Nevron.Nov.Dom Namespace
ClassImplements helpers methods for working with and implementing the INArrangeElement interface.
ClassThe NAttribute abstract class is a document node, serves as base class for all attributes, which can reside in the elements attribute sub hierarchies.
ClassA collection attribute, that serves as base class for collections that contain other attribute.
ClassRepresents an expression, which binds the target element property to an arbitrary other element property.
ClassRepresents a NVariant values formatter
ClassServes as base class for all types of data, which contain information about a node mutation (change)
ClassRepresents a slot for a named child declared in the node schema of a container node.
ClassRepresents the data associated with a child insertion or removal
ClassA combinator, which matches the element in the context of its parent (e.g. match the element if it is a child of a specific parent). Equivalent to CSS '>' Child Combinator.
ClassFilters nodes, which are child nodes of the specified node
ClassServes as base class for all types of combinators. A combinator helps you select an element in the context of its place in the elements hierarchy. Given an input element, combinators try to return an element that matches the combinator conditions, and satisfies a certain hierachical relationship with the input element (e.g. is a parent, ancestor, prev or next sibling etc.)
ClassThe designer of combinators.
ClassA collection of combinators
ClassServes as base class for all conditions.
ClassA collection of conditions
ClassA condition, which matches, if the element contains a local value for a property with the specified name. Equivalent to the CSS [att] condition. Normal specificity rank.
ClassEvent args that are used when creating node for a given item.
ClassRepresents a cubic bezier timing function
ClassProvides support for node data binding.
ClassRepresents a Date-Time values formatter
ClassServes as base class for all declarations.
ClassRepresent a collection of declarations (property-value pairs)
ClassThe designer for declaration collections.
ClassA combinator, which matches the element in the context of its ancestors (e.g. match the element if it is a descendant of a specific ancestor). Equivalent to CSS ' ' Descendant Combinator.
ClassUsed for the display related visiting of a displayable node subtree. It serves as base class for all display visitors and provides core implementation for transform and clip management.
ClassRepresents a document, that is the root element of an logically connected subtree of elements.
ClassServes as base class for document formats that can load and save to/from specific document types.
ClassServes as base class for document formats.
ClassRepresents an implementation of a document format registry.
ClassContains information about a document.
ClassDesigner for NDocumentInformation.
ClassThis class holds the settings that are used when loading documents in different document formats.
ClassServes as base class for nodes, that typically reside in documents and are used to define its content.
ClassA collection node, that serves as base class for collections that contain other nodes.
ClassThis class holds the settings that are used when saving documents to different document formats.
ClassAn implementation of the INArrayMultiSet interface, that also implements the INDeeplyCloneable interface, which makes it a DOM compliant data type.
ClassThe NDomConstants static class serves as repository for constants used by DOM
ClassRepresents the context for nodes deep copying/cloning.
ClassRepresents the context for nodes deep cloning.
ClassServes as base class for DOM deep operation contexts.
ClassUsed for the dynamic navigion of one DOM node to another. A DOM path is encoded as a sequence of steps.
ClassRepresents a DOM property, which is a Name-Type pair. Each DOM property has an unique Id accessible by its Id readonly field. Each DOM property has a list of it's NProperty instances.
ClassThe NDomResources static class serves as repository for resources used by DOM
ClassThe NDomSettings static class provides fine tuning settings for DOM related features.
ClassThe NDomType class serves as a wrapper for a CLR type, and is used to define the actual type of the objects involved in the DOM.
ClassThe NDomTypeSerializer serializes dom type instances
ClassA document node, which serves as base class for all elements, which reside in the elements hierarchy of a DOM document.
ClassDesigner associated with NElement instances.
ClassA collection element, that serves as base class for collections that contain other elements.
ClassRepresents change data that is empty (has no information about a change).
ClassThe NEvent class is used for the classification of events raised by DOM nodes.
ClassThe NEventArgs class serves as base class for all DOM event arguments.
ClassRepresents an event handler, that calls a single argument function, the argument of which matches the generic type parameter.
ClassRepresents an expression and serves as base class for all expressions. Expressions are used to automatically update the value of an element property.
ClassRepresents the change data associated with an expression change
ClassThe NExpressionChangeEventArgs class represents mutation event arguments, dispatched to handlers interested in expression change operations
ClassRepresents a history unit, which undoes/redoes a node fields change action.
ClassA condition, which matches, if the element is the first child of its parent. Equivalent to the CSS ":first-child" pseudo-class condition. Normal specificity rank.
ClassThe NFormatSpecifierValueFormatter class servers as base class for all value formatters that are based on a format specifier.
ClassRepresents an expression, which binds a target element property value to be the result of a formula evaluation.
ClassServes as base class for documents, the content of which is an element of a certain type.
ClassRepresents the context in which history units are undone or redone. It provides them with ambient information.
ClassThe NHistoryService class represents a suspendable service, which provides documents with the ability to support Undo and Redo for all the operations performed upon the document content.
ClassRepresents a unit, which is recorded by the history service and encapsulates the information necessary to undo or redo an atomic action, performed upon a DOM node. It serves as base class for history units designed to undo and redo specific actions.
ClassRepresent a declaration, which forces the property value to be inherited.
ClassRepresents the change data associated with a child insertion change
ClassEvent arguments, associated with inserting/inserted child events. The TargetNode property represents the parent node in which the InsertedNode is inserted.
ClassFilters nodes, which are instances of the specified schema
ClassA condition, which matches, if the element is the last child of its parent. Equivalent to the CSS ":last-child" pseudo-class condition. Normal specificity rank.
ClassRepresents a linear timing function
ClassRepresents a local value change
ClassImplements helpers methods for working with and implementing the INMeasureElement interface.
ClassThe NMedia class is used to identify a media type. In the Nevron DOM there is a fixed set of media types, which are exposed as static members of this class.
ClassRepresents an NNedia DOM surrogate serializer.
ClassA simple condition, which either matches a media type or not. A media selector is a part of each rule and stylesheet.
ClassServes as base class for all units of meta data, which can be stored in metadata containers (schemas, properties and children).
ClassA condition, which matches, if the element is a named child of its parent. Has no CSS equivalent. Normal specificity rank.
ClassA combinator, which matches the element in the context of its adjacent previous sibling. (e.g. match the element if it is a next sibling of a specific previous sibling). Equivalent to CSS '+' Adjacent Sibling Combinator.
ClassA combinator, which matches the element in the context of its previous siblings. (e.g. match the element if it is a next sibling of a specific previous sibling). Equivalent to CSS '~' General Sibling Combinator.
ClassRepresents an object, which can reside in a DOM (Document Object Model) hierarchy. Serves as base class for all types of nodes, implemented by the Nevron DOM and derivate modules and products.
ClassA collection node, that serves as base class for collections that contain other nodes.
ClassClass that provides data binding capabilities to node collections.
ClassServes as base class for atomic history units (e.g. that undo/redo a single DOM operation upon a node).
ClassRepresents a node reference. Node references are used to store the references to nodes as property values or inside expressions.
ClassA monitor for node subtree changes.
ClassFilters nodes of specific type.
ClassA condition, which matches, if the element has Step*n + Offset - 1 siblings before it in the document tree. Equivalent to the CSS ":nth-child()" pseudo-class condition. Normal specificity rank.
ClassRepresents a numeric values formatter
ClassDefines settings that relate to the paint cache.
ClassA display visitor, which is used for the paint visiting of a node subtree. It is passed as parameter to the NVisual-DoPrePaint(NPaintVisitor visitor) and NVisual-DoPostPaint(NPaintVisitor visitor) methods.
ClassEvent arguments, associated with parent the changed event.
ClassA display visitor that serves as base class for all point hit test visitors It is passed as parameter to the NVisual-HitTest(NPointHitTestVisitor visitor) method.
ClassA combinator, which matches the element in the context of its next siblings. (e.g. match the element if it is a previous sibling of a specific next sibling). Has no CSS equivalent.
ClassA combinator, which matches the element in the context of its next siblings. (e.g. match the element if it is a prev sibling of a specific next sibling). Has no CSS equivalent.
ClassA schema part that represents a property declared by a schema or an extended property. The property defines much of the property values characteristics at a meta level.
ClassFilters properties by their backing type
ClassFilters properties by their DOM type
ClassFilters properties, which satisfy the specified dom type info mask
ClassFilters properties owned by a given schema.
ClassA display visitor that serves as base class for all region hit test visitors. It is passed as parameter to the NVisual-HitTest(NRegionHitTestVisitor visitor) method.
ClassRepresents the data associated with child removal
ClassEvent arguments, associated with a removing/removed child events. The TargetNode property represents the parent node from which the RemovedNode is about to be removed/is being removed.
ClassThe NRule class is a styling node, which represent a pair of selectors and a style declaration. The style declaration of the rule applies to the elements, which match at least one of the rule selectors.
ClassThe designer for rules.
ClassRepresents a metadata container, which defines the structure of a class of NNode derivates. For each type of NNode derivates there is exactly one instance of the NSchema class associated with it.
ClassServes as base class for schema parts (properties, children etc).
ClassA static class, that contains extended properties used for general expression purposes. Defines the following extended properties: X, X1, Y, Y1 - extended properties of type Double. A, B, C, D - extended properties of type Variant.
ClassRepresents a styling selector. Selectors are parts of a rule and specify whether the rule declaration applies to an element or not. The selector couples a list of key conditions, and appends a list of combinators. In order for the selector to match an element, the element must match the key conditions and the combinators.
ClassDesigner for NSelector.
ClassFacilitates the authouring of selectors. An instance of this class can be obtained from the GetSelectorBuilder() method of each NRule.
ClassThe NSelectorCollection class represents a collection of selectors
ClassA styling node, which serves as base class for sub nodes of a selector
ClassA selector part, that is a collection for other selector parts.
ClassThe NStyleSheet class represent a collection of rules, which applies for a target media type
ClassThe designer for style sheets.
ClassThe NStyleSheetCollection class represent a collection of style sheets
ClassA document node, which servers as base class for nodes defining the cascading style sheets of a document.
ClassRepresents an abstract, generic implementation of a styling node collection, implementing the generic ICollection and IList interfaces
ClassThe NService abstract class is a node, which serves as base class for all types of services.
ClassRepresents a theme. In Nevron Open Vision a theme is a factory for a single stylesheet, that contains the theme rules. A theme can be applied to a document, which essentially replaces the stylesheet (if any) that was created for a theme of the same type.
ClassRepresents a rule of a theme. Its purpose is to create an actual NRule instance. A theme rule, derives from NThemeDeclaration to allow you to map properties to values, that are directly outputed in the NRule declartion. Each theme rule is associated with a specific selector, which is internally created for the rule, when you obtain it from the one of the NTheme GetRule methods.
ClassRepresents a selector builder for the selector that is a part of each NRule instance created by a NThemeRule. An instance of this class is internally associated with each NThemeRule instance, when you obtain the rule from the one of the NTheme GetRule methods.
ClassServes as base class for states and contexts that are the parts from which a NThemeRuleSelector is constructed. Each part is responsible for emiting a specific set of conditions and combinators to the actual NSelector created by a NThemeRuleSelector.
ClassA Theme Skin facilitates the authoring of rules that apply to a specific type of elements. A Theme Skin applies to all type derivates, except the ones, which are also skinned with a skin of the same type. A Theme Skin type defines a set of DOM properties, for which a specific skin applies.
ClassA helper class that faciliates the authoring of theme skins.
ClassRepresents a map between DOM properties and values, which is used for theming purposes.
ClassRepresents a theming context, which is a theme selector part that may change the currently matched target element (i.e. may emit combinators and conditions)
ClassRepresents a theming state, which is a theme selector part that does not change the currently matched target element (i.e. may emit only conditions)
ClassRepresents a timing function
ClassA history unit with an user defined description, that holds other history units.
ClassA condition, which matches, if the element is an instance of a certain schema (type). Equivalent to the CSS type condition. Low specificity rank.
ClassA condition, which matches, if the element UserClass property contains the specified UserClass. Equivalent to the CSS Class condition. Normal specificity rank.
ClassA condition, which matches, if the element UserId property is equal to the specified UserId. Equivalent to the CSS Id condition. High specificity rank.
ClassServes as base class for all types of value change datas
ClassEvent arguments, associated with property value changing/changed events
ClassA condition, which compares the value of a property towards a static value using one of the comparison operators: Equals, Not Equals, Less Than, Greater Than, Less Than Or Equal To, Greater Than Or EqualTo
ClassA condition, which serves as base class for conditions that depend on currently selected element local property values. Normal specificity rank.
ClassRepresent a generic property - value pair, where the value is of the generic type.
ClassA condition, which matches, if the element value for the property with the specified name and generic type is equal to the specified value. Similar to the CSS [att=val] condition, with the difference that it also matches the element, if it does not have a local value, but the default property value is equal to the value. Normal specificity rank.
ClassThe NValueFormatter class servers as base class for all value formatters. The purpose of a value formatter is to provide a string reprsentation of objects of a specific type (or types).
ClassA condition, which serves as base class for conditions that match an element value against another value.
ClassRepresents a NVariant values formatter
ClassDesigner associated with NVariantValueFormatter
ClassAn element that serves as base class for elements that can participate in the visual tree. Provides core support for transformations, clipping, painting and hit-testing.
ClassA collection visual, that serves as base class for collections that contain other visuals.
ClassImplements helpers methods for working with the visual tree.
ClassAn event handler that aggregates another event handler with a weak reference. In this way the Garbage Collector is allowed to collect the handler contained in this object.
InterfaceImplemented by elements that can participate in the DOM arrange system.
InterfaceImplemented by nodes that are considered to be arrange elements parents
InterfaceImplemented by display surfaces
InterfaceImplemented by elements that are content elements of certain documents.
InterfaceImplemented by objects that have special participation in the nodes deep equals process.
InterfaceImplemented by objects that have special participation in the nodes deep cloning.
InterfaceServes as base class for all event handlers.
InterfaceImplemented by elements that can participate in the DOM measure system.
InterfaceImplemented by nodes that are considered to be measure elements parents
StructureRepresents a value with information whether it is automatic.
StructureRepresents a step inside a Nevron DOM path, which knows how to select a certain TO node from a certain FROM node.
StructureEncapsulates information related to the way, in which the node is aggregated by its parent
StructureThe NNodeForwardSubtreeIterator class represents a filtered iterator, which can be used to sequencially traverse a node subtree in PreOrder, PostOrder and BreadthFirst tree traversal order.
StructureThe data associated with a node parent change.
StructureThe NPropertyNodesIterator class represents an iterator, which can be used to enumerate the col nodes of a node and supports filtering.
EnumerationEnumerates the supported condition specificity ranks
EnumerationEnumerates the text import sources
EnumerationEnumerates the text export targets
EnumerationDefines the possible types of DOM path steps
EnumerationDefines the possible phases in events handling
EnumerationEnumerates the reasons a layout invalidates its parent for.
EnumerationEnumerates the possible media continuation groups (e.g. how content flow is handled by the media)
EnumerationEnumerates the possible media interactivity groups (e.g. whether the user can interact with the media)
EnumerationEnumerates the supported media types.
EnumerationDefines the schema objects to which certain metadata can be applied
EnumerationDefines the ways in which a node can be aggregated by another node
EnumerationEnumerates the modes in which a node can store its children
EnumerationDefines the node composition type
EnumerationGets the mode in which the painting of a paint cachable display node can be cached.
EnumerationSets a predefined cubic bezier timing function.
EnumerationEnumerates the possible states of a service
EnumerationEnumerates the supported operators used to define styling states.
EnumerationEnumerates the theme selector part types.
EnumerationDefines the way in which a theme states meta unit is combined with the base theme states
EnumerationEnumerates the order in which trees can be traversed
EnumerationEnumerates the possible sources of computed property values.
EnumerationEnumerates the reasons for invalidation of a visual.
See Also