Diagram / Layouts / Graph Layouts / Single Cycle Graph Layout
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    Single Cycle Graph Layout
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     About Single Cycle Graph Layout

    The single cycle layout is represented by the NSingleCycleLayout class.

    It arranges all graph vertices on a single circle, trying to minimize the number of edge crossings.

    The following image is an example of the layout output:

     Tuning Considerations
    The most important properties of the single cycle graph layout are:

    • AspectRatio - determines the aspect (width/height) ratio of the layout. By default set to 1 which layouts the nodes in a circle. A value different from 1 will make the layout order the nodes in an ellipse.
    • AutoSizeRings - if set to true the RingRadius property is automatically calculated to have such value that the total area of the drawing is minimized and there is no node overlapping.
    • RingRadius - determines the size of the radius of the imaginary circle where nodes are placed. This value is automatically determined if the AutoSizeRings property is set to true.