Inheritance Hierarchy
Nevron.Nov.Layout Namespace
ClassRepresents a visually arrangeable abstract shape. Layouts actually arrange bodies.
ClassA body, which behaves like a line connecting 2D bodies.
ClassA body, which behaves like a box
ClassUsed to abstract layouts, from the actual objects that are represented by bodies.
ClassA 2D body, which serves as body for objects arranged by box layouts.
ClassThe NBoxBodyList class represents a typed list of NBoxBody instances.
ClassA layout, which serves as base class for layouts, which can arrange boxes.
ClassThe designer for box layouts.
ClassThe NBoxLayoutEventArgs class provides information about box layouts
ClassA box layout, which serves as base class for box layouts that have a controllable layout direction. Directed box layouts place adjacent boxes in single or multiple lanes, that flow in the direction specified by the Direction property.
ClassThe NDockLayout class represents a box layout, which arranges the boxes by subsequently docking them to boxes defined docking areas.
ClassRepresents a flex box layouts that arranges elements like the CSS Flexbox layout.
ClassRepresents a directed box layout, which serves as base class for flow layouts.
ClassServes as base class for all layout algorithms.
ClassDesigner associated with NLayout
ClassServes as base class for subparts of layouts that need to know about the layout that contains them.
ClassThe NLayoutContext class is used to abstract layouts from the actual types and relations between the objects they arrange.
ClassThe NLayoutEventArgs class serves as base class for all layout event arguments
ClassRepresents a directed box layout, which stacks the boxes in horizontal or vertical order.
ClassThe designer for box layouts.
ClassRepresents a flow layout, which arranges the objects in a table the rows and cols of which are implicitly defined by a max ordinal and the arranged objects count.
ClassRepresents a flow layout, which places boxes on a new lane, when the current lane breaches the size constraint of the layout area, in the current layout flow direction (i.e. wraps the boxes in the layout flow direction).
EnumerationEnumerates the docking areas, in which the cells in a dock layout can be docked.
EnumerationDefines the ways, in which content can be placed horizontally within a content holder box.
EnumerationDefines the possible expand horizontal and vertical directions.
EnumerationDefines the possible horizontal and vertical orientations
EnumerationEnumerates the allowed angles at which a layout can be rotated.
EnumerationEnumerates the ways in which a stack attempts to fill the available area.
EnumerationEnumerates the ways in which a stack attempts to fit into the available area.
EnumerationEnumerates the possible ways in which cells can be resized by a box layout, so that all cells are having a uniform size.
EnumerationDefines the ways, in which content can be placed vertically within a content holder box.
See Also