Nevron.Nov.Graphics Namespace
ClassRepresents an advanced gradient that is defined by a background color and an arbitrary number of points with different color, shape and intensity.
ClassDesigner type for NAdvancedGradientFill.
ClassRepresents an advanced gradient point.
ClassDesigner for NAdvancedGradientPoint.
ClassRepresents a collection of gradient points used in advanced gradients. An advanced gradient consists of a background color and an arbitrary number of color points with different shape and intensity.
ClassA texture mapping that aligns the texture to the target bounds.
ClassDesigner for NAlignTextureMapping
ClassRepresents an AutoCAD drawing image info.
ClassThe image source is a byte array containing encoded data.
ClassRepresents a solid color filling.
ClassDesigner for NColorFill.
ClassRepresents a color space defined by 3 or 4 components.
ClassA color value with 3 components and alpha.
ClassA color value with 4 components and alpha
ClassServes as base class for 3 and 4 component color values
ClassRepresents a verbatim texture mapping, that always produces a user specified tile mode and calibration matrix
ClassDesigner for NCustomTextureMapping
ClassRepresents a stroking dash pattern. Dash patterns consist of dashes and gaps with different length.
ClassRepresents a directional light source in a 3D scene. Directional light sources are treated as if they are located infinitely far away from the scene. A directional light source has only a direction vector, but no location. The effect of an infinite location is that the rays of light can be considered parallel by the time they reach an object. An example of a real-world directional light source is the sun. Directional lights are rendered faster than point lights and spot lights.
ClassAn image source that contains one or more other image sources usually designed for different resolutions (measured in DPI).
ClassThe image source is an embedded resource.
ClassUsed to serialize an embedded resource image source.
ClassBase type for image sources that represent encoded images.
ClassImage source that loads an image from file.
ClassAbstract base class of all classes that represent filling types like solid color, gradient, hatch, image, etc.
ClassDesigner for NFill.
ClassA texture mapping that fits the texture in the target bounds, preserving the original aspect ratio of the texture image. Either one of the dimensions the image touches the target bounding rectangle from the inside. For the other dimension, the image is aligned to the bounding rectangle according to the respective setting.
ClassDesigner for NFitAndAlignTextureMapping
ClassA texture mapping that aligns the texture to a specified point. The point's coordinates are relative to the target rectangle and can be specified either in DIP units or in percent of the target rectangle's size.
ClassDesigner for NFixedTextureMapping
ClassRepresents a font.
ClassDesigner for NFont.
ClassRepresents a font descriptor - a font file with from specified family and style.
ClassBase for font face variant and font face style descriptors
ClassRepresents a font style descriptor - a font with from specified family and style, loaded at specified size
ClassThe NGenericNGram class is used to generate the vertices of a generic N-gram shape.
ClassNamespace class for commonly used geometry routines in 2D space.
ClassRepresents a range of a glyph run that can be rendered in IN2DGraphics object.
ClassAn abstract base class for gradient fills that use a color ramp with custom gradient stops.
ClassRepresents a gradient stop used in gradient definitions.
ClassDesigner for NGradientStop.
ClassRepresents a collection of gradient points used in advanced gradients. An advanced gradient consists of a background color and an arbitrary number of color points with different shape and intensity.
ClassServes as base class for objects that implement the NOV low level graphics.
ClassA sealable object that serves as base class for all hints passed to the NGraphics2D.Hint command
ClassRepresents the set of hints that are supported by a specific NGraphics2D implementation.
ClassServes as base class for graphics objects such as pen, brush etc.
ClassRepresents a graphics path.
ClassRepresents an image source that is based on another image source, to which a grayscale transform is applied.
ClassRepresents a hatch filling.
ClassDesigner for NHatchFill.
ClassThe image source is a web resource.
ClassAn attribute that aggregates an image source.
ClassContains raw binary (encoded) image data and optionally a hint for the image format of the data.
ClassAbstract base class for image decoders (readers).
ClassAbstract base class for image encoders (writers).
ClassAbstract base class for image encoder settings classes. Derived types contain encoder settings for particular image formats like PNG and JPEG.
ClassRepresents a filling based on a raster image.
ClassDesigner for NImageFill.
ClassRepresents an image format.
ClassContains information about a single frame from a multiframe image.
ClassServes as base class for image information classes.
ClassProvides methods for encoding and decoding of images.
ClassServes as a base class for various image sources. Image sources provide the data for raster images.
ClassContains settings that are used for encoding a Jpeg image.
ClassDesigner for JPEG encoder settings.
ClassThe NLightModel class controls the light effects applied to a 3D scene. It allows you to enable and disable scene lighting, to load predefined light schemes and control global light properties as well as gives access to the collection of light sources.
ClassThe NLightSource abstract base class that represents a light source in a 3D scene. It can control the light source emission characteristics and coordinate mode.
ClassRepresents a collection of light source objects
ClassRepresents a linear gradient filling.
ClassDesigner for NLinearGradientFill.
ClassAn image source that loads image data from local file synchronously. This image source might not be supported on some platforms like Blazor WebAssembly or sandboxed Mac applications.
ClassRepresents material applied on the object
ClassDesigner for NMaterial.
ClassAn implementation of the INGraphics2D interface that serves for measuring the bounds that are affected by rendering with an abstract graphics.
ClassRepresents a metafile image info.
ClassMetafile player.
ClassServes as base for geometry objects that are constructed by multiple points, such as polygon, polyline and graphics path.
ClassRepresents a non-uniform rational B-spline (NURBS) curve.
ClassRepresents a nurbs surface
ClassRepresents a 2D graphics, which accumulates the union of painted regions. When finished painting with this graphics, you can obtain the outer outline path by calling the CreateOutlinePath() method.
ClassRepresents a panose number.
ClassRepresents a pixel format.
ClassContains settings that are used for encoding a PNG image.
ClassRepresents a point light source in a 3D scene. Point light sources have position but no direction, so they emit light equally in all directions. Light intensity can attenuate with distance, so that objects located near a point light source get more illuminated than distant objects.
ClassRepresents a list of NPoint values.
ClassThe NPolygon class represents a polygon in 2D space defined by it's vertices.
ClassThe NPolyline class represents a polyline in 2D space defined by its vertices.
ClassServes as base for geometry objects that are constructed by multiple points of the same type, such as Polygon and Polyline.
ClassControls the way the user views the 3D scene. This object allows you to control parameters like camera position, zoom, projection type, etc.
ClassRepresents a radial gradient filling.
ClassDesigner for NRadialGradientFill.
ClassRepresents a raster, which is a two dimensional array of pixel color values, encoded in a specific pixel format.
ClassContains basic information about an image, such as its size, resolution and pixel format.
ClassThe image source is an NRaster object.
ClassRepresents a closed region of geometry space.
ClassServes as base class for graphics objects such as graphics path, polygon etc., that can be sealed.
ClassAn attribute that controls shadow appearance.
ClassDesigner for NShadow.
ClassRepresents a spot light source in a 3D scene. Spot light sources have both position and direction vectors. They illuminate a part of the 3D scene that is enclosed by a cone. A real world example of a spot light is a desk lamp.
ClassSimple graphics that performs statistical measurements of the graphics output
ClassRepresents a gradient filling based on two colors and predefined styles and variations.
ClassDesigner for NStockGradientFill.
ClassA texture mapping that streches the texture to the target bounds. The original aspect ratio of the texture image is not preserved.
ClassDesigner for NStretchTextureMapping
ClassA texture mapping that streches the texture to the target bounds in the X dimension and aligns the texture at its normal size in the Y dimension.
ClassDesigner for NStretchXAlignYTextureMapping
ClassA texture mapping that streches the texture to the target bounds in the Y dimension and aligns the texture at its normal size in the X dimension.
ClassDesigner for NStretchYAlignXTextureMapping
ClassAn attribute that controls the appearance of lines and shape borders.
ClassDesigner for NStroke.
ClassServes as base class for all types of texture calibrators.
ClassAn abstract base class for fill types that use a texture: image fill, hatch fill and advanced gradient fill.
ClassDesigner for NTextureFill.
ClassAn abstract base class for texture mapping types. A texture mapping is an attribute that specifies how a texture is mapped to a texture mappable object.
ClassDesigner for NTextureMapping.
ClassA texture mapping that serves as base class for all texture mappings that provide the user with support for tiling.
ClassDesigner for NTileableTextureMapping
ClassA texture mapping that fills the entire surface of a target object by repeating the texture image in the X and Y dimensions. The original image is not scaled.
ClassA base class for image sources that are based on other image sources.
ClassAbstract base class for images stored in a file or as a web resource. The image location is specified with an URI.
InterfaceImplemented by geometry objects that enclose a certain area in 2D space.
InterfaceInterface implemented by DPI aware image sources.
InterfaceImplemented by structures and classes, which represent geometry objects.
InterfaceProvides image format functionality.
InterfaceImplemented by objects that use the NLinearGradientImpl internally
InterfaceRepresents a geometry that represents a line or a curve and as such has distinct start and end points.
InterfaceImplemented by geometry primitives that have a parametric representation.
InterfaceInterface implemented by radial gradients.
StructureThe NCircle structure represents a circle in 2D space defined by it's center and radius.
StructureRepresents a segment of a circle in 2D space, defined by a circle and start and sweep angles
StructureRepresents a color.
StructureRepresents a cubic Bezier curve in 2D space defined by four points: start point, two control points and end point.
StructureThe NEllipse structure represents an ellipse in 2D space defined by it's center, lengths of the major and minor axes and angle, which the ellipse major axis forms with the X-axis
StructureRepresents a segment of an ellipse in 2D space, defined by an ellipse and start and sweep angles.
StructureThe NGenericNGon class is used to generate the vertices of a generic N-gon shape.
StructureRepresents the information for a figure in a graphics path
StructureRepresents a point from a graphics path.
StructureContains image data in either encoded or decoded form.
StructureRepresents a line in 2D space defined by it's general equasion: Ax + By + C = 0. This representation of a line is also called implicit or general line form.
StructureImplements common functionality between linear gradient brush and linear gradient fill.
StructureRepresents a line segment defined by two points.
StructureRepresents margins as indents from the left, top, right and bottom.
StructureRepresents indents from the left, top, right and bottom sides, all expressed with float values.
StructureRepresents indents from the left, top, right and bottom sides, all expressed with Int32 values.
StructureRepresents an affine transformation in 2D space (3x2 matrix).
StructureRepresents a weighted NURBS control point.
StructureRepresents settings used for painting a string at a point.
StructureRepresents settings used for painting a string with formatting rectangle
StructureRepresents the size of a physical piece of paper.
StructureRepresents a point (or vector) in 2D space defined by its X and Y coordinates, expressed with Double values.
StructureRepresents a point (or vector) in 3D space defined by its X, Y and Z coordinates, expressed with Double values.
StructureRepresents a pofloat in 2D space defined by it's X and Y coordinates, expressed with float values.
StructureRepresents a point in 2D space defined by it's X and Y coordinates, expressed with Int32 values.
StructureRepresents a quadrangle in 2D space defined by it's four corner vertices (A, B, C and D).
StructureRepresents a quadratic Bezier curve in 2D space defined by three points (start point, end point and one control point).
StructureRepresents a 1-dimensional range with begin and end stored as double precision floating-point values.
StructureRepresents a 2-dimensional range defined by its min and max X and Y values (stored as double precision floating-point values).
StructureRepresents a 2-dimensional range defined by its min and max X and Y values (stored as int precision floating-point values).
StructureRepresents a 1D range with float values for begin and end.
StructureRepresents a 1D range with Int32 values for begin and end.
StructureRepresents a ray in 2D space defined by an origin point and it's X and Y gradients.
StructureThe NRectangle structure represents a rectangle in 2D space defined by it's location and size.
StructureRepresents a rectangle in 2D space defined by it's location and size, both expressed with float values.
StructureRepresents a rectangle in 2D space defined by it's location and size, both expressed with Int32 values.
StructureThe NSize structure represents a size measured with width and height.
StructureRepresents a size measured with width and height, both expressed with float values.
StructureRepresents a size measured with width and height, both expressed with Int32 values.
StructureThe NTriangle structure represents a triangle in 2D space defined by it's three vertices: (a, b, c).
StructureThe NVector2DD struct represents a 2D vector with double value
StructureThe NVector2DF structure represents a vector in 2D space defined by it's X and Y coordinates
StructureThe NVector3DD struct represents a 3D vector with double coordinates
StructureThe NVector3DD struct represents a 3D vector with float coordinates
StructureThe NVector4DD struct represents a 4D vector with double coordinates
StructureThe NVector4DF struct represents a 4D vector with float coordinates
EnumerationEnumerates predefined color schemes used for creation of advanced gradients.
EnumerationThe shape of a point in an advanced gradient.
EnumerationSpecified the text base line (normal, superscript or subscript)
EnumerationPossible modes for fitting a drawable object into a specified area.
EnumerationEnumerates brush types.
EnumerationUsage preferences for encoders/decoders.
EnumerationEnumerates the compass directions.
EnumerationDefines the possible monochrome cursor pixels
EnumerationDefines the supported line dashing patterns.
EnumerationEnumerates the dimensions in a 3D Cartesian coordinate system.
EnumerationDetermines the filling rule of a graphics path
EnumerationDefines the supported fill types.
EnumerationEnumerates the possible font rasterization modes
EnumerationSpecifies style information applied to text such as Bold, Italic, Underline and Striketrough
EnumerationSpecifies font variant information. Used in font descriptor instead of ENFontStyle, because underline and strikeout are synthetic
EnumerationEnumerates the supported mapping modes for gradients.
EnumerationDefines the possible gradient styles for a stock gradient fill. The gradient style determines the direction in which the gradient colors spread. This direction is perpendicular to the direction of the gradient axis.
EnumerationThe variant of the gradient style. All gradient styles have four gradient variants.
EnumerationEnumerates the graphics path command types.
EnumerationEnumerates the hatch styles.
EnumerationThe image type
EnumerationEnumerates the coordinate modes for a light source.
EnumerationSpecifies the figure drawn on a line end (start or end)
EnumerationSpecifies how to join consecutive line or curve segments in a figure (subpath).
EnumerationEnumerates all possible line segment relations.
EnumerationEnumerates the named colors
EnumerationSpecifies the orientation of a page.
EnumerationEnumerates the predefined paper kinds
EnumerationEnumerates the supported pixel formats.
EnumerationEnumerates the pixel format types
EnumerationEnumerates the available PNG color types.
EnumerationEnumerates the supported fill patterns.
EnumerationThe possible predefined light schemes
EnumerationEnumerates the predefined projections
EnumerationEnumerates the predefined shadow patterns.
EnumerationEnumerates the projection types
EnumerationEnumerates the possible range dispositions.
EnumerationSpecifies the alignment of the shadow.
EnumerationEnumerates the text aligns.
EnumerationEnumerates the text aligns.
EnumerationEnumerates the text wrap modes
EnumerationEnumerates the tiling modes for an image brush.
See Also