| Class | Description |
| NAbsoluteScaleBreakInflate | Inflates the scale on the left and right from the break with a specified amount so that the data in the left and right parts of the scale is not obscured by the break. |
| NAlignmentGuideline | Represents a chart alignment guideline |
| NAlignmentGuidelineCollection | Represents a collection of alignment guidelines |
| NAngularScale | Represents a scale configurator that will configure the scale to display angular values. |
| NAreaDataPoint | Represents an area data point |
| NAreaSeries | Represents an area series |
| NAreaSeriesBase | Represents the base for the area and high low series |
| NAutoScaleBreak | Represents an automatic scale break, which will be applied if the data displayed on the axis breaks the threshold factor. |
| NAxisAnchor | The base of all axis anchors. |
| NAxisBase | Base class for all axes |
| NAxisCollection<T> | Represents a collection of cartesian axes |
| NAxisCrossing | Represents a crossing between two axes. This is the base class for all axis crossing types. |
| NAxisElement | Base class for the axis reference and axis stripe elements |
| NAxisElementCollection<NAxisElementType> | Represents a collection of axis reference lines |
| NAxisMajorTickSnapper | Snaps values to the major ticks of the axis |
| NAxisMinorTickSnapper | Snaps values to the minor ticks of the axis |
| NAxisReferenceLine | Represents an axis reference line |
| NAxisReferenceLineCollection | Represents a collection of axis reference lines |
| NAxisReferenceRange | Represents a range on a reference axis. |
| NAxisReferenceRangeCollection | Represents a collection of axis reference ranges |
| NAxisRulerClampSnapper | Clamps values to the axis min / max values |
| NAxisRulerMinMaxSnapper | Snaps values to the axis min / max values |
| NAxisStripe | Represents an axis stripe |
| NAxisStripeCollection | Represents a collection of axis stripes |
| NAxisTicksPalette | Represents a palette which is created based on a set of colors and automatically generated values for them based on the major ticks of the axis. |
| NAxisValueSnapper | The base for all scale value snapper |
| NBarDataPoint | Represents a bar data point |
| NBarSeries | Represents a bar series |
| NBarSeriesBase | Represents a base class for bar series and box and whisker series |
| NBoxAndWhiskerDataPoint | Represents a box and whisker data point |
| NBoxAndWhiskerSeries | Represents a box and whisker series |
| NBubbleDataPoint | Represents a bubble data point |
| NBubbleSeries | Represents a bubble series |
| NCalendarRule | The base for the week and month day calendar rules |
| NCalendarRuleCollection | Represents a collection of calendar rules |
| NCapEffect | The base of all effects that can be applied after a shape or panel is painted on a 2D drawing surface |
| NCartesianAxis | Represents a cartesian chart axis. |
| NCartesianAxisAnchor | The base for all cartesian chart anchors |
| NCartesianAxisCollection | Represents a collection of cartesian axes |
| NCartesianChart | Represents a cartesian chart. |
| NCartesianSeries | Represents a cartesian series |
| NCartesianSeriesCollection | Represents a collection of cartesian series |
| NCartesianSeriesCollection.NCartesianSeriesCollectionDesigner | Designer for linear barcode widgets. |
| NCellDisplay | Base for all display panels |
| NCharacterDecimalPositionFilter | Returns true if the character token decimal position has the same relative position as the filter |
| NChart | Base class for all types of chart - cartesian, funnel, polar, radar, pie, treemap etc. |
| NChartAxis | Base class for all chart axes |
| NChartAxisCollection<T> | Represents a collection of cartesian axes |
| NChartCommandBarBuilder | Creates the Nevron Chart command bar UI. |
| NChartDocument | Represents a document that contains am NChartViewSurface. |
| NChartElement | A visual element that serves as base class for elements that can receive and process user input. |
| NChartElement.NChartElementDesigner | A designer for an input element. |
| NChartLabelLayout | Controls options related to data label layout on a per chart level. |
| NChartLoadAssemblyType | Dummy type used to explicitly load the Nevron.Nov.Chart assembly |
| NChartModule | Represents the Nevron Chart module. |
| NChartPalette | Represents a theme for a chart. |
| NChartPrintLayout | Represents a chart print layout. |
| NChartRibbonBuilder | |
| NChartTheme | Represents a theme for a chart. |
| NChartUIThemePlugin | A theme plugin that adds rules for the Nevron rich text control. |
| NChartView | A widget, which contains a chart document. |
| NChartViewSurface | Represents a content holder widget that is placed inside the document, hosted by a document box. |
| NChartViewWithCommandBars | A chart view with command bars. |
| NChartViewWithRibbon | A chart view with a ribbon. |
| NChartWall | Represents a cartesian chart wall. |
| NChartWallContainer | Represents a collection of walls |
| NCircularRim | Represents circular rim style |
| NColorValuePalette | Represents a palette which is created based on color value pairs |
| NContentScaleBreakPosition | Represents a scale break position, which is determined according to the amount of data left on the sides of the scale break. |
| NContourLabelStyle | Controls the appearance of a contour labels |
| NContourLine | Reprsents a surface contour line (contour line) |
| NContourLineCollection | Represents a collection of surface contour lines |
| NCrossCartesianAxisAnchor | Base class for value and model cross axis anchors. |
| NCrossPolarAxisAnchor | Represents a cross polar axis anchor |
| NCustomLabel | The base class for custom labels (value or range) |
| NCustomLabelCollection | Represents a collection of custom labels |
| NCustomRangeLabel | Represents a label displayed at a specified custom range |
| NCustomScaleBreak | Represents a custom defined scale break |
| NCustomValueLabel | Represents a label displayed at a specified custom value |
| NDailySchedule | Represents a daily schedule |
| NDataLabelStyle | Represents a data label attached to a data point |
| NDataPoint | Represents a data point |
| NDataPointCollection<TDataPoint> | Represents a collection of data points |
| NDateTimeDecorationRange | Provides a date / time decoration range |
| NDateTimeRangeRule | Represents a date time rule based that applied on a range |
| NDateTimeScale | Represents a date time scale. |
| NDateTimeUnitSensitiveLabelTextProvider | Represents a collection of NDateTimeUnitFormatterPair objects |
| NDateTimeValueSnapper | Represents a value snapper that snaps date/time values to the nearest date time step from a specified date/time origin. |
| NDecorationRange | Base class for all decoration ranges |
| NDial | Represents a border applied around an an object (shape or panel) |
| NDialRim | Represents a border applied around an an object (shape or panel) |
| NDockCartesianAxisAnchor | Docks a chart axis to one of the four chart axis dock zones (Left, Top, Right or Bottom), thereby reducing the space avaialable for the chart content. |
| NDockGaugeAxisAnchor | Docks a gauge axis to one of the two gauge axis dock zones (Top or Bottom), thereby reducing the space avaialable for the gauge content. |
| NDockPolarAxisAnchor | Represents a dock polar axis anchor |
| NEdgeDialRim | Represents a border consisting of three stripes with controllable filling and width |
| NErrorBarDataPoint | Represents an error bar data point |
| NErrorBarSeries | Represents an error bar series |
| NFastBarSeries | Represents a quick bar series. |
| NFastBarSeriesData | Each NFastBarSeries instance has an associated NFastBarSeriesData object which represents the data storage for the series. The data storage is one-dimensional and contains values and optionally xvalues, zvalues and color data. |
| NFastLineSeries | Represents a fast line series. |
| NFastLineSeriesData | Each NFastPointSeries instance has an associated NFastLineSeriesData object which represents the data storage for the series. The data storage is one-dimensional and contains values and optionally xvalues, zvalues and color data. |
| NFastPointSeries | Represents a fast point series. |
| NFastPointSeriesData | Each NFastPointSeries instance has an associated NFastPointSeriesData object which represents the data storage for the series. The data storage is one-dimensional and contains values and optionally xvalues, zvalues and color data. |
| NFastSeriesBase | Represents a base class for fast series. |
| NFormattedScaleLabelTextProvider | Represents a scale label text provider that provides formatted values based on the label scale value |
| NFunctionSeries | Represents a vector series |
| NFunnelChart | Represents a funnel chart |
| NFunnelDataPoint | Represents a funnel data point |
| NFunnelSeries | Represents a funnel series |
| NFunnelSeriesCollection | Represents a collection of funnel series |
| NFunnelSeriesCollection.NFunnelSeriesCollectionDesigner | Designer for linear barcode widgets. |
| NGauge | Base class for linear and radial gauges |
| NGaugeAxis | Represents a gauge axis |
| NGaugeAxisAnchor | The base for all gauge anchors |
| NGaugeAxisCollection | Represents a collection of gauge axis elements |
| NGelCapEffect | Represent a gel effect applied of a shape |
| NGlassCapEffect | Represents a paint effect that emulates the reflection of glass cap over a shape lit from a controllable direction |
| NGridSurfaceData | Each NGridSurfaceSeries instance has an associated NGridSurfaceData object which represents the data storage for the surface series. The data storage is two-dimensional and contains only elevation data. |
| NGridSurfaceSeries | Represents a grid surface series. |
| NGroupTreeMapNode | Represents a value tree map node |
| NGroupTreeMapNodeLegendView | Controls the representation of the associated node in the chart legend. |
| NHeatMapData | Represents a grid data object |
| NHeatMapSeries | Represents a heat map series |
| NHierarchicalScale | Represents a scale configurator that can create a hierachical scale |
| NHierarchicalScaleNode | Represents a node in a hierachichal scale |
| NHierarchicalScaleNodeCollection | Represents a collection of hierarchical scale nodes |
| NHighLowDataPoint | Represents a high low data point |
| NHighLowSeries | Represents a High Low Series |
| NIndicator | The base of all indicators |
| NIndicatorCollection | Represents a collection of gauge indicators |
| NIndicatorState | Represents a state indicator inside a state indicator panel |
| NIndicatorStateCollection | Represents a collection of NIndicatorState objects. |
| NIndicesSurfaceData | Each NTriangulatedSurfaceSeries instance has an associated NTrianguatedSurface object which represents the data storage for the surface series. The data storage is one-dimensional and contains XYZ position data as well as optionional color per position. |
| NInstrumentationWidget | Base for all instrumentation widgets |
| NKagiDataPoint | Represents a kagi data point |
| NKagiSeries | Represents a Kagi Series |
| NKnobIndicator | Represents a knob value indicator |
| NLedDisplay | Base for all display panels |
| NLegend | The NLegend class represents the integrated legend of NOV Chart. |
| NLegendInterlaceStyle | Represents a legend horizontal or vertical interlace style. |
| NLegendInterlaceStylesCollection | Represents a collection of legend iterlace styles |
| NLegendItemCollection | Represents a collection of legend items (widgets) |
| NLegendView | Controls the representation of the associated object in the chart legend. |
| NLevelContour | Represents a level contour |
| NLevelPath | Represents a level path |
| NLinearGauge | Represents a linear gauge. |
| NLinearScale | Represents a linear scale. |
| NLineDataPoint | Represents a line data point |
| NLineScaleBreakStyle | Represents a scale break that is visualized as two parallel, straight lines |
| NLineSegment | Represents a line segment |
| NLineSeries | Represents a line series |
| NLogarithmicScale | Represents a logarithmic scale |
| NMajorTickDecorationRange | A decoration range will use the current major tick settings |
| NMarkerStyle | Controls the appearance of a markers |
| NMarkerValueIndicator | Represents a merker value indicator |
| NMatrixSeriesData | Represents a matrix series data object |
| NMatrixSurfaceSeries | Base class for the NGridSurfaceSreies and NMeshSurfaceSeries |
| NMatrixSurfaceSeriesData | The NMatrixSurfaceSeriesData is the base class for the grid and mesh surface series data objects |
| NMeshSurfaceData | Each NMeshSurfaceSeries instance has an associated NMeshSurfaceData object which represents the data storage for the surface series. The data storage is two-dimensional and contains XYZ position data. |
| NMeshSurfaceSeries | Represents a mesh surface series. |
| NMinorTickDecorationRange | A decoration range that will use the current minor tick settings |
| NModelAxisCrossing | Represents a cross point between two axes in scale model coordinates. |
| NModelGaugeAxisAnchor | Positions a gauge axis in gauge model space, without reducing the space available for the gauge content. |
| NMonthDayRule | Represents month of day rule |
| NMultiColorPalette | Base class for palettes that contain multiple colors |
| NNeedleCap | Controls the appearance and visibility of the cap style applied on the needle pin point |
| NNeedleValueIndicator | Represents a needle value indicator. |
| NNumericDecorationRange | Provides a custom specified numeric decoration range |
| NNumericLedDisplay | The base of all numeric display panels. |
| NNumericScale | Base class for numeric scales |
| NNumericScale.NNumericScaleDesigner | Designer for NStandardScale. |
| NNumericValueSnapper | Represents a value snapper that snaps values to the nearest step from a specified origin. |
| NOpenGLWidget | OpenGL widget |
| NOrdinalScale | Represents an ordinal scale configurator. |
| NOrdinalScaleLabelTextProvider | Represents a scale label text provider that provides custom specified texts depending on the ordinal label scale value |
| NPalette | Represents a palette |
| NPatternScaleBreakStyle | The base of all scale break styles that posses a pattern for drawing (horizontal and vertical step) |
| NPercentScaleBreakPosition | Represents a scale break position which is determined in percentages relative to the scale being split by the scale break. |
| NPieChart | Represents a pie chart |
| NPieDataPoint | Represents a pie data point |
| NPieSeries | Represents a pie series |
| NPieSeries.NPieSeriesCollectionDesigner | Designer for linear barcode widgets. |
| NPieSeriesCollection | Represents a collection of Pie series |
| NPieSeriesCollection.NPieSeriesCollectionDesigner | Designer for linear barcode widgets. |
| NPlotChart | Base class for all types of chart that have a plot - cartesian, polar and radar. |
| NPointAndFigureDataPoint | Represents a kagi data point |
| NPointAndFigureSeries | Represents a Kagi Series |
| NPointDataPoint | Represents a point data point |
| NPointSeries | Represents a point series |
| NPolarAreaDataPoint | Represents a polar area data point |
| NPolarAreaSeries | Represents a polar area series |
| NPolarAxis | Represents a polar chart axis. |
| NPolarAxisAnchor | Base for all polar axis anchors (cross and dock) |
| NPolarAxisCollection | Represents a collection of cartesian axes |
| NPolarChart | Represents a cartesian chart |
| NPolarLineDataPoint | Represents a polar line data point |
| NPolarLineSeries | Represents a polar line series |
| NPolarPointDataPoint | Represents a point data point |
| NPolarPointSeries | Represents a polar point series |
| NPolarRangeDataPoint | Represents a polar range data point |
| NPolarRangeSeries | Represents a polar range series |
| NPolarSeries | Base class for all polar series |
| NPolarSeriesCollection | Represents a collection of polar series |
| NPolarSeriesCollection.NPolarSeriesCollectionDesigner | Designer for linear barcode widgets. |
| NPolarVectorDataPoint | Represents a vector data point |
| NPolarVectorSeries | Represents a polar vector series |
| NPriceChangeSeries | Represents the base class of all price change sseries (kagi, renko, three line break, point and figure) |
| NPriceTimeScale | The price time scale is a special type of scale targeted for displaying date time values for financial charts such as Renko, Kagi, Three Line Break and Point and Figure. |
| NRadarAreaDataPoint | Represents a radar area data point |
| NRadarAreaSeries | Represents a radar area series |
| NRadarAxis | Represents a radar chart axis. |
| NRadarAxisAnchor | Base for all polar axis anchors (cross and dock) |
| NRadarAxisCollection | Represents a collection of cartesian axes |
| NRadarChart | Represents a radar chart |
| NRadarLineDataPoint | Represents a radar line data point |
| NRadarLineSeries | Represents a radar line series |
| NRadarSeries | Base class for all radar series |
| NRadarSeriesCollection | Represents a collection of Radar series |
| NRadarSeriesCollection.NRadarSeriesCollectionDesigner | Designer for linear barcode widgets. |
| NRadialChart | Represents a radial chart. Base class for polar and radar charts |
| NRadialGauge | Represents a radial gauge. |
| NRangeDataPoint | Represents a range data point |
| NRangeIndicator | Represents a range indicator |
| NRangeMultiColorPalette | Represents a palette which is created based on a set of colors and automatically generated values based on the range covered by the palette and the number of colors in it. |
| NRangeSampler | The base of all range samplers |
| NRangeScaleBreakPosition | Represents a scale break position which is determined relative to the range of the scale break in scale coordinates. |
| NRangeScaleLabelStyle | Describes the appearance of the automatically generated labels on a scale. |
| NRangeSeries | Represents a range series |
| NRangeTimelineScale | Represents a scale configurator that will produce a timeline scale of multiple levels decorated with date / time range labels |
| NRangeTimelineScaleRow | Represents a row of date / time labels in a range timeline scale |
| NRelativeScaleBreakInflate | Represents a scale break inflate that will inflate the ranges on the left and right of the scale break with a value relative to the scale break range. |
| NRenkoDataPoint | Represents a kagi data point |
| NRenkoSeries | Represents a Kagi Series |
| NResources | DO NOT MODIFY MANUALLY. Automatically generated by NResourceMaker. |
| NRuler | Controls the appearance of the scale ruler. |
| NRulerCapStyle | Represents a cap style applied to a shape begin or end point |
| NScale | Base class for all scale configurators. |
| NScale.NScaleDesigner | Designer for NScale. |
| NScaleBreak | The base of all scale breaks |
| NScaleBreakCollection | Represents a collection of scale breaks |
| NScaleBreakInflate | The base of all scale break inflate derived classes |
| NScaleBreakPosition | The base of all scale break position classes controlling how the scale break is positioned on the axis |
| NScaleBreakStyle | The base of all scale break styles defining the appearance of an axis scale break |
| NScaleElement | Base for all scale elements |
| NScaleElementCollection<TScaleElement> | Base for all scale element collections |
| NScaleGridLines | Controls the grid lines displayed by the axis at the chart walls |
| NScaleLabels | Controls the auto labels displayed by the axis |
| NScaleLabelStyle | Describes the appearance of the automatically generated labels on a scale. |
| NScaleLabelTextProvider | Base class for all scale label text providers |
| NScalePartStyle | Base class for all styles that produce scale parts |
| NScalePlotElement | Base for all scale elements |
| NScaleSection | Represents a range of values on the scale that alters the default styles for scale and wall decorations if their value falls inside the section range. |
| NScaleSectionCollection | Represents a collection of scale section objects |
| NScaleStrip | Represents an scale interlace style. Interlace styles are drawn on the chart walls and are synchronized with the axis major ticks. |
| NScaleStripCollection | Represents a collection of scale strip objects |
| NScaleTicks | Controls the appearance of scale ticks |
| NScaleTitle | Controls the appearance of the scale title |
| NSeries | Represents the base class of all series |
| NSeriesBoxClipping | Controls how clipping is applied relative to the series contents |
| NSeriesChart | Base class for all types of chart that have series - cartesian, polar, radar, pie etc. |
| NSeriesCollection<TSeries> | Represents a collection of gauge axis elements |
| NSeriesCollection.NSeriesCollectionDesigner<TSeries> | Designer for linear barcode widgets. |
| NSeriesData | Represents a series data object |
| NSeriesLabelLayout | Controls options related to data label layout on a per series level. |
| NSeriesLegendView | Controls the representation of the associated series in the chart legend. |
| NStandardDecorationRange | Base range sampler provider |
| NStandardScale | Base class of all scale configurators. |
| NStandardScale.NStandardScaleDesigner | Designer for NStandardScale. |
| NStateIndicator | Represents a state indicator |
| NStockDataPoint | Represents a stock data point |
| NStockSeries | Represents a stock series. |
| NStrokeDialRim | Represents a border consisting of a single outline (stroke) |
| NSurfaceSeriesBase | Abstract base class for the NGridSurfaceSeries, NMeshSurfaceSeries and NTriangulatedSurfaceSeries. This class contains common functionality for the surface series like surface palette management, control of the surface filling, frame, flat surface mode etc. |
| NSurfaceTriangle | |
| NTextLedDisplay | Represents a led display that can display arbitrary text |
| NThreeColorPalette | Represents a three color palette |
| NThreeLineBreakDataPoint | Represents a kagi data point |
| NThreeLineBreakSeries | Represents a Kagi Series |
| NTimeline | Represents a timeline as a sequence working and non working intervals |
| NTimelineLabels | Controls the timeline label |
| NTimelineScale | The base for timeline scales - range and value timeline |
| NTimelineScaleRow | The base of the range and value timeline scale rows |
| NTransformedScale | Base class for trnasformed scales |
| NTreeMapChart | Represents a tree map |
| NTreeMapNode | Base class for all tree map nodes |
| NTreeMapNodeCollection | Represents a collection of tree map nodes |
| NTrendlineSeries | Represents a vector series |
| NTriangulatedSurfaceData | Each NTriangulatedSurfaceSeries instance has an associated NTrianguatedSurface object which represents the data storage for the surface series. The data storage is one-dimensional and contains XYZ position data as well as optionional color per position. |
| NTriangulatedSurfaceSeries | Represents a triangulated surface series. |
| NTwoColorPalette | Represents a two palette |
| NValueAxisCrossing | Represents a crossing point between two axes in scale value coordinates. |
| NValueIndicator | Represents a value indicator |
| NValueScaleLabelStyle | Controls the appearance of the automatically generated labels on a scale. |
| NValueSnapper | The base for all values snappers |
| NValueTimelineScale | Represents a scale configurator that will produce a timeline scale decorated with date / time value labels |
| NValueTimelineScaleRow | Represents a row of date / time labels in a value timeline scale |
| NValueTreeMapNode | Represents a value tree map node |
| NVectorDataPoint | Represents a vector data point |
| NVectorSeries | Represents a vector series |
| NVectorSeriesData | Represents a vector series data object |
| NVertexSurfaceData | Each NTriangulatedSurfaceSeries instance has an associated NTrianguatedSurface object which represents the data storage for the surface series. The data storage is one-dimensional and contains XYZ position data as well as optionional color per position. |
| NVertexSurfaceDataBase | Each NTriangulatedSurfaceSeries instance has an associated NTrianguatedSurface object which represents the data storage for the surface series. The data storage is one-dimensional and contains XYZ position data as well as optionional color per position. |
| NVertexSurfaceSeries | Represents a vertex surface series. |
| NVisualAid | A simple visual element, that draws a visual aid with verbatim parameters |
| NVisualAidCollection | A simple visual element, that draws a visual aid with verbatim parameters |
| NWallDecorationFactory | The base of all wall decoration factories |
| NWaveScaleBreakStyle | Represents a scale break that is visualized as a wave |
| NWeekDayRule | Represents a day of week rule |
| NWorkCalendar | Represents a calendar defining rules for working days and hours. |
| NX2Y2DataPoint | Represents an XY data point |
| NX2Y2Z2DataPoint | Represents an XYZ data point |
| NXYCartesianSeries | Represents an xy scatter cartesian series |
| NXYDataPoint | Represents an XY data point |
| NXYZCartesianSeries | Represents an xyz scatter cartesian series |
| NXYZDataPoint | Represents an XY data point |
| NXYZScatterFastSeriesBase | Represents a base class for fast series. |
| NXYZVectorSeriesData | Represents an XYZ vector series data object |
| NZigZagScaleBreakStyle | Represents a zig zag scale break |