In This Topic
The schedule time ruler shows the time at a given scale (for example per 15 minutes).
The schedule time ruler's appearance can be controlled through the following properties:
- MajorLinesStroke - controls the appearance of the major lines.
- MinorLinesStroke - controls the appearance of the minor lines.
- MinorLinesCount - the number of minor lines between two adjacent major lines. By default set to 3 as shown on the image above.
- StepMode - specifies the major step mode. Can be Fine, Normal, Coarse and Fixed. By default set to Normal.
- FixedStep - specifies the step when the StepMode is set to Fixed.
- DateFormat - specifies the date format string. By default set to "d" (short date).
- TimeFormat - specifies the time format string. By default set to "H:mm".
See Also