Inheritance Hierarchy
In This Topic
    Nevron.Nov.Diagram.DrawingCommands Namespace
    In This Topic
    ClassCommand action, that performs a compositing geometry operations on the selected page items
    ClassShows the properties dialog of the active page.
    ClassThe NAlignBottomsCommand class represents the Align Bottoms command
    ClassThe NAlignCentersCommand class represents the Align Centers command
    ClassThe NAlignLeftsCommand class represents the Align Lefts command
    ClassThe NAlignMiddlesCommand class represents the Align Middles command
    ClassThe NAlignRightsCommand class represents the Align Rights command
    ClassThe NAlignToGridCommand class represents the Align To Grid command
    ClassThe NAlignTopsCommand class represents the Align Tops command
    ClassBrings the selected page items to front Z-Order
    ClassBrings the selected page items to front Z-Order
    ClassApplies bullet formatting to the currently selected range
    ClassApplies background fill to currently selected table cells.
    ClassEdits cell border and thickness.
    ClassThe NCenterInDocumentHorizontallyCommand class represents the Center In Document Horizontally command
    ClassThe NCenterInDocumentVerticallyCommand class represents the Center In Document Vertically command
    ClassChanges the font size of the currently selected text
    ClassClears the current bullet formatting
    ClassClears the text formatting
    ClassCommand action, that performs a compositing geometry operations on the selected page items
    ClassCommand action, that performs a compositing geometry operations on the selected page items
    ClassCommand action, that performs a compositing geometry operations on the selected page items
    ClassCommand action, that performs a compositing geometry operations on the selected page items
    ClassCommand action, that performs a compositing geometry operations on the selected page items
    ClassCommand action, that performs a compositing geometry operations on the selected page items
    ClassCommand action, that performs a compositing geometry operations on the selected page items
    ClassCommand action, that performs a compositing geometry operations on the selected page items
    ClassCopies the currently selected text in the clipboard
    ClassCuts the selected text to the clipboard
    ClassDecreases the current cell column span
    ClassDecreases the current cell row span
    ClassThe NDecreaseHorizontalSpacingCommand class represents the Decrease Horizontal Spacing command
    ClassThe NDecreaseVerticalSpacingCommand class represents the Decrease Vertical Spacing command
    ClassCommand action, that deletes the selected page items
    ClassDeletes the currently selected table column
    ClassDeletes the currently selected table
    ClassDeletes the currently selected table rows
    ClassDeselects all page items in the active page.
    ClassCommand action, that performs a compositing geometry operations on the selected page items
    ClassA command action that redos a single or multiple history commands
    ClassEdits the document information of a drawing document.
    ClassServes as base for all drawing command actions
    ClassServes as base class for all toggle command actions.
    ClassServes as base class for all toggle command actions.
    ClassServes as base for all drawing toggle command actions
    ClassShows the properties dialog of the active page.
    ClassEdits a shape hyperlink.
    ClassEdits a table column.
    ClassEdits the currently selected table.
    ClassEdits a table row.
    ClassCommand action, that enables the create arc tool
    ClassCommand action, that enables the create rectangle tool
    ClassCommand action, that enables the create elliptical arc tool
    ClassCommand action, that enables the create ellipse tool
    ClassCommand action, that enables the create elliptical arc tool
    ClassCommand action, that enables the create line tool
    ClassCommand action, that enables the create nurbs tool
    ClassCommand action, which enables the pan tool.
    ClassCommand action, which enables the pointer tool.
    ClassCommand action, that enables the create rectangle tool
    ClassCommand action, that enables the create rectangle tool
    ClassCommand action that serves as base class for all enable tool commands.
    ClassShows a File Save dialog and saves a drawing document to the selected file.
    ClassExports a drawing document to an AutoCAD drawing.
    ClassExports a drawing document to an Enhaced Metafile (EMF) image.
    ClassExports a drawing document to a family tree document.
    ClassExports the current drawing page to PDF.
    ClassExports a drawing document to a raster image.
    ClassExports a drawing document to an SVG image.
    ClassBase class for all command actions that export drawings to vector images like EMF, SVG, AutoCAD DXF, etc.
    ClassExports a drawing document to a Visio drawing.
    ClassExports a drawing document to a web page.
    ClassFinds a text in the drawing docoument
    ClassFlips the currently selected page items horizontally.
    ClassFlips the currently selected page items vertically.
    ClassFlowchart visualizer command action.
    ClassApplies font family to the text of the currently selected diagram items.
    ClassApplies font size to the currently selected inlines.
    ClassApplies the formatting defined by each geometry formatting command source to the geometry of the currently selected item.
    ClassCommand action, that changes the begin or end arrowhead of the currently selected shapes geometries.
    ClassUpdates the geometry formatting command sources with the geometry formatting of the currently selected item.
    ClassCommand action, that changes the stroke of the active page selection
    ClassCommand action, which changes the fill of the active page selection.
    ClassCommand action, that changes the shadow of the active page selection
    ClassCommand action, that changes the stroke of the active page selection
    ClassShows the properties dialog of the active page.
    ClassShows the properties dialog of the active page.
    ClassShows the active page grid and rulers settings.
    ClassGroups the selected page items
    ClassHighlights all mail merge fields in a rich text document.
    ClassImports an AutoCAD drawing from file.
    ClassShows a File Save dialog and saves a drawing document to the selected file.
    ClassImports a database schema and creates a diagram based on it.
    ClassImports a family tree.
    ClassImports a map.
    ClassShows a dialog with all supported for import drawing formats and imports a drawing from the selected file.
    ClassImports a Visio drawing from file.
    ClassIncreases the current cell column span
    ClassIncreases the current cell row span
    ClassThe NIncreaseHorizontalSpacingCommand class represents the Increase Horizontal Spacing command
    ClassThe NIncreaseVerticalSpacingCommand class represents the Increase Vertical Spacing command
    ClassInsert barcode command action.
    ClassInserts the current date.
    ClassInserts a new field inline.
    ClassInserts a greeting line mail merge field.
    ClassInserts a hyperlink inline at the current selection.
    ClassInserts an image.
    ClassInserts a mail merge field.
    ClassEdits or inserts a shape hyperlink.
    ClassInserts a symbol character.
    ClassInserts a new table column on the left side of the current table column
    ClassInserts a new table column on the right side of the current table column
    ClassInserts a new table at the current selection.
    ClassInserts a table row above the currently selected table row
    ClassInserts a table row below the currently selected table row
    ClassBase class for command actions that insert text
    ClassInserts the current time.
    ClassThe NMakeHorizontalSpacingEqualCommand class represents the Make Horizontal Spacing Equal command
    ClassThe NMakeSameHeightCommand class represents the Make Horizontal Spacing Equal command
    ClassThe NMakeSameSizeCommand class represents the Make Horizontal Spacing Equal command
    ClassThe NMakeSameWidthCommand class represents the Make Horizontal Spacing Equal command
    ClassThe NMakeVerticalSpacingEqualCommand class represents the Make Vertical Spacing Equal command
    ClassLets the user select the data field column mapping.
    ClassShows a file type selector, then a ZIP file selector and finally creates a file of the specified type for each record of the mail merge data source and places all files in the selected ZIP archive.
    ClassCreates a document for each record in the mail merge data source, shows a dialog for configuring email settings and send each of the created documents to an email address associated with the corresponding record.
    ClassMerges the cells in the current selection
    ClassModifies a table cell.
    ClassModifies the text indent.
    ClassMoves the current mail merge record to the first record in the data source
    ClassMoves the current mail merge record to the last record in the data source
    ClassMoves the current mail merge record to the record after the current one
    ClassMoves the current mail merge record to the record preceding the current one.
    ClassMoves the current mail merge record to the first record in the data source
    ClassBase class for all actions that navigate to a mail merge data source record.
    ClassCreates a new drawing document.
    ClassMoves the selected page items in the specified direction.
    ClassOpens a drawing document.
    ClassBrings the selected page items to front Z-Order
    ClassModifies the page size of the active page
    ClassPastes the diagram items in the clipboard to the current position.
    ClassPrints a drawing document.
    ClassThe proofing language command action.
    ClassThe NRemoveHorizontalSpacingCommand class represents the Make Horizontal Spacing Equal command
    ClassRemoves a shape hyperlink.
    ClassThe NRemoveVerticalSpacingCommand class represents the Make Vertical Spacing Equal command
    ClassReplaces text in the drawing docoument
    ClassRotates the selected shapes to the left or to the right.
    ClassShows a File Save dialog and saves a drawing document to the selected file.
    ClassSaves a document to a file. If the document has never been saved a File Save dialog for choosing a file is shown.
    ClassSelects all page items in the active page.
    ClassApplies font size to the currently selected inlines.
    ClassAn action that selects a table cell.
    ClassApplies font size to the currently selected inlines.
    ClassShows a dilog for selecting a mail merge data source (e.g. an Access database).
    ClassAn action that selects a table column.
    ClassAn action that selects a table.
    ClassAn action that selects a table row.
    ClassSends the selected page items to back Z-Order
    ClassSends the selected page items to back Z-Order
    ClassBase class for shape hyperlink command actions.
    ClassA command action that applies a shape style.
    ClassShows the layers properties dialog
    ClassShows the drawing settings editor.
    ClassA command action that shows/hides the diagram ribbon's tab page groups.
    ClassShows the layers properties dialog
    ClassShows the layout shapes dialog.
    ClassShows the properties dialog of the active page.
    ClassShows the drawing snap and glue dialog.
    ClassThe NSizeToGridCommand class represents the Make Vertical Spacing Equal command
    ClassSplits the cell in the current selection horizontally
    ClassSplits the cell in the current selection vertically
    ClassA command action that updates a status pane
    ClassSets table block resize mode
    ClassSets table column width mode.
    ClassSets table block resize mode
    ClassApplies a table style to the currently selected table.
    ClassEdits table style options.
    ClassApplies the formatting defined by each text formatting command source to the text of the currently selected item.
    ClassApplies a text style to the current selection.
    ClassBase for all command actions.
    ClassBase class for all rich text style command actions.
    ClassBase for all command actions.
    ClassUpdates the text formatting command sources with the text formatting of the currently selected item.
    ClassApplies fill (background or foreground) to the currently selected inlines.
    ClassApplies a text style to the current selection.
    ClassApplies line gap factor to the currently selected paragraphs
    ClassApplies Shadow to the currently selected inlines
    ClassApplies Stroke to the currently selected inlines
    ClassApplies a text style to the current selection.
    ClassA command action that applies a drawing theme to the current page.
    ClassA command action that applies a theme variant to the current page.
    ClassThe toggle rulers command action.
    ClassAligns the content of a cell.
    ClassAligns the content of a cell.
    ClassThe toggle edit geometry command action.
    ClassToggles the font style (bold, italic, underline etc) of the text of the currently selected diagram items.
    ClassThe toggle grid command action.
    ClassThe toggle guidelines command action.
    ClassToggles block float mode (normal, left and right)
    ClassThe toggle grid command action.
    ClassThe toggle ports command action.
    ClassGenerates a preview of the currently selected mail merge data record.
    ClassThe toggle rulers command action.
    ClassThe toggle snap to grid command action.
    ClassThe toggle snap to guidelines command action.
    ClassThe toggle snap to rules command action.
    ClassToggles spell checking enabled state
    ClassToggles the Zoom Mode of the active page.
    ClassUngroups the selected page items
    ClassUngroups the selected page items
    ClassUpdtes all currently selected fields
    ClassThe toggle grid command action.
    ClassThe zoom in command action.
    ClassToggles the Zoom Mode of the active page.
    ClassThe zoom out command action.
    ClassThe zoom to factor command action.
    EnumerationEnumerates the measures controlled by this command action.
    See Also