Inheritance Hierarchy
In This Topic
    Nevron.Nov.Grid Namespace
    In This Topic
    ClassRepresents a composite row condition that performs a logical AND between the contained conditions. In order for the AND condition to match a row, all contained conditions must match.
    ClassRepresents the event arguments associated with NGrid.AutoCreateColumnEvent.
    ClassRepresents a formatting rule declaration that applies a background fill to the data cell.
    ClassRepresents a cell view for boolean columns.
    ClassRepresents a column format that is by default associated with the Boolean column data type. Creates a NBooleanCellView.
    ClassServes as base class for all columns that can provide row values not directly based on the data source row values.
    ClassRepresents a grid cell widgtet. Serves as base class for NDataCell and NSpanCell. The grid navigation can operate on cells and that is why each cell can be in current state.
    ClassRepresents a collection of cells. Serves as base class for specific cell collections.
    ClassRepresents a column editor that can edit date time values with a NCheckBox.
    ClassRepresents a checkbox data cell editor.
    ClassRepresents a collection of rows that resides in a grid group row. The data cells collection is a member of the NDataRow.
    ClassRepresents a column editor that can edit NColor values with a NColorBoxDataCellEditor.
    ClassRepresents a data cell editor that aggregates a NColorBox.
    ClassRepresents the column format associated with NDateTimeColumn
    ClassRepresents a grid column and serves as base class for all types of columns.
    ClassDesigner associated with NColumn instances.
    ClassRepresents a collection of column elements. The columns are accessible from the NGridView.Columns property.
    ClassRepresents the widget that is created when a column is dragged.
    ClassRepresents a column editor that is reponsible for creating data cell editors. Serves as base class for all column editors.
    ClassRepresent a column format that is responsible for displaying a formatted cell view for a column data cell.
    ClassA content holder widget that represents a column header. The content of the header is automatically updated by the column to which the header belongs. Additionally the header has Filter and Sorting buttons, which indicate or alter the column filtering and sorting rules.
    ClassRepresents a provider for row values that obtains row values from a specific grid column.
    ClassDesigner associated with NColumnRowValue
    ClassRepresents a checkbox data cell editor.
    ClassRepresents the event arguments associated with NColumnFormat.CreateCellView
    ClassRepresents the event arguments associated with selection current cell changes
    ClassRepresents the event arguments associated with selection current row changes
    ClassRepresents a calculated column that provides row values that are provided by a user handled delegate. This column is associated TRowValue row values type (i.e. each row value is represented by a TRowValue value).
    ClassRepresents the arguments associated with NCustomCalculatedColumn.GetRowValueDelegate.
    ClassRepresents a column format that is associated with NCustomDataColumn and NCustomCaclulatedColumn instances. This type of format delegates the formatting implementation to the custom column.
    ClassRepresents a detail from the master details. Serves as base class for all types of details.
    ClassRepresents the arguments associated with NCustomDetail.CreateWidgetDelegate.
    ClassRepresents a details presenter that presents the row details in a single row, that contains a tab control, if multiple details are present.
    ClassRepresents the arguments associated with NCustomDetailsPresenter.CreateDetailRowCellsDelegate
    ClassRepresents the arguments associated with NCustomDetailsPresenter.GetDetailsRowCountDelegate.
    ClassRepresents a row condition that filters rows according to a user defined predicate delegate.
    ClassArguments passed to the NCustomRowCondition.RowPredicateDelegate
    ClassRepresents a provider for row values that obtains row values by calling an protected overridable functions that by default call delegates of the custom row value provider.
    ClassArguments passed to the NCustomRowValue.GetRowValueDelegate
    ClassRepresents a cell that displays and can optionally edit a row/column datasource value. Data cells are contained inside data rows. Each data row represents a single record from the datasource and has as many data cells as there are columns in the grid. The content of a data cell is automatically generated by the respective column for the respective row value. The editor of a data cell is optionally created by columns that support editor based editing.
    ClassRepresents a collection of data cells. The data cell collection serves as header for the NDataRow.
    ClassServes as base class for all data cell editors that pack a value editor and a collection of buttons.
    ClassRepresents a column that is bound to a field in the grid data source (i.e. a data bound column).
    ClassDesigner associated with NDataColumn.
    ClassRepresents a hierarchical row, that displays a single record from the datasource. Serves as base class for NRecordDataRow and NTreeDataRow.
    ClassRepresents a detail that is extracted from a data source. Serves as base class for all data bound details.
    ClassRepresents a column editor that can edit date time values with a NDateTimeBox.
    ClassRepresents a datetimebox data cell editor.
    ClassRepresents a column format that is by default associated with the DateTime column data type. Creates a NTextCellView that contains a formatted representation of the DateTime value.
    ClassRepresents the default data row measure element. Its purpose is to measure the default height of data rows which are not already realized. A reference to this class can be obtained from the NGrid.DefaultDataRowHeightMeasure property.
    ClassRepresents the default group row measure element. Its purpose is to measure the default height of group rows which are not already realized. A reference to this class can be obtained from the NGroupingRule.DefaultGroupRowHeightMeasure property.
    ClassRepresents an element that performs the default measurement of different row heights. Serves as base class for NDefaultGroupRowMeasure and NDefaultDataRowMeasure.
    ClassRepresents a detail from the master details. Serves as base class for all types of details.
    ClassRepresents a collection of hierarchical grid levels.
    ClassRepresents a span cell for a details row.
    ClassRepresents a collection of NDetailsCell. An instance of this collection serves as header for each NDetailsRow.
    ClassRepresents a factory for a data bound widget that must represent a specific row detail.
    ClassRepresents a details row, which is automatically created for each details row of a NRecordDataRow. The header of each details row is a NDetailsCellCollection (collection of NDetailsCell).
    ClassRepresents a column format that is by default associated with the Enum column data types. Creates a NTextCellView that contains a formatted representation of the Enum value.
    ClassDesigner associated with NEnumColumnFormatDesigner
    ClassRepresents a column editor that can edit enum values with a NComboBox. This is the default editor created for Enum field types.
    ClassRepresents a constant False row condition.
    ClassRepresents a provider for row values that obtains row values from a specific data source field.
    ClassDesigner associated with NFieldRowValue
    ClassRepresents the column format associated with NDateTimeColumn
    ClassRepresents a formatting rule declaration that applies an unform or two or three gradient color filling. Serves as base class for NBackgroundFillDeclaration and NTextFillDeclaration.
    ClassDesigner associated with NFillDeclaration
    ClassRepresents a column editor that can NFill values with a NFillSplitButtonDataCellEditor.
    ClassRepresents a data cell editor that aggregates a NFillSplitButton.
    ClassRepresents a grid filter rule. A filter rule is a collection of row conditions that are combined with AND or OR logical operator.
    ClassDesigner associated with NFilteringRule instances.
    ClassRepresents the NGrid collection of filter rules. In order for a record to be displayed by the grid, the record must match all filter rules contained in this collection. A reference to this collection can be obtained by the NGrid.FilterRules property.
    ClassRepresents the filter editor that can edit all filters or just the filters applicable to a specific column.
    ClassRepresents a formatting rule declaration that applies a font name to the data cell view.
    ClassDesigner associated with NFontNameDeclaration
    ClassRepresents a formatting rule declaration that applies a font size to the data cell view.
    ClassDesigner associated with NFontSizeDeclaration
    ClassRepresents a formatting rule declaration that applies a font style to the data cell view.
    ClassDesigner associated with NFontStyleDeclaration
    ClassRepresents a formatting declaration. Serves as base class for all formatting declarations.
    ClassRepresents a collection of formatting declarations. An instance of this collection can be obtained from the NFormattingDeclaration.Declarations property.
    ClassDesigner associated with NFormattingDeclarationCollection
    ClassRepresents a formatting rule.
    ClassDesigner associated with NFormattingRule
    ClassRepresents a collection of formatting rules. An instance of this collection can be obtained from the NColumnFormat.FormattingRules property.
    ClassDesigner associated with NFormattingRuleCollection
    ClassRepresents a calculated column that provides row values based on the result of a row formula evaluation. This column is associated NVariant value type (i.e. each row value is represented by a NVariant value).
    ClassRepresents a row condition that filters rows according to the result of a row formula.
    ClassRepresents a provider for row values that obtains row values from a specific data source field.
    ClassRepresents the frozen rows splitter of a NGridView
    ClassRepresents the frozen rows splitter of a NGridView
    ClassServes as base class for for frozen rows and columns splitters.
    ClassServes as base class for all data cell editors that pack a value editor and a collection of buttons.
    ClassRepresents a grid view, that is created from a NGridViewDataTemplate
    ClassRepresents a context menu factory and serves as base class NTableGridContextMenuFactory and NTreeGridContextMenuFactory.
    ClassRepresents a data source detail, that creates a detail grid view. Serves as base class for NTableGridDetail and NTreeGridDetail.
    ClassRepresents a grid document and serves as base class for NTableGridDocument and NTreeGridDocument classes
    ClassRepresents the Nevron Grid module.
    ClassServes as base class for Filtering, Sorting and Grouping rules of grids.
    ClassDesigner associated with NGridRule
    ClassRepresents a collection of grid rule instances.
    ClassRepresents the grid view selection
    ClassA theme plugin that adds rules for the Nevron diagram control.
    ClassRepresents a grid view. Serves as base class for NTableGridView and NTreeGridView.
    ClassRepresents a grouping header. A grouping header is automatically created for each grouping rule inside the table view grouping panel.
    ClassRepresents a collection of column grouping headers.
    ClassRepresents the grouping panel on which the user can drag and drop columns to perform grouping. The grouping panel is automatically syncrhonized with the table view grouping rules.
    ClassRepresents a rule by which a NTableGrid groups the rows into group rows. Grouping rules are contained in the NTableGrid.GroupingRules collection. When there are multiple rules in this collection the rows are first grouped by the first rule, then by the second and so on (multilevel grouping).
    ClassRepresents the NTableGrid collection of grouping rules. When there are multiple rules in this collection the rows are first grouped by the first rule, then by the second and so on (multilevel grouping). A reference to this collection can be obtained by the NTableGrid.GroupingRules property.
    ClassRepresents the arguments associated with the NGroupingRule.CreateGroupRowCellsDelegate.
    ClassRepresents the arguments associated with the NGroupingRule.CreateSummaryRowsDelegate.
    ClassRepresents a grid group row, which is created for child data groups.
    ClassRepresents a span cell for a group row.
    ClassRepresents a collection of NGroupRowCell. An instance of this collection serves as header for each NGroupRow.
    ClassRepresents a row condition that is assembled from other row conditions. The result of a composite row condition is the logical AND or OR from the contained conditions result. Serves as base class for NAndGroupRowCondition and NOrGroupRowCondition.
    ClassDesigner associated with NGroupRowCondition instances.
    ClassRepresents the collection of the row headers. The grid view automatically populate this collection with T instances for the realized rows.
    ClassRepresents a hierachical row, the content of which are other rows. Serves as base class for NGroupRow and NDataRow.
    ClassRepresents a column format that is by default associated with the NRaster, NImage and NImageSource data types. Creates a NTextCellView that contains a formatted representation of the Enum value.
    ClassDesigner associated with NImageColumnFormat
    ClassRepresents the binding (relation) between a master row and the rows that match in a details data source.
    ClassRepresents the details that can be displayed for each record data row in a table grid.
    ClassRepresents the content widget for string columns.
    ClassRepresents the null label.
    ClassRepresents a column format that is by default associated with numeric data types (Byte, Int16, Int32, UInt16, UInt32, Long, ULong, Float, Double, Decimal). Creates a NTextCellView that contains a formatted representation of the numeric value.
    ClassRepresents a column editor that can edit numeric values via a NNumericUpDownCellEditor.
    ClassRepresents a numeric up/down data cell editor.
    ClassRepresents an object column format that represents objects via their ToString() representation. This is the column format created for columns for which a specific column format cannot be chosen.
    ClassRepresents a row condition that makes a comparison (Equal, NotEqual, LessThan, GreaterThan, LessThanOrEqualTo, GreaterThanOrEqualTo) between the current row value and a user specified value. The user specified value is specified as a string, that needs to be parsable according to the type of value provided for the row.
    ClassDesigner associated with NOperatorRowCondition
    ClassRepresents a composite row condition that performs a logical OR between the contained conditions. In order for the OR condition to match a row, at least one contained conditions must match.
    ClassDesigner associated with NProgressBarColumnFormat
    ClassRepresents a record data row that is used to represent a single record from the datasource. The expandable content of a record data row is a set of details rows that are dynamically created by the grid. Record data rows are automatically created for each record shown by the NTableGrid.
    ClassRepresents a pair of field names, often belonging to two different data sources, that represents a data relation between these data sources (tables).
    ClassRepresents a collection of NRelation instances.
    ClassRepresents a master binding that binds the details data source by matching specific fields in the master and details data sources.
    ClassDO NOT MODIFY MANUALLY. Automatically generated by NResourceMaker.
    ClassRepresents a row of the grid. Serves as base class for all types of rows.
    ClassRepresents the root coolection of rows. Accessible from the NGridView.Rows property.
    ClassRepresents a collection of NRow instances. Servers as base class for NRowCollection (root rows collection) and NChildRowCollection classes.
    ClassRepresents a row condition. Serves as base class for all row conditions. Row conditions are used in filter rules as well as conditional formatting. Each row condition can be Inverted which has the meaning of logical NOT.
    ClassDesigner associated with NRowCondition instances.
    ClassRepresents the row expand collapse symbol box.
    ClassA symbol button that represents a row header
    ClassRepresents the collection of the row headers. The grid view automatically populates this collection with NRowHeader instances for the realized rows.
    ClassRepresents a provider for grid row values.
    ClassDesigner associated with NRowValue instances.
    ClassRepresents a row condition that filters rows by a row provided value. The value is provided by an optional NRowValue attribe accessible from the RowValue property. If a row value is not specified, the condition uses the default row value.
    ClassDesigner associated with NRowValueCondition
    ClassServes as base class for Sorting and Grouping rules of grids.
    ClassDesigner associated with NGridRule
    ClassRepresents the column format associated with NShadow
    ClassRepresents a column editor that can NShadow values with a NShadowSplitButtonDataCellEditor.
    ClassRepresents a data cell editor that aggregates a NShadowSplitButton.
    ClassRepresents a column editor that can edit numeric values via a NNumericUpDownCellEditor.
    ClassRepresents a numeric up/down data cell editor.
    ClassRepresents a grid sorting rule that sorts records in Ascending or Descending fashion. Sorting rules are contained in the NGrid.SortingRules collection. When there are multiple rules in this collection the rows are first sorted by the first rule, then by the second and so on (multilevel sorting).
    ClassRepresents the NGrid collection of sorting rules. When there are multiple rules in this collection the rows are first sorted by the first rule, then by the second and so on (multilevel sorting). A reference to this collection can be obtained by the NGrid.SortingRules property.
    ClassRepresents a cell that is not bound to a specific row/column value and thus can span multiple columns or have a user defined layout. Span cells are typically dynamically generated by the grid. Serves as base class for NGroupRowCell, NDetailsCell and NSummaryRowCell.
    ClassRepresent the BeginXPostion of a NSpanCell. A reference to this element can be obtained from the NSpanCell.BeginXPosition property.
    ClassRepresents a collection of span cells. Serves as base class for NGroupRowCellCollection and NDetailsCellCollection.
    ClassRepresent the EndXPostion of a NSpanCell. A reference to this element can be obtained from the NSpanCell.EndXPosition property.
    ClassRepresent and BeginXPostion or EndXPosition of a snap cell. Serves as base class for NSpanCellBeginXPosition and NSpanCellEndXPosition.
    ClassRepresents a column format that is by default associated with the String column data types. Creates a NTextCellView that displays the string.
    ClassRepresents the column format associated with NDateTimeColumn
    ClassRepresents a column editor that can NStroke values with a NStrokeSplitButtonDataCellEditor.
    ClassRepresents a data cell editor that aggregates a NStrokeSplitButton.
    ClassRepresents a span cell for a details row.
    ClassRepresents a collection of NSummaryCell. An instance of this collection serves as header for each NSummaryRow.
    ClassRepresents a details row, which is automatically created for each details row of a NRecordDataRow. The header of each details row is a NSummaryCellCollection (collection of NSummaryCell).
    ClassRepresents a details presenter that presents the row details in a single row, that contains a tab control, if multiple details are present.
    ClassRepresents a tabular view of a data source that allows for its filtering, sorting and grouping. An instance of the NTableGrid is typically obtained from the Grid property of the NTableGridView class.
    ClassDesigner associated with NTableGrid
    ClassRepresents the context menu factory associated with the NTableGrid.
    ClassRepresents a table grid detail
    ClassRepresents a document that contains a NGrid element. A NTableGridDocument can be viewed and edited inside a NGridView.
    ClassRepresents a view for a table grid.
    ClassRepresents a column editor that can edit numeric values via a NNumericUpDownCellEditor.
    ClassRepresents a text box data cell editor.
    ClassA shape part, which renders a text string. The text is controlled by the Text property.
    ClassRepresents a formatting rule declaration that applies a text fill to the data cell view.
    ClassRepresents a column format that creates a text cell view, which contains a formatted string representation of the column value. The formatting is accomplished by a value formatter accessible from the ValueFormatter property. Serves as base class for numeric and date time column formats.
    ClassDesigner associated with NTextValueFormatDesigner
    ClassRepresents a data row that is used to represent a single record from the data set and can contain child tree data rows. The expandable content of a tree data row is a collection of other tree data rows. Tree data rows are automatically created for each record shown by the NTreeGrid.
    ClassRepresents a hierarchical view of a data source that allows for its filtering and sorting. An instance of the NTreeGrid is typically obtained from the Grid property of the NTreeGridView class.
    ClassDesigner associated with NTableGrid
    ClassRepresents the context menu factory associated with the NTreeGrid.
    ClassRepresents a tree grid detail
    ClassRepresents a document that contains a NGrid element. A NTreeGridDocument can be viewed and edited inside a NGridView.
    ClassRepresents a view for a tree grid.
    ClassRepresents a constant True row condition.
    ClassRepresents a column format that is by default associated with the NVariant data type. Creates a NTextCellView that contains a formatted representation of variant.
    EnumerationEnumarates the way in which
    EnumerationEnumerates the possible column sorting directions.
    EnumerationEnumerates the column width modes
    EnumerationEnumerates the possible horizontal alignments of the data cells views inside the data cell.
    EnumerationEnumerates the possible vertical alignments of the data cells views inside the data cell.
    EnumerationEnumerates the fill declaration modes.
    EnumerationEnumerates the possible modes for gridlines visibility
    EnumerationThe operators that can be used in a operator row condition.
    EnumerationEnumerates the selection navigation commands.
    EnumerationDefines the possible sorting directions
    See Also