If you are not creating a cross-platform application, the easiest way to create a chart view with ribbon is to use the Visual Studio designer and drop an NChartViewWithRibbonControl from the Visual Studio toolbox to your form/window.
Alternatively, you can use the NChartViewWithRibbon class to add a chart view with ribbon to your form/window programmatically. The example below demonstrates how to create a chart view with ribbon hosted in a NOV widget host. You can then add this host to the form's Controls collection if you are creating a WinForms application, set it as the Content of a WPF window in a WPF application project or to the ContentView of a Xamarin.Mac window:
Create a chart view with ribbon |
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NChartViewWithRibbon chartViewWithRibbon = new NChartViewWithRibbon(); // Create a chart view with ribbon NChartView chartView = chartViewWithRibbon.View; // Get the chart view // Create a NOV widget host that hosts the chart view with a ribbon NNovWidgetHost<NWidget> novHost = new NNovWidgetHost<NWidget>(chartViewWithRibbon); |