| Class | Description |
| NBlockBackgroundFillCommandAction | Applies background fill to currently selected blocks. |
| NBorderAndThicknessCommandAction | Commmand action for modifying a border and its thickness. |
| NBulletFormattingCommandAction | Applies bullet formatting to the currently selected range |
| NBulletsAndNumberingCommandAction | Modifies the bullets and numbering style of the selection. |
| NCellBackgroundFillCommandAction | Applies background fill to currently selected table cells. |
| NCellBorderAndThicknessCommandAction | Edits cell border and thickness. |
| NChangeCharacterSpacingCommandAction | Changes the character spacing of the currently selected text |
| NChangeFontSizeCommandAction | Changes the font size of the currently selected text |
| NChangeWordSpacingCommandAction | Changes the word spacing of the currently selected text |
| NClearBulletFormattingCommandAction | Clears bullet formatting from the currently selected range |
| NClearFormattingCommandAction | Clears the text formatting |
| NColumnNumberStatusBarCommandAction | Indicates the column number the caret is on in the current line. |
| NCopyCommandAction | Copies the currently selected text in the clipboard. |
| NCopyHyperlinkCommandAction | Copies the URL of the currently selected hyperlink to the clipboard. |
| NCutCommandAction | Cuts the selected text to the clipboard |
| NDecreaseCellColSpanCommandAction | Decreases the current cell column span |
| NDecreaseCellRowSpanCommandAction | Decreases the current cell row span |
| NDecreaseIndentCommandAction | Applies block background fill to currently selected blocks |
| NDeleteNextGraphemeCommandAction | Deletes the selected text |
| NDeletePrevCharCommandAction | Deletes the previuos character |
| NDeletePrevNextWordCommandAction | Deletes the selected text |
| NDeleteTableColumnsCommandAction | Deletes the currently selected table columns |
| NDeleteTableCommandAction | Deletes the currently selected table |
| NDeleteTableOfContentsCommandAction | Deletes the currently selected table of contents. |
| NDeleteTableRowsCommandAction | Deletes the currently selected table rows |
| NDumpHistoryCommandAction | Dumps the current history |
| NEdit1DBarcodeCommandAction | Inserts a linear barcode. |
| NEdit2DBarcodeCommandAction | Edits a 2D barcode widget inline. |
| NEditBulletListCommandAction | Edits the currently selected bullet list item |
| NEditDocumentAction | Creates the properties of a rich text document. |
| NEditDocumentInfoAction | Modifies the document information of a rich text document. |
| NEditFieldCommandAction | Edits a field inline. |
| NEditGroupBlockCommandAction | Edits the currently selected group block |
| NEditHyperlinkCommandAction | Edits a hyperlink inline. |
| NEditImageCommandAction | Edits the currently selected image inline |
| NEditParagraphCommandAction | Edits the currently selected paragraph. |
| NEditSectionCommandAction | Represents a command action that edits the currently selected section |
| NEditSectionPageCommandAction | Represents a command action that edits the currently selected section. |
| NEditShapeBlockCommandAction | Edits the currently selected paragraph. |
| NEditStylesCommandAction | Edits the styles of a rich text document. |
| NEditTableColumnCommandAction | Edits a table column. |
| NEditTableCommandAction | Edits the currently selected table. |
| NEditTableOfContentsCommandAction | Edits the properties of a table of contents. |
| NEditTableRowCommandAction | Edits a table row. |
| NFindCommandAction | The find command action. |
| NFontFamilyCommandAction | Applies font family to the currently selected inlines |
| NFontSizeCommandAction | Applies font size to the currently selected inlines. |
| NGotoCommandAction | The go to command action. |
| NGroupBlocksCommandAction | Groups the currently selected blocks |
| NHeaderFooterInsertAction | Base for command actions that work on the header / footer |
| NHighlightMergeFieldsCommandAction | Highlights all mail merge fields in a rich text document. |
| NIncreaseCellColSpanCommandAction | Increases the current cell column span |
| NIncreaseCellRowSpanCommandAction | Increases the current cell row span |
| NIncreaseIndentCommandAction | Applies block background fill to currently selected blocks |
| NInsert1DBarcodeCommandAction | Inserts a linear barcode. |
| NInsert2DBarcodeCommandAction | Inserts a 2D barcode. |
| NInsertBookmarkCommandAction | Inserts a bookmark inline at the current selection. |
| NInsertBreakCommandAction | Inserts a break inline. |
| NInsertDateCommandAction | Inserts the current date. |
| NInsertFieldCommandAction | Inserts a new field inline. |
| NInsertGreetingLineCommandAction | Inserts a greeting line mail merge field. |
| NInsertHyperlinkCommandAction | Inserts a hyperlink inline at the current selection. |
| NInsertImageCommandAction | Inserts an image. |
| NInsertMergeFieldCommandAction | Inserts a mail merge field. |
| NInsertOrEditHyperlinkCommandAction | Inserts or edits a hyperlink inline. This command action is only present for the Ctrl + K keyboard shortcut to work for both inserting and editing of hyperlink inlines. |
| NInsertPageCountCommandAction | Inserts the page count on the current page header or footer |
| NInsertPageNumberCommandAction | Inserts the page number on the current page header or footer |
| NInsertSymbolCharacterCommandAction | Inserts a symbol character. |
| NInsertTableColumnLeftCommandAction | Inserts a new table column on the left side of the current table column |
| NInsertTableColumnRightCommandAction | Inserts a new table column on the right side of the current table column |
| NInsertTableCommandAction | Inserts a new table at the current selection. |
| NInsertTableOfContentsCommandAction | Inserts a table of contents block. |
| NInsertTableRowAboveCommandAction | Inserts a table row above the currently selected table row |
| NInsertTableRowBelowCommandAction | Inserts a table row below the currently selected table row |
| NInsertTimeCommandAction | Inserts the current time. |
| NLineGapFactorCommandAction | Applies line gap factor to the currently selected paragraphs |
| NLineNumberStatusBarCommandAction | Indicates the line number the caret is on in the current page. |
| NMatchFieldsCommandAction | Lets the user select the data field column mapping. |
| NMergeAndSaveCommandAction | Creates a document for each record in the mail merge data source, merges all such documents to one large document and shows a "Save As" dialog for saving it. |
| NMergeCellsCommandAction | Merges the cells in the current selection |
| NModifyBlockMarginsCommandAction | Modifies the block margin for the specified block side |
| NModifyBlockOffsetsCommandAction | Base for modify block margins and padding actions. |
| NModifyBlockPaddingCommandAction | Modifies the block padding for the specified block side |
| NModifyParagraphFirstLineIndentCommandAction | Modifys the paragraph first line indent. |
| NModifyTableCellCommandAction | Modifies a table cell. |
| NMoveToFirstRecordCommandAction | Moves the current mail merge record to the first record in the data source |
| NMoveToLastRecordCommandAction | Moves the current mail merge record to the last record in the data source |
| NMoveToNextRecordCommandAction | Moves the current mail merge record to the record after the current one |
| NMoveToPrevioustRecordCommandAction | Moves the current mail merge record to the record preceding the current one |
| NMoveToRecordCommandAction | Moves the current mail merge record to the first record in the data source |
| NNavigateToRecordCommandAction | Base class for all actions that navigate to a mail merge data source record. |
| NNewCommandAction | Creates a new document |
| NOpenCommandAction | Opens a document. |
| NOpenUrlCommandAction | Opens an URL. |
| NOvertypeModeStatusBarCommandAction | Indicates the type mode (Insert or Overtype) |
| NPageBackgroundCommandAction | Represents a command action that changes the background of the current page. |
| NPageBorderCommandAction | Edits the border of a page. |
| NPageNumberStatusBarCommandAction | Indicates the current page number and the total number of pages of the current rich text document. |
| NParagraphAlignmentCommandAction | Toggles the alignment of a paragraph. Used in the mini toolbar of the rich text context menu for a menu drop down to toggle paragraph alignment. |
| NPasteCommandAction | Pastes the text in the clipboard to the currentl position |
| NPasteSpecialCommandAction | Pastes the text in the clipboard to the current position. |
| NPrintCommandAction | Prints the text document |
| NProofingLanguageCommandAction | The proofing language command action. |
| NRemoveBookmarkCommandAction | Converts a bookmark inline to a text inline. |
| NRemoveHyperlinkCommandAction | Converts a hyperlink inline to a text inline. |
| NReplaceCommandAction | The replace command action. |
| NSaveAsCommandAction | Shows a File Save dialog and saves a rich text document to the selected file. |
| NSaveCommandAction | Saves a document to a file. If the document has never been saved a File Save dialog for choosing a file is shown. |
| NSectionColumnCountCommandAction | Changes the column count of the currently selected sections. |
| NSelectAllCommandAction | Selects the whole text. |
| NSelectBookmarkCommandAction | Selects a the whole text of a bookmark. |
| NSelectCellCommandAction | An action that selects a table cell. |
| NSelectHyperlinkCommandAction | Selects a the whole text of a hyperlink. |
| NSelectRecipientsCommandAction | Shows a dilog for selecting a mail merge data source (e.g. an Access database). |
| NSelectTableColumnCommandAction | An action that selects a table column. |
| NSelectTableCommandAction | An action that selects a table. |
| NSelectTableRowCommandAction | An action that selects a table row. |
| NSetTextAnchorCommandAction | Applies font family to the currently selected inlines. |
| NSetWrapCommandAction | Applies font family to the currently selected inlines |
| NShowHideRibbonTabGroupsCommandAction | A command action that shows/hides the rich text ribbon's tab page groups. |
| NSplitCellHorizontallyCommandAction | Splits the cell in the current selection horizontally |
| NSplitCellVerticallyCommandAction | Splits the cell in the current selection vertically |
| NStatusBarCommandAction | Base for all status bar command actions. |
| NStyleCommandAction | Base class for all rich text style command actions. |
| NTableColumnWidthModeCommandAction | Sets table column width mode. |
| NTableStyleCommandAction | Applies a table style to the currently selected table. |
| NTextCommandAction | Base for all command actions. |
| NTextDialogCommandAction | Base for all command actions that show a dialog window. |
| NTextFillCommandAction | Applies fill (background or foreground) to the currently selected inlines. |
| NTextStrokeCommandAction | Applies Stroke to the currently selected inlines |
| NTextStyleCommandAction | Applies a text style to the current selection. |
| NTextToggleCommandAction | Serves as base for all drawing toggle command actions. |
| NToggleBaselineCommandAction | Toggles the font style (bold, italic, underline etc) of the currently selected inlines |
| NToggleBlockFloatModeCommandAction | Toggles block float mode (normal, left and right) |
| NToggleCellAlignmentCommandAction | Aligns the content of a cell. |
| NToggleCellTextDirectionCommandAction | Aligns the content of a cell. |
| NToggleEditTargetCommandAction | Toggles the current editing target (header, footer or body) |
| NToggleFontStyleCommandAction | Toggles the font style (bold, italic, underline etc) of the currently selected inlines. |
| NToggleHRulerCommandAction | Toggles the HRuler |
| NToggleMarksVisibilityAction | Toggles block float mode (normal, left and right) |
| NToggleOvertypeCommandAction | Deletes the selected text |
| NToggleParagraphAlignmentCommandAction | Applies horizontal alignment to the currently selected paragraphs |
| NTogglePreviewMailMergeCommandAction | Generates a preview of the currently selected mail merge data record. |
| NToggleSpellCheckAction | Toggles spell checking enabled state |
| NToggleStatusBarCommandAction | Toggles the status bar visibility. |
| NToggleTextLayoutAction | Toggles text layout (normal, print, web). |
| NToggleVRulerCommandAction | Toggles the VRuler |
| NUngroupBlocksCommandAction | Ungroups the currently selected blocks |
| NUpdateFieldCommandAction | Updtes all currently selected fields |
| NUpdateTableOfContentsCommandAction | Updates a table of contents. |
| NWordCountCommandAction | Counts the words in a rich text document. |
| NZoomCommandAction | Zooms the text. |
| NZoomInCommandAction | Zooms in the text |
| NZoomOutCommandAction | Zooms out the text |