Nevron Open Vision Documentation
Version History / What is New in 2022 Vol 1
In This Topic
    What is New in 2022 Vol 1
    In This Topic

    General NOV Improvements

    Support for .NET Core 5.0

    NOV has support for .NET Core 5.0 as well as legacy .NET Framework 4.7.2 and above

    Support for Visual Studio 2022

    NOV fully integrates with Visual Studio 2022 for both .NET Core and legacy .NET framework projects. All controls in the suite integrate with the Visual Studio toolbox automatically.

    Improved Design Time Support and Project Templates

    Improved Visual Studio Design Time support for all NOV controls and updated project templates.

    Theme Editor

    A new theme editor application is included in the suite that allows you to modify the existing UI themes or create your own.


    Improved localization and updated localization dictionaries.

    Improved High DPI Support

    NOV is now per monitor DPI aware and will automatically switch the rendering resolution of all NOV controls depending on the current monitor’s DPI.

    Improved Examples Browser

    NOV examples navigation is improved by adding a more intuitive and easy to use interface. In addition the NOV example framework supports automatic creation of example projects for WinForms and WPF based on the currently viewed example.

    VB.NET Examples Source Code

    All examples now provide C# and VB.NET source code variants.

    Performance Improvements

    NOV features many performance modifications in the text and graphics rendering.

    Bug Fixes

    NOV features bug fixes for all reported problems in the previous release.

    Diagram Improvements

    Improved Visio Import and Export

    Visio import and export have been improved to ensure better loading and saving of Visio drawings and stencils.

    Text Improvements

    Improved RTF, DOCX and EPUB support

    All major formats supported by the control (DOCX, RTF and EPUB) are significantly improved for better accuracy.

    Improved Customization

    The control's customization capabilities have been significantly improved.

    Schedule Improvements

    Time Indicators Added

    The schedule component can now show a time inidicator that represents the current time. See the Schedule Time Indicators topic for more information.