| Class | Description |
| NAppointment | Represents a root level appointment, which is an appointment that may have a recurrence rule defined and child appointments generated as a result of this rule. |
| NAppointment.NAppointmentDesigner | Designer for NAppointment instances. |
| NAppointmentBase | Base class for appointments. |
| NAppointmentBase.NAppointmentBaseDesigner | A designer for NAppointmentBase instances. |
| NAppointmentCollection | A collection of appointments. |
| NAppointmentEditDialog | A dialog, which edits an appointment. |
| NAppointmentEditTool | A schedule tool, which creates or edits an appointment. |
| NAppointmentGroup | A pair of schedule group name and item name associated with an appointment. |
| NAppointmentGroupCollection | A collection of appointment groups. |
| NAppointmentGroupCollection.NAppointmentGroupCollectionDesigner | Designer for appointment group collections. |
| NAppointmentHighlightTool | Highlights an appointment when the mouse pointer is above it. |
| NAppointmentMoveTool | A schedule drag tool, which moves the selected appointments. |
| NAppointmentPreview | Represents an appointment, which is being moved or resized. |
| NAppointmentPreviewCollection | Represents a collection of appointment previews. |
| NAppointmentPreviewGroup | Represents an appointment preview, which aggregates other move previews. |
| NAppointmentResizeTool | A schedule drag tool, which resizes an appointment. |
| NAppointmentTag | Base class for all appointment tags like categories and time markers. |
| NAppointmentWidget | A widget that represents an appointment or a part of a multi-day appointment in a schedule. |
| NAppointmentWidgetCollection | A collection of appointment widgets, which are typically created by the appointments of a schedule. |
| NAppointmentWidgetHeader | Represents the header of an appointment widget. |
| NCategory | Represents an appointment category. |
| NCategoryCollection | A collection of appointment categories. |
| NContextMenuTool | The NContextMenuTool shows a context menu for the items below the mouse pointer. The context menu that is displayed is controlled by the NScheduleView.ContextMenu attribute. |
| NCurrentTimeIndicator | A schedule time indicator that shows the current time. |
| NDateRangeGrouping | A schedule grouping by date range. |
| NDayBasedViewMode | Base class for day and week view modes. |
| NDayGrouping | A schedule grouping by day. |
| NDayViewMode | Schedule day view mode. |
| NFixedTimeIndicator | A schedule time indicator that shows a fixed point in time. |
| NFixedTimeIndicator.NFixedTimeIndicatorDesigner | Designer for fixed schedule time indicators. |
| NFixedTimeIndicatorCollection | Represents a collection of schedule fixed time indicators. |
| NGroupGrouping | A schedule grouping by group. |
| NGrouping | Base class for all schedule groupings. |
| NGroupingCollection | A collection of schedule groupings. |
| NGroupingCollection.NGroupingCollectionDesigner | Designer for schedule groupings. |
| NMonthViewMode | Schedule month view mode. |
| NNotificationDialog | Represents an appointment notification dialog. |
| NOccurrence | An appointment, which is a child of a recurring appointment and represents a single occurrence of a recurring event. |
| NOccurrence.NOccurrenceDesigner | Designer for occurences. |
| NRecurrenceDailyRule | Represents a daily recurrence rule. |
| NRecurrenceDailyRule.NRecurrenceDailyRuleDesigner | Designer for recurrence daily rules. |
| NRecurrenceHourlyRule | Represents an hourly recurrence rule. |
| NRecurrenceHourlyRule.NRecurrenceHourlyRuleDesigner | Designer for recurrence hourly rules. |
| NRecurrenceMonthlyRule | Represents a monthly recurrence rule. |
| NRecurrenceMonthlyRule.NRecurrenceMonthlyRuleDesigner | Designer for recurrence monthly rules. |
| NRecurrenceRule | Base class for all appointment recurrence rules. |
| NRecurrenceRule.NRecurrenceRuleDesigner | Designer for recurrence rules. |
| NRecurrenceWeeklyRule | Represents a weekly recurrence rule. |
| NRecurrenceWeeklyRule.NRecurrenceWeeklyRuleDesigner | Designer for recurrence weekly rules. |
| NRecurrenceYearlyRule | Represents an yearly recurrence rule. |
| NRecurrenceYearlyRule.NRecurrenceYearlyRuleDesigner | Designer for recurrence yearly rules. |
| NResources | DO NOT MODIFY MANUALLY. Automatically generated by NResourceMaker. |
| NSchedule | The root element of a schedule document. |
| NSchedule.NScheduleDesigner | Designer for schedules. |
| NScheduleClickSelectTool | Performs the click select functionality of the schedule. |
| NScheduleClickTool | A schedule tool, which reacts on mouse click events. |
| NScheduleClipping | The NScheduleClipping represents a set of appointments, which can be transfered across documents via Clipboard and Drag and Drop operations. |
| NScheduleCommandBarBuilder | Creates the Nevron Schedule command bars. |
| NScheduleContextMenu | Represents a context menu factory. It is used to construct context menus for the context editable schedule elements. An instance of this class can be obtained through the NSchedule.ContextMenu property. |
| NScheduleDocument | Rperesents a schedule document. |
| NScheduleDragTool | Base class of all tools that handle drag and drop of schedule elements. |
| NScheduleGrid | Represents the schedule grid. |
| NScheduleGrid.NScheduleGridDesigner | Designer for schedule grids. |
| NScheduleGridCell | Represents a schedule grid cell. |
| NScheduleGridRulersBase | Base class for the schedule grid and rulers. |
| NScheduleGridRulersBase.NScheduleGridRulersBaseDesigner | Designer for schedule grid and time rulers. |
| NScheduleGroup | Represents a schedule group. |
| NScheduleGroup.NScheduleGroupDesigner | Designer for schedule groups. |
| NScheduleGroupCollection | Represents a collection of schedule groups. No duplicating group names are allowed. |
| NScheduleGroupCollection.NScheduleGroupCollectionDesigner | A designer of schedule group collections. |
| NScheduleHeader | Represents the header of a schedule. |
| NScheduleHeader.NScheduleHeaderDesigner | Designer for schedule headers. |
| NScheduleImageExportDialog | Represents the Schedule image export dialog. |
| NScheduleModule | Represents the Nevron schedule module. |
| NSchedulePdfExporter | Exports a schedule document to PDF. |
| NSchedulePrintExporter | Prints a schedule document. |
| NSchedulePrintLayout | Represents a schedule print layout. |
| NScheduleRasterImageExporter | Exports a schedule to a raster image. |
| NScheduleRibbonBuilder | Creates the Nevron Schedule ribbon. |
| NScheduleSelection | Represents the currently selected appointments of a schedule. |
| NScheduleTheme | Represents a theme for a schedule. |
| NScheduleTimeRuler | Represents the time ruler of a Nevron schedule. |
| NScheduleTimeRuler.NScheduleTimeRulerDesigner | Designer for schedule time rulers. |
| NScheduleTool | Base class for schedule view tools. |
| NScheduleUIThemePlugin | A theme plugin that styles the Nevron Schedule control. |
| NScheduleVectorImageExporter | Exports a schedule document to a vector image such as SVG. |
| NScheduleView | A widget, which shows a schedule document and lets you add, create and modify its appointments. |
| NScheduleViewNavigator | A widget that navigates backward and forward a schedule view. |
| NScheduleViewWithCommandBars | A schedule view with command bars. |
| NScheduleViewWithRibbon | A schedule view with ribbon. |
| NScrollAndZoomTool | A tool, which implements mouse wheel scrolling and zooming of a schedule. |
| NTagComboBox | A combo box for selecting an appointment tag. |
| NTagItemHeader | Represents the header of a tag split button menu item. |
| NTagSplitButton | A split button for selecting an appointment tag. |
| NTagSplitButtonCommandSource | Command source associated with tag split buttons. |
| NTimeIndicator | Base class for schedule time indicators. |
| NTimeIndicator.NTimeIndicatorDesigner | Designer of schedule time indicators. |
| NTimelineViewMode | Schedule timeline view mode mode. |
| NTimelineViewMode.NTimelineViewModeDesigner | Designer for timeline view modes. |
| NTimeMarker | Represents an appointment time marker. |
| NTimeMarkerCollection | A collection of appointment time markers. |
| NViewMode | Base class for all schedule view modes. |
| NViewMode.NViewModeDesigner | Designer for view modes. |
| NWeekGrouping | A schedule grouping by week. |
| NWeekViewMode | Schedule week view mode. |
| NWorkWeekViewMode | Schedule work week view mode. |