public enum ENDateTimeValueFormat : System.Enum
Member | Description |
Date | The value is formatted with the default locale short date format. |
DateTime | The value is formatted with the default locale date time format. |
LongDate | The value is formatted with the default locale long date format. |
LongDateLongTime24Hour | The value is formatted with long date and long time in 24 hour format. |
LongDateLongTimeAMPM | The value is formatted with long date and time in AM/PM format. |
LongDateShortTime24Hour | The value if formatted with long date and short time (HH:mm). |
LongDateShortTimeAMPM | The value if formatted with long date and short time in AM/PN format. |
LongTime24Hour | Long time 24 hour format. |
MinuteSecond | The value is formatted by its minute and second (mm:ss). |
MonthFullName | The value is formatted by its month full name e.g. January, February etc. |
MonthNameAndDay | The value is formatted by its month full name and day. |
MonthNameYear2Digit | The value is formatted by its month full name and year with 2 digits. |
MonthShortName | The value is formatted by its month short name and day e.g Jan 15. |
QuarterYear2Digit | The value is formatted by its quarter and year expressed by two digits. |
QuarterYear4Digit | The value is formatted by its quarter and year expressed by four digits. |
SecondMillisecond | The value is formatted by its second an millisecond. |
ShortDateLongTime24Hour | The value is formatted by its short date and long time in 24 hour format. |
ShortDateLongTimeAMPM | The value is formatted by its short date and long time in AM/PM hour format. |
ShortDateShortTime24Hour | The value is formatted by its short date and short time in 24 hour format. |
ShortDateShortTimeAMPM | The date is formatted by tis short date and short time in AM/PM hour format. |
ShortTime24Hour | The value is formatted by its short time 24 hour format. |
ShortTimeAMPM | The value is formatted by its short time in AM/PM hour format. |
Time | The value is formatted with the default locale time format. |
WeekDayFullName | The value is formatted with the day of the week full name e.g. Monday, Tuesday etc. |
WeekDayShortName | The value is formatted with the day of the week short name e.g. Mon, Tue etc. |
WeekYear2Digit | The value is formatted by its week number in ISO and year by two digits. |
WeekYear4Digit | The value is formatted by its week number in ISO and year by four digits. |
Year2Digit | The value is formatted by its year expressed by two digits. |
Year4Digit | The value is formatted by its year expressed in four digits. |
YearAndMonthName | The value is formatted by its year and month name. |
Target Platforms: Windows 11, Windows 10, Windows 7, Windows Server 2019, Windows Server 2016, Windows Server 2012 R2, Windows Server 2012, Windows Server 2008 (Server Core not supported), Windows Server 2008 R2 (Server Core supported with SP1 or later)