Nevron Open Vision Documentation
Inheritance Hierarchy
In This Topic
    Nevron.Nov.Schedule Namespace
    In This Topic
    ClassRepresents a root level appointment, which is an appointment that may have a recurrence rule defined and child appointments generated as a result of this rule.
    ClassDesigner for NAppointment instances.
    ClassBase class for appointments.
    ClassA designer for NAppointmentBase instances.
    ClassA collection of appointments.
    ClassA dialog, which edits an appointment.
    ClassA schedule tool, which creates or edits an appointment.
    ClassA pair of schedule group name and item name associated with an appointment.
    ClassA collection of appointment groups.
    ClassDesigner for appointment group collections.
    ClassHighlights an appointment when the mouse pointer is above it.
    ClassA schedule drag tool, which moves the selected appointments.
    ClassRepresents an appointment, which is being moved or resized.
    ClassRepresents a collection of appointment previews.
    ClassRepresents an appointment preview, which aggregates other move previews.
    ClassA schedule drag tool, which resizes an appointment.
    ClassBase class for all appointment tags like categories and time markers.
    ClassA widget that represents an appointment or a part of a multi-day appointment in a schedule.
    ClassA collection of appointment widgets, which are typically created by the appointments of a schedule.
    ClassRepresents the header of an appointment widget.
    ClassRepresents an appointment category.
    ClassA collection of appointment categories.
    ClassThe NContextMenuTool shows a context menu for the items below the mouse pointer. The context menu that is displayed is controlled by the NScheduleView.ContextMenu attribute.
    ClassA schedule time indicator that shows the current time.
    ClassA schedule grouping by date range.
    ClassBase class for day and week view modes.
    ClassA schedule grouping by day.
    ClassSchedule day view mode.
    ClassA schedule time indicator that shows a fixed point in time.
    ClassDesigner for fixed schedule time indicators.
    ClassRepresents a collection of schedule fixed time indicators.
    ClassA schedule grouping by group.
    ClassBase class for all schedule groupings.
    ClassA collection of schedule groupings.
    ClassDesigner for schedule groupings.
    ClassSchedule month view mode.
    ClassRepresents an appointment notification dialog.
    ClassAn appointment, which is a child of a recurring appointment and represents a single occurrence of a recurring event.
    ClassDesigner for occurences.
    ClassRepresents a daily recurrence rule.
    ClassDesigner for recurrence daily rules.
    ClassRepresents an hourly recurrence rule.
    ClassDesigner for recurrence hourly rules.
    ClassRepresents a monthly recurrence rule.
    ClassDesigner for recurrence monthly rules.
    ClassBase class for all appointment recurrence rules.
    ClassDesigner for recurrence rules.
    ClassRepresents a weekly recurrence rule.
    ClassDesigner for recurrence weekly rules.
    ClassRepresents an yearly recurrence rule.
    ClassDesigner for recurrence yearly rules.
    ClassDO NOT MODIFY MANUALLY. Automatically generated by NResourceMaker.
    ClassThe root element of a schedule document.
    ClassDesigner for schedules.
    ClassPerforms the click select functionality of the schedule.
    ClassA schedule tool, which reacts on mouse click events.
    ClassThe NScheduleClipping represents a set of appointments, which can be transfered across documents via Clipboard and Drag and Drop operations.
    ClassCreates the Nevron Schedule command bars.
    ClassRepresents a context menu factory. It is used to construct context menus for the context editable schedule elements. An instance of this class can be obtained through the NSchedule.ContextMenu property.
    ClassRperesents a schedule document.
    ClassBase class of all tools that handle drag and drop of schedule elements.
    ClassRepresents the schedule grid.
    ClassDesigner for schedule grids.
    ClassRepresents a schedule grid cell.
    ClassBase class for the schedule grid and rulers.
    ClassDesigner for schedule grid and time rulers.
    ClassRepresents a schedule group.
    ClassDesigner for schedule groups.
    ClassRepresents a collection of schedule groups. No duplicating group names are allowed.
    ClassA designer of schedule group collections.
    ClassRepresents the header of a schedule.
    ClassDesigner for schedule headers.
    ClassRepresents the Schedule image export dialog.
    ClassRepresents the Nevron schedule module.
    ClassExports a schedule document to PDF.
    ClassPrints a schedule document.
    ClassRepresents a schedule print layout.
    ClassExports a schedule to a raster image.
    ClassCreates the Nevron Schedule ribbon.
    ClassRepresents the currently selected appointments of a schedule.
    ClassRepresents a theme for a schedule.
    ClassRepresents the time ruler of a Nevron schedule.
    ClassDesigner for schedule time rulers.
    ClassBase class for schedule view tools.
    ClassA theme plugin that styles the Nevron Schedule control.
    ClassExports a schedule document to a vector image such as SVG.
    ClassA widget, which shows a schedule document and lets you add, create and modify its appointments.
    ClassA widget that navigates backward and forward a schedule view.
    ClassA schedule view with command bars.
    ClassA schedule view with ribbon.
    ClassA tool, which implements mouse wheel scrolling and zooming of a schedule.
    ClassA combo box for selecting an appointment tag.
    ClassRepresents the header of a tag split button menu item.
    ClassA split button for selecting an appointment tag.
    ClassCommand source associated with tag split buttons.
    ClassBase class for schedule time indicators.
    ClassDesigner of schedule time indicators.
    ClassSchedule timeline view mode mode.
    ClassDesigner for timeline view modes.
    ClassRepresents an appointment time marker.
    ClassA collection of appointment time markers.
    ClassBase class for all schedule view modes.
    ClassDesigner for view modes.
    ClassA schedule grouping by week.
    ClassSchedule week view mode.
    ClassSchedule work week view mode.
    EnumerationEnumerates the week days. This is a masked enum.
    EnumerationEnumerates the supported day ordinal values.
    EnumerationEnumerates the months. This is a masked enum.
    EnumerationEnumerates the supported recurrence range end modes.
    EnumerationEnumerates the recurrence frequencies.
    EnumerationEnumerates the recurrence pattern types.
    EnumerationEnumerates the schedule interactivity options. This is a masked enum.
    EnumerationEnumerates the schedule view modes.
    See Also