Inheritance Hierarchy
In This Topic
    Nevron.Nov.Text Namespace (Nevron.Nov.Text)
    In This Topic
    ClassSets the specified font style to the currently selected inlines
    ClassAligns the content of one or more table cells.
    ClassApplies block background fill to the currently selected root blocks.
    ClassApplies block float mode to the currently selected blocks.
    ClassApplies bullet formatting to the current selection.
    ClassApplies background fill to one or more table cells.
    ClassApplies paragraph left margin to the currently selected paragraph.
    ClassApplies paragraph alignment to the currently selected paragraph.
    ClassSets paragraph line height factor to the currently selected paragraph.
    ClassApplies paragraph right margin to the currently selected paragraph.
    ClassRepresents a break inline
    ClassThe base of all batches
    ClassRepresents a batch that consists of one or more batches.
    ClassRepresents a formatting mark as specified in the Unicode bi directional algorithm
    ClassBase for all block text elements
    ClassDesigner for NBlock.
    ClassRepresents a block arrange manager
    ClassBase class for all batches that modify the currently selected blocks.
    ClassRepresents a collection of block elements
    ClassRepresents a block element that contains other block elements
    ClassContains a set of properties that are used to modify a table.
    ClassDesigner for NBlockSettings.
    ClassRepresents a rich text bookmark.
    ClassDesigner of rich text bookmarks.
    ClassRepresents a collection of bookmarks
    ClassDesigner of rich text bookmark collections.
    ClassRepresents a book mark goto part
    ClassDesigner for NBookmarkGotoPart.
    ClassRepresents a bookmark hyperlink.
    ClassThe NBookmarkNamePropertyEditor class is assigned to the name property of a hyperlink.
    ClassRepresents a table border style.
    ClassRepresents a table border side rule.
    ClassA combo box for selecting a border style.
    ClassRepresents shape editor. A shape editor consists of multiple trackers each allowing the editing of specific shape aspects.
    ClassA collection of box editor editors
    ClassRepresents a break inline
    ClassRepresents a bullet inline
    ClassRepresents a bullet list template
    ClassDesigner for NBulletListTemplate.
    ClassRepresents a collection of bullet list levels
    ClassDesigner for NBulletListCollection.
    ClassRepresents a bullet list level
    ClassDesigner for NBulletListLevel.
    ClassRepresents a collection of bullet list levels
    ClassDesigner for NBulletListLevelCollection.
    ClassModifies the bullets and numbering style of the selection.
    ClassFIX: Extend the bullet settings
    ClassDesigner for NBulletsAndNumberingSettings.
    ClassSet the font size to the currently selected inlines.
    ClassSet the font size to the currently selected inlines.
    ClassSet the font size to the currently selected inlines.
    ClassCharacter insert event arguments.
    ClassClears bullet formatting from the current selection
    ClassClears the specified font style from the currently selected inlines
    ClassClears the value of a given property for the selected inlines.
    ClassBase for all clipboard text formats
    ClassRepresents a page break inline
    ClassA drop down that lets the user select a column page layout (from 1 to 4 columns).
    ClassCommand source for NColumnPageLayoutDropDown widgets.
    ClassA cell of a column page layout picker.
    ClassCopies the current selection to the clipboard
    ClassRepresents paste options applied when a paste command is executed
    ClassRepresents a bullet list counter
    ClassRepresents information about the current page (used when the user selects current page from the print dialog)
    ClassA custom dialog window.
    ClassCuts the current selection.
    ClassA widget that lets the user select a data record.
    ClassA command source that can be applied to data record selectors. It subsrcibes to the NDataRecordSelector.SelectedIndexChanged event to execute the command with a parameter equal to selected data record index.
    ClassBase class for data source builder chain tasks.
    ClassBase class for data source builder tasks.
    ClassRepresents a field inline which can represent date / time values
    ClassDesigner for date/time field values.
    ClassDecreases the currently selected cell column span
    ClassDecreases the currently selected cell row span
    ClassDeletes the next grapheme in case the selection does not contain a range. For range selection deletes the whole range.
    ClassDeletes the next word.
    ClassDeletes the previous char in case the selection does not contain a range. For range selection deletes the whole range.
    ClassDeletes the previuos chart
    ClassDeletes the word preceding the current selection.
    ClassDeletes the currently selected range.
    ClassDeletes a table.
    ClassDeletes the current table column to the left of the current table column.
    ClassDeletes one or more table rows.
    ClassBase class for all batches that show a dialog window.
    ClassThe document block represents the text document and contains one or more sections.
    ClassSection state designer
    ClassDocument loaded event args
    ClassDocument saved event args
    ClassCustomizes bullet styles for the current document.
    ClassEdits the document information properties.
    ClassEdits the document information properties.
    ClassShows a dialog for editing a field.
    ClassEdits the currently selected group block
    ClassEdits the currently selected paragraph.
    ClassEdits the currently selected section
    ClassEdits the currently selected section
    ClassControls various editing options of the text.
    ClassEdits the currently selected shape block.
    ClassEdits the properties of a table.
    ClassEdits the properties of a table cell.
    ClassEdits the currently selected column
    ClassEdits the currently selected table row
    ClassEdits the currently selected paragraph
    ClassRepresents a numeric field inline value.
    ClassRepresents a field inline (multiple characters that behave as one text position).
    ClassDesigner for field inlines.
    ClassDesigner for field inlines.
    ClassField map property editor.
    ClassBase class for all field values.
    ClassDesigner for NFieldValue.
    ClassFinds a given text.
    ClassReplaces all occurances of the specified text with other text.
    ClassContains settings for text find operations.
    ClassDesigner for NFindSettings.
    ClassAn HRuler mark, that is used to modify the first line indent of a block
    ClassRepresents a note content
    ClassRepresents a footnote inline
    ClassBase for all inline elements that display text or glyph(s).
    ClassBase for all goto parts.
    ClassDesigner for NGotoPart.
    ClassA class that contains the settings necessary for a go to line operation.
    ClassDesigner for NGotoSettings.
    ClassA field inline value that represents a greeting line used in mail merge operations.
    ClassDesigner for greeting line field values.
    ClassRepresents a group block
    ClassGroup block state designer
    ClassServes as base class for horizontal and vertical guidelines.
    ClassRepresents an attribute, which controls the appearance of a specific set of handles
    ClassAn HRuler mark, that is used to modify the hanging indent of a block
    ClassRepresents a header footer element
    ClassRepresents the horizontal ruler of a rich text editor.
    ClassRepresents a lane from the horizontal ruler.
    ClassRepresents the html text format.
    ClassBase class for hyperlink
    ClassDesigner for NHyperlink.
    ClassRepresents a field inline which can represent date / time values
    ClassRepresents an image atom.
    ClassBase class for image text formats
    ClassRepresents an image inline.
    ClassDesigner for NImageInline hyperlinks.
    ClassDesigner for NImageInline state.
    ClassDecreases the currently selected cell col span
    ClassIncreases the currently selected cell row span.
    ClassBase for all inline elements
    ClassRepresents an inline atom.
    ClassBase for all batches that modify the currently selected inlines.
    ClassRepresents a collection of inline elements
    ClassRepresents a rich text inline rule.
    ClassRepresents a rich text inline style.
    ClassDesigner for inline styles.
    ClassRepresents a text position marker attached to non-bullet list item inline element.
    ClassInsert break settings object for the insert break command action
    ClassDesigner for NInsertBreakSettings.
    ClassRepresents the settings for the insert date command action.
    ClassDesigner for NInsertDateSettings.
    ClassShows a dialog for inserting a field.
    ClassInserts a new paragraph at the currently selection position.
    ClassInserts an image at the currently selected range or position
    ClassInserts a new table at the currently selected position. The table is created according to the specified settings.
    ClassInserts a new table at the currently selected text range. The text range will be split accordingly.
    ClassInserts a table column to the left or to the right of the current table column.
    ClassInserts a new table row.
    ClassContains a set of properties that are used to create a table.
    ClassDesigner for NInsertTableSettings.
    ClassContains a set of properties that are used to create a table.
    ClassInserts a text atome at the currently selected range or position.
    ClassReplaces the current selection (if any) with the specified text.
    ClassRepresents settings for the insert date command action
    ClassDesigner for NInsertTimeSettings.
    ClassRepresents the last valid text caret position
    ClassAn HRuler mark, that is used to modify the right margin of blocks
    ClassRepresents a line break
    ClassRepresents a go to line part.
    ClassDesigner for NLineGotoPart.
    ClassBase class for all data sources.
    ClassRepresents the data source for mail merge.
    ClassDesigner for field inlines.
    ClassA class that provides information about the mapping of predefined mail merge fields to data source field names.
    ClassBase class for all field inline value, which are used in mail merge operations.
    ClassRepresents a mail merge field value that gets data from a mail merge source field with a given name.
    ClassDesigner for mail merge predefined field values.
    ClassDisplays the ordinal position of the record in the mail merge. This number is not visible until the mail merge is finished.
    ClassDesigner for mail merge record source index field values.
    ClassDisplays the ordinal position of the mail merge data record in the list of selected records from the data source.
    ClassDesigner for mail merge record source index field values.
    ClassRepresents a mail merge field value that gets data from a mail merge source field with a given name.
    ClassDesigner for mail merge source field values.
    ClassRepresents a property editor that allows to edit a margins structure with unit information
    ClassShows a dialog for choosing the mail merge to data source column mappings.
    ClassCreates a document for each record in the mail merge data source, merges all such documents to one large document and shows a "Save As" dialog for saving it.
    ClassIncreases the currently selected cell row span.
    ClassModifies the currently selected block margins by a given amount
    ClassBase for all batches that modify block margins and padding.
    ClassModifies the border and the thickness of the currently selected block elements.
    ClassModifies the border and border thickness of one or more table cells.
    ClassModifies the properties of an image inline.
    ClassModifies the currently selected paragraphs first line indent by a given amount.
    ClassBase class for all batches that modify the properties of multiple table cells.
    ClassRepresents the base class for note content, such header, footers, footnotes, endnotes etc.
    ClassRepresents a note inline, which acts as a base for footnote and endnote
    ClassA pair box property editor, which is by default assigned to properties of Enum type. The value control is a combo box, a list box or a radio group.
    ClassRepresents a numeric field inline value.
    ClassDesigner for numeric field values.
    ClassRepresents a page break inline
    ClassDesigner for NPageGotoPart.
    ClassRepresents a page reference to a bookmark inline.
    ClassThe paragraph block element.
    ClassParagraph state designer
    ClassBase for all batches that modify the currently selected paragraphs
    ClassRepresents a paragraph end
    ClassDesigner for NParagraphGotoPart.
    ClassRepresents a rich text paragraph rule.
    ClassRepresents a rich text style that can be applied on paragraphs.
    ClassDesigner for paragraph styles.
    ClassReplaces the current selection (if any) with the specified char
    ClassReplaces the current selection (if any) with the specified char.
    ClassRepresents the png text format
    ClassBase for all elements that can contain content
    ClassRepresents a range text element collection.
    ClassBase class for raster based text formats
    ClassReplaces the specified range with the specified text
    ClassContains settings for text replace operations.
    ClassDesigner for NReplaceSettings.
    ClassDO NOT MODIFY MANUALLY. Automatically generated by NResourceMaker.
    ClassRepresents a document that contains an NDocumentBlock element.
    ClassBase class for all rich text style rules. A rich text rule is a set of properties that can be added to a style rule.
    ClassBase class for all rich text styles. A rich text style contains property values and rules that can be added to a style sheet and usually result in multiple style rules.
    ClassDesigner for rich text styles.
    ClassRepresents a collection of rich text styles.
    ClassDesigner for rich text style collections.
    ClassBase class for all rich text style pickers.
    ClassBase class for all text style picker cells.
    ClassBase class for all rich text style split buttons.
    ClassCommand source associated with rich text style split buttons.
    ClassBase class for all rich text styling element such as rich text styles and rich text rules.
    ClassRepresents a rich text edit control.
    ClassA rich text view with command bars.
    ClassA rich text view with ribbon.
    ClassAn HRuler mark, that is used to modify the right margin of blocks
    ClassRepresents a root block element. The root element contains a selection object
    ClassRepresents the rtf text format.
    ClassRepresents a rich text editor ruler. Serves as base class for horizontal and vertical rulers.
    ClassDesigner for rulers.
    ClassRepresents a lane from a ruler, which is a widget composed of ruler ranges and ruler marks. Serves as base class for horizontal and vertical lanes
    ClassA collection of ruler lanes, that serves as base class for horizontal and vertical ruler lane panels.
    ClassA ruler item, that draws a specific mark and which the user can drag.
    ClassA collection of ruler mark items.
    ClassA ruler lane item, that represents a range.
    ClassA collection of ruler range items.
    ClassServes as base class for ruler range text element infos
    ClassServes as base class for element info objects that text elements dynamically provide to rulers.
    ClassRepresents a section of the document
    ClassRepresents a section page state designer.
    ClassSection state designer.
    ClassRepresents a collection of inline elements.
    ClassRepresents a section break inline.
    ClassRepresents a collection of sections
    ClassDesigner for NSectionGotoPart.
    ClassSelects a mail merge data record.
    ClassRepresents the selection of text document.
    ClassShows a dilog for selecting a mail merge data source (e.g. an Access database).
    ClassSelects a table.
    ClassSelects a table cell.
    ClassSelects a table column.
    ClassA dialog for configuring email send options for mail merge "Merge & Send" operation.
    ClassSets the specified baseline (normal, superscript or subscript) to the currently selected inlines
    ClassApplies the specified property value to the currently selected inlines
    ClassSets the font name to the currently selected inlines
    ClassSet the font size to the currently selected inlines.
    ClassSets the specified column count of the currently selected section
    ClassSets the shadow of the currently selected inlines.
    ClassSets the stroke of the currently selected inlines.
    ClassAligns the content of one or more table cells.
    ClassSets the table columns width mode
    ClassSets the table Rows Height mode
    ClassSets the text anchor.
    ClassSets the font name to the currently selected inlines
    ClassRepresents a shape block.
    ClassBullet list item state designer
    ClassBase for all box inlines (image or widget)
    ClassDesigner for NShapeInlineState.
    ClassA simple rich text edit control that mimics the WordPad functionality.
    ClassA simple rich text view with ribbon (similar to WordPad).
    ClassBase for all batches that modify properties of a single table cell.
    ClassA menu item that shows a spell check suggestion.
    ClassSplits the currently selected row master cell horizontally
    ClassSplits the currently selected row master cell horizontally
    ClassProvides document statistics
    ClassA field inline value, which represents string values.
    ClassDesigner for string field values.
    ClassRepresents a tab inline
    ClassRepresents a table.
    ClassDesigner for tables.
    ClassRepresents a table cell
    ClassDesigner for NTableCellState.
    ClassRepresents a collection of table cell elements
    ClassThe base of all appearance styles.
    ClassDesigner for NTableColumnState.
    ClassThe base for all batches that depend on the current common table column.
    ClassRepresents a collection of inline elements
    ClassSets the column width in a table using a specified column width mode.
    ClassDesigner for NTableGotoPart.
    ClassRepresents a table of contents block.
    ClassDesigner for NTableOfContentsBlock.
    ClassRepresents the content field of a table of contents block, i.e. the block, which holds the table of contents entries.
    ClassRepresents a table part style, i.e. a style for a row, column, cell or a whole table.
    ClassRepresents a root block element. The root element contains a selection object
    ClassRepresents a table row.
    ClassDesigner for NTableRowState.
    ClassRepresents a collection of inline elements.
    ClassContains a set of properties that are used to modify a table.
    ClassDesigner for table settings.
    ClassA drop down for selecting a table size.
    ClassRepresents a rich text table style.
    ClassDesigner for table styles.
    ClassEdits table style options.
    ClassA picker for selecting a table style.
    ClassSplit button for selecting a table style.
    ClassRepresents a tab stop.
    ClassThe designer for style sheets.
    ClassRepresents a collection of tab stops
    ClassAn HRuler mark, that is used to modify an explicit tab stop of a block
    ClassRepresents a text atom.
    ClassRepresents the plain text text format
    ClassBase of all text elements
    ClassParagraph state designer
    ClassBase for all collections that contain text elements
    ClassRepresents a Element measure manager
    ClassRepresents a text inline
    ClassDummy type used to explicitly load the Nevron.Nov.Text assembly
    ClassRepresents the Nevron Text module.
    ClassBase for all text position markers
    ClassA picker for selecting a text style.
    ClassA text button for selecting a text style.
    ClassA theme plugin that adds rules for the Nevron rich text control.
    ClassReplaces the current selection (if any) with the specified text.
    ClassUpdates the currently selected fields.
    ClassRepresents an URL hyperlink.
    ClassDesigner for NUrlHyperlink.
    ClassRepresents a collection of inline elements
    ClassBase class for all block containers whose child blocks flow vertically.
    ClassControls various visibility options of the text.
    ClassA vertical ruler range, that is used to highlight the projection of the currently visible text elements on the VRuler.
    ClassRepresents the vertical ruler of a rich text editor.
    ClassRepresents a lane from the horizontal ruler.
    ClassRepresents an inlined widget
    ClassRepresents the beginning of a text document
    InterfaceIterates through a block range.
    InterfaceBullet list templates collection host interface.
    InterfaceInterface implemented by document blocks.
    InterfaceInterface implemented by rich text views.
    InterfaceInterface implemented by root range text elements.
    InterfaceRoot text measure arrange element interface.
    InterfaceInterface implemented by spell checker hosts.
    InterfaceInterface implemented by text block content
    InterfaceImplemented by text elements, which can be represented on the VRuler.
    StructureThis class is used to mark bookmark position to currently constructed bookmark begin / end.
    StructureHolds character insert data information.
    StructureRepresents an iterator which cycles over the cell of the specfied table
    StructureRepsents a tab stop information assigned to tabs
    StructureCommon value implementation for value types
    DelegateDelegate for event handlers, which require to have control over char insert changes in text inlines
    DelegateCalled when a block is visited
    DelegateCalled when a block is visited.
    EnumerationEnumerates the text alignment within a paragraph
    EnumerationEnumerates the possible types of the bidi inline element
    EnumerationMask that enumerates whether the block range boundaries are contained in the current selection range
    EnumerationEnumerates the block sides
    EnumerationEnumerates the block Y indexes
    EnumerationEnumerates the supported break types.
    EnumerationEnumerates some commonly used bullet chars
    EnumerationThe type of char following the bullet
    EnumerationDefines the style of bullets
    EnumerationDefines the style of bullets
    EnumerationEnumerates the block clear modes.
    EnumerationEnumerates the column width modes.
    EnumerationEnumerates the data source formats
    EnumerationEnumerates the date time field types.
    EnumerationEnumerates the editing targets.
    EnumerationEnumerates the supported field content part types.
    EnumerationEnumerates the field types.
    EnumerationEnumerates the block flow modes
    EnumerationEnumerates the greeting line contents.
    EnumerationEnumerates the gutter positions
    EnumerationDefines the currently available handle shapes
    EnumerationDefines the possible handle types
    EnumerationEnumerates the block flow modes
    EnumerationEnumerates the block horizontal alignment modes.
    EnumerationEnumerates the inactive content display modes
    EnumerationEnumerates the line height modes.
    EnumerationEnumerates the line spcaing modes
    EnumerationEnumerates the line trimming modes
    EnumerationEnumerates the supported mail merge data fields, i.e. fields that are used for special mail merge features, for example for GreetingLine.
    EnumerationEnumerates the mail merge destinations
    EnumerationEnumerates the DOCX mail merge source document types (the ST_MailMergeDocType simple type).
    EnumerationEnumerates the mail merge field value types.
    EnumerationEnumerates the mark visibilities
    EnumerationEnumerates the normalization used when searching trough text
    EnumerationEnumerates the numeric field types
    EnumerationEnumerates the paragraph outline levels.
    EnumerationEnumerates the paragraph directions.
    EnumerationEnumerates the rich text style scopes.
    EnumerationEnumerates the rich text style types.
    EnumerationEnumerates the column height modes
    EnumerationEnumerates the text search directions.
    EnumerationEnumerates the section break type
    EnumerationEnumerates the selection modes
    EnumerationEnumerates the selection render modes
    EnumerationEnumerates the string field types.
    EnumerationEnumerates the value formats
    EnumerationEnumerates the table borders configurations used by the table style editor.
    EnumerationEnumerates the table cell separators, when converting a table to text
    EnumerationEnumerates the possible text directions in the table cell
    EnumerationEnumerates the table elements
    EnumerationEnumerates the table parts used for table styling.
    EnumerationEnumerates the table style options.
    EnumerationEnumerates the tab stop leader styles
    EnumerationEnumerates the text atom types
    EnumerationEnumerates the text document parts.
    EnumerationEnumerates the text fill types
    EnumerationEnumerates the text layout types
    EnumerationEnumerates the URL hyperlink targets.
    EnumerationEnumerates the vertical alignment within a block element.
    EnumerationEnumerates the block flow modes
    EnumerationEnumerates the block vertical alignment modes.
    EnumerationEnumerates the wrapping modes
    EnumerationEnumerates the wrap mode commands
    EnumerationEnumerates the supported zoom command modes.
    See Also