Nevron.Nov.Chart Namespace / NGridSurfaceData Class
Fields Properties Methods Events

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    NGridSurfaceData Class Members
    In This Topic

    The following tables list the members exposed by NGridSurfaceData.

    Public Constructors
    Public ConstructorOverloaded.   
    Public Fields
    Public Fieldstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)Reference to the NGridSurfaceData schema  
    Public Properties
    Public PropertyGets or sets the elevation value at the specified two-dimensional index.  
    Protected Properties
    Internal Property  
    Public Methods
    Public MethodOverloaded. Sets the values in the surface data to zero  
    Public MethodOverloaded. Gets the elevation value at the specified two-dimensional index.  
    Public MethodInits the grid surface data from a set of points  
    Public MethodInits the grid surface data from a set of points  
    Public MethodOverridden. Initializes the grid surface data from a Bitmap image.  
    Public MethodOverloaded. Inits the grid surface data from a set of triangles each having three vertices with associated  
    Public MethodOverloaded. Sets the elevation value at the specified two-dimensional index.  
    Protected Methods
    Internal Method  
    Internal MethodOverridden.   
    Internal Method  
    Internal Method  
    Internal Method  
    Internal Method  
    Internal Method  
    Internal Method  
    Internal Method  
    Internal MethodOverridden.   
    See Also