batches. |
| NBidiFormatMarkInline | Represents a formatting mark as specified in the Unicode bi directional algorithm |
| NBlock | Base for all block text elements |
| NBlock.NBlockDesigner | Designer for NBlock. |
| NBlockArrangeManager | Represents a block arrange manager |
| NBlockBatch | Base class for all batches that modify the currently selected blocks. |
| NBlockCollection<T> | Represents a collection of block elements |
| NBlockContainer<T> | Represents a block element that contains other block elements |
| NBlockSettings | Contains a set of properties that are used to modify a table. |
| NBlockSettings.NBlockSettingsDesigner | Designer for NBlockSettings. |
| NBookmark | Represents a rich text bookmark. |
| NBookmark.NBookmarkDesigner | Designer of rich text bookmarks. |
| NBookmarkCollection | Represents a collection of bookmarks |
| NBookmarkCollection.NBookmarkCollectionDesigner | Designer of rich text bookmark collections. |
| NBookmarkGotoPart | Represents a book mark goto part |
| NBookmarkGotoPart.NBookmarkGotoPartDesigner | Designer for NBookmarkGotoPart. |
| NBookmarkHyperlink | Represents a bookmark hyperlink. |
| NBookmarkHyperlink.NBookmarklHyperlinkDesigner | |
| NBookmarkNamePropertyEditor | The NBookmarkNamePropertyEditor class is assigned to the name property of a hyperlink. |
| NBorderRule | Represents a table border style. |
| NBorderSideRule | Represents a table border side rule. |
| NBorderStyleComboBox | A combo box for selecting a border style. |
| NBoxTextElementEditor | Represents shape editor. A shape editor consists of multiple trackers each allowing the editing of specific shape aspects. |
| NBoxTextElementEditorCollection | A collection of box editor editors |
| NBreakInline | Represents a break inline |
| NBulletInline | Represents a bullet inline |
| NBulletList | Represents a bullet list template |
| NBulletList.NBulletListTemplateDesigner | Designer for NBulletListTemplate. |
| NBulletListCollection | Represents a collection of bullet list levels |
| NBulletListCollection.NBulletListCollectionDesigner | Designer for NBulletListCollection. |
| NBulletListLevel | Represents a bullet list level |
| NBulletListLevel.NBulletListLevelDesigner | Designer for NBulletListLevel. |
| NBulletListLevelCollection | Represents a collection of bullet list levels |
| NBulletListLevelCollection.NBulletListLevelCollectionDesigner | Designer for NBulletListLevelCollection. |
| NBulletsAndNumberingBatch | Modifies the bullets and numbering style of the selection. |
| NBulletsAndNumberingSettings | FIX: Extend the bullet settings |
| NBulletsAndNumberingSettings.NBulletsAndNumberingSettingsDesigner | Designer for NBulletsAndNumberingSettings. |
| NChangeCharacterSpacingToInlinesBatch | Set the font size to the currently selected inlines. |
| NChangeFontSizeToInlinesBatch | Set the font size to the currently selected inlines. |
| NChangeWordSpacingToInlinesBatch | Set the font size to the currently selected inlines. |
| NCharInsertEventArgs | Character insert event arguments. |
| NClearBulletFormattingBatch | Clears bullet formatting from the current selection |
| NClearFontStyleFromInlinesBatch | Clears the specified font style from the currently selected inlines |
| NClearPropertyValueInlinesBatch | Clears the value of a given property for the selected inlines. |
| NClipboardTextFormat | Base for all clipboard text formats |
| NColumnBreakInline | Represents a page break inline |
| NColumnPageLayoutDropDown | A drop down that lets the user select a column page layout (from 1 to 4 columns). |
| NColumnPageLayoutDropDownCommandSource | Command source for NColumnPageLayoutDropDown widgets. |
| NColumnPageLayoutPickerCell | A cell of a column page layout picker. |
| NCopyBatch | Copies the current selection to the clipboard |
| NCopyPasteOptions | Represents paste options applied when a paste command is executed |
| NCounter | Represents a bullet list counter |
| NCurrentPageInfo | Represents information about the current page (used when the user selects current page from the print dialog) |
| NCustomDialogWindow | A custom dialog window. |
| NCutBatch | Cuts the current selection. |
| NDataRecordSelector | A widget that lets the user select a data record. |
| NDataRecordSelectorCommandSource | A command source that can be applied to data record selectors. It subsrcibes to the NDataRecordSelector.SelectedIndexChanged event to execute the command with a parameter equal to selected data record index. |
| NDataSourceBuilderChainTask | Base class for data source builder chain tasks. |
| NDataSourceBuilderTask | Base class for data source builder tasks. |
| NDateTimeFieldValue | Represents a field inline which can represent date / time values |
| NDateTimeFieldValue.NDateTimeFieldValueDesigner | Designer for date/time field values. |
| NDecreaseTableCellColSpanBatch | Decreases the currently selected cell column span |
| NDecreaseTableCellRowSpanBatch | Decreases the currently selected cell row span |
| NDeleteNextGraphemeBatch | Deletes the next grapheme in case the selection does not contain a range. For range selection deletes the whole range. |
| NDeleteNextWordBatch | Deletes the next word. |
| NDeletePrevCharBatch | Deletes the previous char in case the selection does not contain a range. For range selection deletes the whole range. |
| NDeletePrevChartBatch | Deletes the previuos chart |
| NDeletePrevWordBatch | Deletes the word preceding the current selection. |
| NDeleteRangeBatch | Deletes the currently selected range. |
| NDeleteTableBatch | Deletes a table. |
| NDeleteTableColumnsBatch | Deletes the current table column to the left of the current table column. |
| NDeleteTableRowsBatch | Deletes one or more table rows. |
| NDialogBatch | Base class for all batches that show a dialog window. |
| NDocumentBlock | The document block represents the text document and contains one or more sections. |
| NDocumentBlock.NDocumentStateDesigner | Section state designer |
| NDocumentLoadedEventArgs | Document loaded event args |
| NDocumentSavedEventArgs | Document saved event args |
| NEditBulletListBatch | Customizes bullet styles for the current document. |
| NEditDocumentBatch | Edits the document information properties. |
| NEditDocumentInfoBatch | Edits the document information properties. |
| NEditFieldBatch | Shows a dialog for editing a field. |
| NEditGroupBlockBatch | Edits the currently selected group block |
| NEditParagraphBatch | Edits the currently selected paragraph. |
| NEditSectionBatch | Edits the currently selected section |
| NEditSectionPageBatch | Edits the currently selected section |
| NEditSettings | Controls various editing options of the text. |
| NEditShapeBlockBatch | Edits the currently selected shape block. |
| NEditTableBatch | Edits the properties of a table. |
| NEditTableCellBatch | Edits the properties of a table cell. |
| NEditTableColumnBatch | Edits the currently selected column |
| NEditTableRowBatch | Edits the currently selected table row |
| NEditTabStopBatch | Edits the currently selected paragraph |
| NExpressionTextInline | Represents a numeric field inline value. |
| NFieldInline | Represents a field inline (multiple characters that behave as one text position). |
| NFieldInline.NFieldInlineDesigner | Designer for field inlines. |
| NFieldInline.NFieldInlineSimpleDesigner | Designer for field inlines. |
| NFieldMapPropertyEditor | Field map property editor. |
| NFieldValue | Base class for all field values. |
| NFieldValue.NFieldValueDesigner | Designer for NFieldValue. |
| NFindBatch | Finds a given text. |
| NFindReplaceAllBatch | Replaces all occurances of the specified text with other text. |
| NFindSettings | Contains settings for text find operations. |
| NFindSettings.NFindSettingsDesigner | Designer for NFindSettings. |
| NFirstLineIndentRulerMark | An HRuler mark, that is used to modify the first line indent of a block |
| NFootnoteContent | Represents a note content |
| NFootnoteInline | Represents a footnote inline |
| NGlyphInline | Base for all inline elements that display text or glyph(s). |
| NGotoPart | Base for all goto parts. |
| NGotoPart.NGotoPartDesigner | Designer for NGotoPart. |
| NGotoSettings | A class that contains the settings necessary for a go to line operation. |
| NGotoSettings.NGotoSettingsDesigner | Designer for NGotoSettings. |
| NGreetingLineFieldValue | A field inline value that represents a greeting line used in mail merge operations. |
| NGreetingLineFieldValue.NGreetingLineFieldValueDesigner | Designer for greeting line field values. |
| NGroupBlock | Represents a group block |
| NGroupBlock.NGroupBlockStateDesigner | Group block state designer |
| NGuideline | Serves as base class for horizontal and vertical guidelines. |
| NHandleStyle | Represents an attribute, which controls the appearance of a specific set of handles |
| NHangingIndentRulerMark | An HRuler mark, that is used to modify the hanging indent of a block |
| NHeaderFooter | Represents a header footer element |
| NHorizontalGuideline | NHorizontalGuideline |
| NHRuler | Represents the horizontal ruler of a rich text editor. |
| NHRulerLane | Represents a lane from the horizontal ruler. |
| NHtmlClipboardTextFormat | Represents the html text format. |
| NHyperlink | Base class for hyperlink |
| NHyperlink.NHyperlinkDesigner | Designer for NHyperlink. |
| NHyperlinkFieldValue | Represents a field inline which can represent date / time values |
| NHyperlinkFieldValue.NHyperlinkFieldValueDesigner | |
| NImageAtom | Represents an image atom. |
| NImageClipboardTextFormat | Base class for image text formats |
| NImageInline | Represents an image inline. |
| NImageInline.NImageInlineHyperlinkDesigner | Designer for NImageInline hyperlinks. |
| NImageInline.NImageInlineStateDesigner | Designer for NImageInline state. |
| NIncreaseTableCellColSpanBatch | Decreases the currently selected cell col span |
| NIncreaseTableCellRowSpanBatch | Increases the currently selected cell row span. |
| NInline | Base for all inline elements |
| NInlineAtom | Represents an inline atom. |
| NInlineBatch | Base for all batches that modify the currently selected inlines. |
| NInlineCollection | Represents a collection of inline elements |
| NInlineRule | Represents a rich text inline rule. |
| NInlineStyle | Represents a rich text inline style. |
| NInlineStyle.NInlineStyleDesigner | Designer for inline styles. |
| NInlineTextPositionMarker | Represents a text position marker attached to non-bullet list item inline element. |
| NInsertBreakSettings | Insert break settings object for the insert break command action |
| NInsertBreakSettings.NInsertBreakSettingsDesigner | Designer for NInsertBreakSettings. |
| NInsertDateSettings | Represents the settings for the insert date command action. |
| NInsertDateSettings.NInsertDateSettingsDesigner | Designer for NInsertDateSettings. |
| NInsertFieldBatch | Shows a dialog for inserting a field. |
| NInsertNewParagraphBatch | Inserts a new paragraph at the currently selection position. |
| NInsertSectionBreakBatch | Inserts an image at the currently selected range or position |
| NInsertTableAtSelectedPositionBatch | Inserts a new table at the currently selected position. The table is created according to the specified settings. |
| NInsertTableAtSelectedRangeBatch | Inserts a new table at the currently selected text range. The text range will be split accordingly. |
| NInsertTableColumnBatch | Inserts a table column to the left or to the right of the current table column. |
| NInsertTableRowBatch | Inserts a new table row. |
| NInsertTableSettings | Contains a set of properties that are used to create a table. |
| NInsertTableSettings.NInsertTableSettingsDesigner | Designer for NInsertTableSettings. |
| NInsertTableSettingsSizeCategoryEditor | Contains a set of properties that are used to create a table. |
| NInsertTextAtomBatch | Inserts a text atome at the currently selected range or position. |
| NInsertTextBatch | Replaces the current selection (if any) with the specified text. |
| NInsertTimeSettings | Represents settings for the insert date command action |
| NInsertTimeSettings.NInsertTimeSettingsDesigner | Designer for NInsertTimeSettings. |
| NLastCaretPositionMarker | Represents the last valid text caret position |
| NLeftMarginRulerMark | An HRuler mark, that is used to modify the right margin of blocks |
| NLineBreakInline | Represents a line break |
| NLineGotoPart | Represents a go to line part. |
| NLineGotoPart.NLineGotoPartDesigner | Designer for NLineGotoPart. |
| NMailMerge | Base class for all data sources. |
| NMailMergeDataSource | Represents the data source for mail merge. |
| NMailMergeDataSource.NDataSourceDesigner | Designer for field inlines. |
| NMailMergeFieldMap | A class that provides information about the mapping of predefined mail merge fields to data source field names. |
| NMailMergeFieldValue | Base class for all field inline value, which are used in mail merge operations. |
| NMailMergePredefinedFieldValue | Represents a mail merge field value that gets data from a mail merge source field with a given name. |
| NMailMergePredefinedFieldValue.NMailMergePredefinedFieldValueDesigner | Designer for mail merge predefined field values. |
| NMailMergeRecordMergeIndexFieldValue | Displays the ordinal position of the record in the mail merge. This number is not visible until the mail merge is finished. |
| NMailMergeRecordMergeIndexFieldValue.NMailMergeRecordMergeIndexFieldValueDesigner | Designer for mail merge record source index field values. |
| NMailMergeRecordSourceIndexFieldValue | Displays the ordinal position of the mail merge data record in the list of selected records from the data source. |
| NMailMergeRecordSourceIndexFieldValue.NMailMergeRecordSourceIndexFieldValueDesigner | Designer for mail merge record source index field values. |
| NMailMergeSourceFieldValue | Represents a mail merge field value that gets data from a mail merge source field with a given name. |
| NMailMergeSourceFieldValue.NMailMergeSourceFieldValueDesigner | Designer for mail merge source field values. |
| NMarginsLengthPropertyEditor | Represents a property editor that allows to edit a margins structure with unit information |
| NMatchFieldsBatch | Shows a dialog for choosing the mail merge to data source column mappings. |
| NMergeAndSaveBatch | Creates a document for each record in the mail merge data source, merges all such documents to one large document and shows a "Save As" dialog for saving it. |
| NMergeCellslBatch | Increases the currently selected cell row span. |
| NModifyBlockMarginBatch | Modifies the currently selected block margins by a given amount |
| NModifyBlockOffsetBatch | Base for all batches that modify block margins and padding. |
| NModifyBorderAndThicknessBatch | Modifies the border and the thickness of the currently selected block elements. |
| NModifyCellBorderAndThicknessBatch | Modifies the border and border thickness of one or more table cells. |
| NModifyImageBatch | Modifies the properties of an image inline. |
| NModifyParagraphFirstLineIndentBatch | Modifies the currently selected paragraphs first line indent by a given amount. |
| NMultipleTableCellsBatch | Base class for all batches that modify the properties of multiple table cells. |
| NNoteContent | Represents the base class for note content, such header, footers, footnotes, endnotes etc. |
| NNoteInline | Represents a note inline, which acts as a base for footnote and endnote |
| NNumericFieldNamePropertyEditor | A pair box property editor, which is by default assigned to properties of Enum type. The value control is a combo box, a list box or a radio group. |
| NNumericFieldValue | Represents a numeric field inline value. |
| NNumericFieldValue.NNumericFieldValueDesigner | Designer for numeric field values. |
| NNumericGotoPart | |
| NPageBreakInline | Represents a page break inline |
| NPageGotoPart | |
| NPageGotoPart.NPageGotoPartDesigner | Designer for NPageGotoPart. |
| NPageReferenceFieldValue | Represents a page reference to a bookmark inline. |
| NParagraph | The paragraph block element. |
| NParagraph.NParagraphStateDesigner | Paragraph state designer |
| NParagraphBatch | Base for all batches that modify the currently selected paragraphs |
| NParagraphBreakInline | Represents a paragraph end |
| NParagraphGotoPart | |
| NParagraphGotoPart.NParagraphGotoPartDesigner | Designer for NParagraphGotoPart. |
| NParagraphRule | Represents a rich text paragraph rule. |
| NParagraphStyle | Represents a rich text style that can be applied on paragraphs. |
| NParagraphStyle.NParagraphStyleDesigner | Designer for paragraph styles. |
| NPasteBatch | Replaces the current selection (if any) with the specified char |
| NPasteFromFormatBatch | Replaces the current selection (if any) with the specified char. |
| NPngImageClipboardTextFormat | Represents the png text format |
| NRangeTextElement | Base for all elements that can contain content |
| NRangeTextElementCollection<T> | Represents a range text element collection. |
| NRasterImageClipboardTextFormat | Base class for raster based text formats |
| NReplaceBatch | Replaces the specified range with the specified text |
| NReplaceSettings | Contains settings for text replace operations. |
| NReplaceSettings.NReplaceSettingsDesigner | Designer for NReplaceSettings. |
| NResources | DO NOT MODIFY MANUALLY. Automatically generated by NResourceMaker. |
| NRichTextDocument | Represents a document that contains an NDocumentBlock element. |
| NRichTextRule | Base class for all rich text style rules. A rich text rule is a set of properties that can be added to a style rule. |
| NRichTextStyle | Base class for all rich text styles. A rich text style contains property values and rules that can be added to a style sheet and usually result in multiple style rules. |
| NRichTextStyle.NRichTextStyleDesigner | Designer for rich text styles. |
| NRichTextStyleCollection | Represents a collection of rich text styles. |
| NRichTextStyleCollection.NRichTextStyleCollectionDesigner | Designer for rich text style collections. |
| NRichTextStylePicker | Base class for all rich text style pickers. |
| NRichTextStylePickerCell | Base class for all text style picker cells. |
| NRichTextStyleSplitButton | Base class for all rich text style split buttons. |
| NRichTextStyleSplitButtonCommandSource | Command source associated with rich text style split buttons. |
| NRichTextStylingElement | Base class for all rich text styling element such as rich text styles and rich text rules. |
| NRichTextView | Represents a rich text edit control. |
| NRichTextViewWithCommandBars | A rich text view with command bars. |
| NRichTextViewWithRibbon | A rich text view with ribbon. |
| NRightMarginRulerMark | An HRuler mark, that is used to modify the right margin of blocks |
| NRootBlock<T> | Represents a root block element. The root element contains a selection object |
| NRtfClipboardTextFormat | Represents the rtf text format. |
| NRuler | Represents a rich text editor ruler. Serves as base class for horizontal and vertical rulers. |
| NRuler.NRulerDesigner | Designer for rulers. |
| NRulerLane | Represents a lane from a ruler, which is a widget composed of ruler ranges and ruler marks. Serves as base class for horizontal and vertical lanes |
| NRulerLanesPanel<T> | A collection of ruler lanes, that serves as base class for horizontal and vertical ruler lane panels. |
| NRulerMark | A ruler item, that draws a specific mark and which the user can drag. |
| NRulerMarkCollection | A collection of ruler mark items. |
| NRulerRange | A ruler lane item, that represents a range. |
| NRulerRangeCollection | A collection of ruler range items. |
| NRulerRangeTextElementInfo | Serves as base class for ruler range text element infos |
| NRulerTextElementInfo | Serves as base class for element info objects that text elements dynamically provide to rulers. |
| NSection | Represents a section of the document |
| NSection.NSectionPageStateDesigner | Represents a section page state designer. |
| NSection.NSectionStateDesigner | Section state designer. |
| NSectionBlocksCollection | Represents a collection of inline elements. |
| NSectionBreakInline | Represents a section break inline. |
| NSectionCollection | Represents a collection of sections |
| NSectionGotoPart | |
| NSectionGotoPart.NSectionGotoPartDesigner | Designer for NSectionGotoPart. |
| NSelectDataRecordBatch | Selects a mail merge data record. |
| NSelection | Represents the selection of text document. |
| NSelectRecipientsBatch | Shows a dilog for selecting a mail merge data source (e.g. an Access database). |
| NSelectTableBatch | Selects a table. |
| NSelectTableCellBatch | Selects a table cell. |
| NSelectTableColumnBatch | Selects a table column. |
| NSendEmailDialog | A dialog for configuring email send options for mail merge "Merge & Send" operation. |
| NSetBaselineToInlinesBatch | Sets the specified baseline (normal, superscript or subscript) to the currently selected inlines |
| NSetFillToInlinesBatch | Applies the specified property value to the currently selected inlines |
| NSetFontNameToInlinesBatch | Sets the font name to the currently selected inlines |
| NSetFontSizeToInlinesBatch | Set the font size to the currently selected inlines. |
| NSetSectionColumnCountBatch | Sets the specified column count of the currently selected section |
| NSetShadowToInlinesBatch | Sets the shadow of the currently selected inlines. |
| NSetStrokeToInlinesBatch | Sets the stroke of the currently selected inlines. |
| NSetTableCellTextDirectionBatch | Aligns the content of one or more table cells. |
| NSetTableColumnsWidthModeBatch | Sets the table columns width mode |
| NSetTableRowsHeightModeBatch | Sets the table Rows Height mode |
| NSetTextAnchorBatch | Sets the text anchor. |
| NSetWrapModeBatch | Sets the font name to the currently selected inlines |
| NShapeBlock | Represents a shape block. |
| NShapeBlock.NShapeBlockStateDesigner | Bullet list item state designer |
| NShapeInline | Base for all box inlines (image or widget) |
| NShapeInline.NShapeInlineStateDesigner | Designer for NShapeInlineState. |
| NSimpleRichTextView | A simple rich text edit control that mimics the WordPad functionality. |
| NSimpleRichTextViewWithRibbon | A simple rich text view with ribbon (similar to WordPad). |
| NSingleTableCellBatch | Base for all batches that modify properties of a single table cell. |
| NSpellSuggestionMenuItem | A menu item that shows a spell check suggestion. |
| NSplitCellHorizontallyBatch | Splits the currently selected row master cell horizontally |
| NSplitCellVerticallyBatch | Splits the currently selected row master cell horizontally |
| NStatistics | Provides document statistics |
| NStringFieldValue | A field inline value, which represents string values. |
| NStringFieldValue.NStringFieldValueDesigner | Designer for string field values. |
| NTabInline | Represents a tab inline |
| NTable | Represents a table. |
| NTable.NTableDesigner | Designer for tables. |
| NTableCell | Represents a table cell |
| NTableCell.NTableCellStateDesigner | Designer for NTableCellState. |
| NTableCellCollection | Represents a collection of table cell elements |
| NTableColumn | The base of all appearance styles. |
| NTableColumn.NTableColumnStateDesigner | Designer for NTableColumnState. |
| NTableColumnBatch | The base for all batches that depend on the current common table column. |
| NTableColumnCollection | Represents a collection of inline elements |
| NTableColumnWidthModeBatch | Sets the column width in a table using a specified column width mode. |
| NTableGotoPart | |
| NTableGotoPart.NTableGotoPartDesigner | Designer for NTableGotoPart. |
| NTableOfContentsBlock | Represents a table of contents block. |
| NTableOfContentsBlock.NTableOfContentsBlockDesigner | Designer for NTableOfContentsBlock. |
| NTableOfContentsField | Represents the content field of a table of contents block, i.e. the block, which holds the table of contents entries. |
| NTablePartStyle | Represents a table part style, i.e. a style for a row, column, cell or a whole table. |
| NTableRootBlock | Represents a root block element. The root element contains a selection object |
| NTableRow | Represents a table row. |
| NTableRow.NTableRowStateDesigner | Designer for NTableRowState. |
| NTableRowCollection | Represents a collection of inline elements. |
| NTableSettings | Contains a set of properties that are used to modify a table. |
| NTableSettings.NTableSettingsDesigner | Designer for table settings. |
| NTableSizeDropDown | A drop down for selecting a table size. |
| NTableStyle | Represents a rich text table style. |
| NTableStyle.NTableStyleDesigner | Designer for table styles. |
| NTableStyleOptionsCommandAction | Edits table style options. |
| NTableStylePicker | A picker for selecting a table style. |
| NTableStyleSplitButton | Split button for selecting a table style. |
| NTabStop | Represents a tab stop. |
| NTabStop.NTabStopDesigner | The designer for style sheets. |
| NTabStopCollection | Represents a collection of tab stops |
| NTabStopRulerMark | An HRuler mark, that is used to modify an explicit tab stop of a block |
| NTextAtom | Represents a text atom. |
| NTextClipboardTextFormat | Represents the plain text text format |
| NTextElement | Base of all text elements |
| NTextElement.NTextElementDesigner | Paragraph state designer |
| NTextElementCollection<T> | Base for all collections that contain text elements |
| NTextElementMeasureManager | Represents a Element measure manager |
| NTextInline | Represents a text inline |
| NTextLoadAssemblyType | Dummy type used to explicitly load the Nevron.Nov.Text assembly |
| NTextModule | Represents the Nevron Text module. |
| NTextPositionMarker | Base for all text position markers |
| NTextStylePicker | A picker for selecting a text style. |
| NTextStyleSplitButton | A text button for selecting a text style. |
| NTextUIThemePlugin | A theme plugin that adds rules for the Nevron rich text control. |
| NTryDeleteTabBatch | Replaces the current selection (if any) with the specified text. |
| NUpdateFieldBatch | Updates the currently selected fields. |
| NUrlHyperlink | Represents an URL hyperlink. |
| NUrlHyperlink.NUrlHyperlinkDesigner | Designer for NUrlHyperlink. |
| NVerticalGuideline | NVerticalGuideline |
| NVFlowBlockCollection<T> | Represents a collection of inline elements |
| NVFlowBlockContainer<T> | Base class for all block containers whose child blocks flow vertically. |
| NViewSettings | Controls various visibility options of the text. |
| NVProjectionRulerRange | A vertical ruler range, that is used to highlight the projection of the currently visible text elements on the VRuler. |
| NVRuler | Represents the vertical ruler of a rich text editor. |
| NVRulerLane | Represents a lane from the horizontal ruler. |
| NWidgetInline | Represents an inlined widget |
| NZeroTextPositionMarker | Represents the beginning of a text document |