The HSB wheel color picker provides the following properties:
Name | Description |
SelectedColor | Defines the currently selected color. This property is automatically updated when the user drags the SB Selector or the Hue selector. When the value of this property has changed, the SelectedColorChanged event is raised. |
UpdateWhileDragging | Determines whether the selected color should be updated while the user drags one of the color picker selectors or only when he releases them. |
HueSelectorSectorAngle | The sector angle of the hue selector, which defines the sector (arc) of the wheel occupied by the hue selector. |
HueWheelWidthPercent | The hue wheel width percent, which defines the width of the hue wheel relative to the hue wheel outer radius. |
HueSelectorExtendPercent | The extend of the hue selector pointers, measured as a percent of the hue wheel width. |
SBTriangleMarginsPercent | The margins applied to the SB triangle, measures as a percent of the hue wheel inner radius. |
SBSelectorRadiusPercent | The radius percent for the SB selector circle, measured as a percent of the hue wheel inner radius. |