| Class | Description |
| NActivePageUpdateCommandAction | Command action, that performs a compositing geometry operations on the selected page items |
| NAddBookmarkCommandAction | Shows the properties dialog of the active page. |
| NAlignBottomsCommandAction | The NAlignBottomsCommand class represents the Align Bottoms command |
| NAlignCentersCommandAction | The NAlignCentersCommand class represents the Align Centers command |
| NAlignLeftsCommandAction | The NAlignLeftsCommand class represents the Align Lefts command |
| NAlignMiddlesCommandAction | The NAlignMiddlesCommand class represents the Align Middles command |
| NAlignRightsCommandAction | The NAlignRightsCommand class represents the Align Rights command |
| NAlignToGridCommandAction | The NAlignToGridCommand class represents the Align To Grid command |
| NAlignTopsCommandAction | The NAlignTopsCommand class represents the Align Tops command |
| NBringForwardCommandAction | Brings the selected page items to front Z-Order |
| NBringToFrontCommandAction | Brings the selected page items to front Z-Order |
| NBulletFormattingCommandAction | Applies bullet formatting to the currently selected range |
| NCellBackgroundFillCommandAction | Applies background fill to currently selected table cells. |
| NCellBorderAndThicknessCommandAction | Edits cell border and thickness. |
| NCenterInPageHorizontallyCommandAction | The NCenterInDocumentHorizontallyCommand class represents the Center In Document Horizontally command |
| NCenterInPageVerticallyCommandAction | The NCenterInDocumentVerticallyCommand class represents the Center In Document Vertically command |
| NChangeFontSizeCommandAction | Changes the font size of the currently selected text |
| NClearBulletFormattingCommandAction | Clears the current bullet formatting |
| NClearFormattingCommandAction | Clears the text formatting |
| NComposeCommandAction | Command action, that performs a compositing geometry operations on the selected page items |
| NConnectorMakeLineCommandAction | Command action, that performs a compositing geometry operations on the selected page items |
| NConnectorMakeOrthogonalCommandAction | Command action, that performs a compositing geometry operations on the selected page items |
| NConnectorMakePolylineCommandAction | Command action, that performs a compositing geometry operations on the selected page items |
| NConnectorRerouteAlwaysCommandAction | Command action, that performs a compositing geometry operations on the selected page items |
| NConnectorRerouteCommandAction | Command action, that performs a compositing geometry operations on the selected page items |
| NConnectorRerouteNeverCommandAction | Command action, that performs a compositing geometry operations on the selected page items |
| NConnectorRerouteWhenNeededCommandAction | Command action, that performs a compositing geometry operations on the selected page items |
| NCopyCommandAction | Copies the currently selected text in the clipboard |
| NCutCommandAction | Cuts the selected text to the clipboard |
| NDecreaseCellColSpanCommandAction | Decreases the current cell column span |
| NDecreaseCellRowSpanCommandAction | Decreases the current cell row span |
| NDecreaseHorizontalSpacingCommandAction | The NDecreaseHorizontalSpacingCommand class represents the Decrease Horizontal Spacing command |
| NDecreaseVerticalSpacingCommandAction | The NDecreaseVerticalSpacingCommand class represents the Decrease Vertical Spacing command |
| NDeleteCommandAction | Command action, that deletes the selected page items |
| NDeleteTableColumnCommandAction | Deletes the currently selected table column |
| NDeleteTableCommandAction | Deletes the currently selected table |
| NDeleteTableRowsCommandAction | Deletes the currently selected table rows |
| NDeselectAllCommandAction | Deselects all page items in the active page. |
| NDiagramItemMeasureCommandAction | Command action, that performs a compositing geometry operations on the selected page items |
| NDiagramRedoCommandAction | A command action that redos a single or multiple history commands |
| NDocumentInfoCommandAction | Edits the document information of a drawing document. |
| NDrawingCommandAction | Serves as base for all drawing command actions |
| NDrawingTextCommandAction | Serves as base class for all toggle command actions. |
| NDrawingTextToggleCommandAction | Serves as base class for all toggle command actions. |
| NDrawingToggleCommandAction | Serves as base for all drawing toggle command actions |
| NEditBookmarksCommandAction | Shows the properties dialog of the active page. |
| NEditShapeHyperlinkCommandAction | Edits a shape hyperlink. |
| NEditTableColumnCommandAction | Edits a table column. |
| NEditTableCommandAction | Edits the currently selected table. |
| NEditTableRowCommandAction | Edits a table row. |
| NEnableArcToolCommandAction | Command action, that enables the create arc tool |
| NEnableConnectorToolCommandAction | Command action, that enables the create rectangle tool |
| NEnableCubicBezierToolCommandAction | Command action, that enables the create elliptical arc tool |
| NEnableEllipseToolCommandAction | Command action, that enables the create ellipse tool |
| NEnableEllipticalArcToolCommandAction | Command action, that enables the create elliptical arc tool |
| NEnableLineToolCommandAction | Command action, that enables the create line tool |
| NEnableNurbsToolCommandAction | Command action, that enables the create nurbs tool |
| NEnablePanToolCommandAction | Command action, which enables the pan tool. |
| NEnablePointerToolCommandAction | Command action, which enables the pointer tool. |
| NEnableRectangleToolCommandAction | Command action, that enables the create rectangle tool |
| NEnableTextToolCommandAction | Command action, that enables the create rectangle tool |
| NEnableToolCommandAction | Command action that serves as base class for all enable tool commands. |
| NExportCommandAction | Shows a File Save dialog and saves a drawing document to the selected file. |
| NExportToAutoCadCommandAction | Exports a drawing document to an AutoCAD drawing. |
| NExportToEmfCommandAction | Exports a drawing document to an Enhaced Metafile (EMF) image. |
| NExportToFamilyTreeCommandAction | Exports a drawing document to a family tree document. |
| NExportToPdfCommandAction | Exports the current drawing page to PDF. |
| NExportToRasterImageCommandAction | Exports a drawing document to a raster image. |
| NExportToSvgCommandAction | Exports a drawing document to an SVG image. |
| NExportToVectorImageCommandAction | Base class for all command actions that export drawings to vector images like EMF, SVG, AutoCAD DXF, etc. |
| NExportToVisioDrawingCommandAction | Exports a drawing document to a Visio drawing. |
| NExportToWebPageCommandAction | Exports a drawing document to a web page. |
| NFindTextCommandAction | Finds a text in the drawing docoument |
| NFlipHorizontalCommandAction | Flips the currently selected page items horizontally. |
| NFlipVerticalCommandAction | Flips the currently selected page items vertically. |
| NFlowchartVisualizerCommandAction | Flowchart visualizer command action. |
| NFontFamilyCommandAction | Applies font family to the text of the currently selected diagram items. |
| NFontSizeCommandAction | Applies font size to the currently selected inlines. |
| NGeometryApplyFormattingCommandAction | Applies the formatting defined by each geometry formatting command source to the geometry of the currently selected item. |
| NGeometryArrowheadCommandAction | Command action, that changes the begin or end arrowhead of the currently selected shapes geometries. |
| NGeometryCopyFormattingCommandAction | Updates the geometry formatting command sources with the geometry formatting of the currently selected item. |
| NGeometryCornerRoundingCommandAction | Command action, that changes the stroke of the active page selection |
| NGeometryFillCommandAction | Command action, which changes the fill of the active page selection. |
| NGeometryShadowCommandAction | Command action, that changes the shadow of the active page selection |
| NGeometryStrokeCommandAction | Command action, that changes the stroke of the active page selection |
| NGoToBookmarkCommandAction | Shows the properties dialog of the active page. |
| NGoToPageCommandAction | Shows the properties dialog of the active page. |
| NGridAndRulersDialogCommandAction | Shows the active page grid and rulers settings. |
| NGroupCommandAction | Groups the selected page items |
| NHighlightMergeFieldsCommandAction | Highlights all mail merge fields in a rich text document. |
| NImportAutoCadCommandAction | Imports an AutoCAD drawing from file. |
| NImportCommandAction | Shows a File Save dialog and saves a drawing document to the selected file. |
| NImportDatabaseSchemaCommandAction | Imports a database schema and creates a diagram based on it. |
| NImportFamilyTreeCommandAction | Imports a family tree. |
| NImportMapCommandAction | Imports a map. |
| NImportOtherFormatsCommandAction | Shows a dialog with all supported for import drawing formats and imports a drawing from the selected file. |
| NImportVisioDrawingCommandAction | Imports a Visio drawing from file. |
| NIncreaseCellColSpanCommandAction | Increases the current cell column span |
| NIncreaseCellRowSpanCommandAction | Increases the current cell row span |
| NIncreaseHorizontalSpacingCommandAction | The NIncreaseHorizontalSpacingCommand class represents the Increase Horizontal Spacing command |
| NIncreaseVerticalSpacingCommandAction | The NIncreaseVerticalSpacingCommand class represents the Increase Vertical Spacing command |
| NInsertBarcodeCommandAction | Insert barcode command action. |
| NInsertDateCommandAction | Inserts the current date. |
| NInsertFieldCommandAction | Inserts a new field inline. |
| NInsertGreetingLineCommandAction | Inserts a greeting line mail merge field. |
| NInsertHyperlinkCommandAction | Inserts a hyperlink inline at the current selection. |
| NInsertImageCommandAction | Inserts an image. |
| NInsertMergeFieldCommandAction | Inserts a mail merge field. |
| NInsertShapeHyperlinkCommandAction | Edits or inserts a shape hyperlink. |
| NInsertSymbolCharacterCommandAction | Inserts a symbol character. |
| NInsertTableColumnLeftCommandAction | Inserts a new table column on the left side of the current table column |
| NInsertTableColumnRightCommandAction | Inserts a new table column on the right side of the current table column |
| NInsertTableCommandAction | Inserts a new table at the current selection. |
| NInsertTableRowAboveCommandAction | Inserts a table row above the currently selected table row |
| NInsertTableRowBelowCommandAction | Inserts a table row below the currently selected table row |
| NInsertTextCommandAction | Base class for command actions that insert text |
| NInsertTimeCommandAction | Inserts the current time. |
| NMakeHorizontalSpacingEqualCommandAction | The NMakeHorizontalSpacingEqualCommand class represents the Make Horizontal Spacing Equal command |
| NMakeSameHeightCommandAction | The NMakeSameHeightCommand class represents the Make Horizontal Spacing Equal command |
| NMakeSameSizeCommandAction | The NMakeSameSizeCommand class represents the Make Horizontal Spacing Equal command |
| NMakeSameWidthCommandAction | The NMakeSameWidthCommand class represents the Make Horizontal Spacing Equal command |
| NMakeVerticalSpacingEqualCommandAction | The NMakeVerticalSpacingEqualCommand class represents the Make Vertical Spacing Equal command |
| NMatchFieldsCommandAction | Lets the user select the data field column mapping. |
| NMergeAndSaveCommandAction | Shows a file type selector, then a ZIP file selector and finally creates a file of the specified type for each record of the mail merge data source and places all files in the selected ZIP archive. |
| NMergeAndSendCommandAction | Creates a document for each record in the mail merge data source, shows a dialog for configuring email settings and send each of the created documents to an email address associated with the corresponding record. |
| NMergeCellsCommandAction | Merges the cells in the current selection |
| NModifyTableCellCommandAction | Modifies a table cell. |
| NModifyTextIndentCommandAction | Modifies the text indent. |
| NMoveToFirstRecordCommandAction | Moves the current mail merge record to the first record in the data source |
| NMoveToLastRecordCommandAction | Moves the current mail merge record to the last record in the data source |
| NMoveToNextRecordCommandAction | Moves the current mail merge record to the record after the current one |
| NMoveToPreviousRecordCommandAction | Moves the current mail merge record to the record preceding the current one. |
| NMoveToRecordCommandAction | Moves the current mail merge record to the first record in the data source |
| NNavigateToRecordCommandAction | Base class for all actions that navigate to a mail merge data source record. |
| NNewCommandAction | Creates a new drawing document. |
| NNudgeCommandAction | Moves the selected page items in the specified direction. |
| NOpenCommandAction | Opens a drawing document. |
| NOrganizationChartVisualizerCommandAction | |
| NPageOrientationCommandAction | Brings the selected page items to front Z-Order |
| NPageSizeCommandAction | Modifies the page size of the active page |
| NPasteCommandAction | Pastes the diagram items in the clipboard to the current position. |
| NPrintCommandAction | Prints a drawing document. |
| NProofingLanguageCommandAction | The proofing language command action. |
| NRemoveHorizontalSpacingCommandAction | The NRemoveHorizontalSpacingCommand class represents the Make Horizontal Spacing Equal command |
| NRemoveShapeHyperlinkCommandAction | Removes a shape hyperlink. |
| NRemoveVerticalSpacingCommandAction | The NRemoveVerticalSpacingCommand class represents the Make Vertical Spacing Equal command |
| NReplaceTextCommandAction | Replaces text in the drawing docoument |
| NRotateCommandAction | Rotates the selected shapes to the left or to the right. |
| NSaveAsCommandAction | Shows a File Save dialog and saves a drawing document to the selected file. |
| NSaveCommandAction | Saves a document to a file. If the document has never been saved a File Save dialog for choosing a file is shown. |
| NSelectAllCommandAction | Selects all page items in the active page. |
| NSelectBookmarkCommandAction | Applies font size to the currently selected inlines. |
| NSelectCellCommandAction | An action that selects a table cell. |
| NSelectPageCommandAction | Applies font size to the currently selected inlines. |
| NSelectRecipientsCommandAction | Shows a dilog for selecting a mail merge data source (e.g. an Access database). |
| NSelectTableColumnCommandAction | An action that selects a table column. |
| NSelectTableCommandAction | An action that selects a table. |
| NSelectTableRowCommandAction | An action that selects a table row. |
| NSendBackwardCommandAction | Sends the selected page items to back Z-Order |
| NSendToBackCommandAction | Sends the selected page items to back Z-Order |
| NShapeHyperlinkCommandAction | Base class for shape hyperlink command actions. |
| NShapeStyleCommandAction | A command action that applies a shape style. |
| NShowAssignToLayersDialogCommandAction | Shows the layers properties dialog |
| NShowDrawingPropertiesDialogCommandAction | Shows the drawing settings editor. |
| NShowHideRibbonTabGroupsCommandAction | A command action that shows/hides the diagram ribbon's tab page groups. |
| NShowLayersPropertiesDialogCommandAction | Shows the layers properties dialog |
| NShowLayoutDialogCommandAction | Shows the layout shapes dialog. |
| NShowPagePropertiesCommandAction | Shows the properties dialog of the active page. |
| NShowSnapAndGlueDialogCommandAction | Shows the drawing snap and glue dialog. |
| NSizeToGridCommandAction | The NSizeToGridCommand class represents the Make Vertical Spacing Equal command |
| NSplitCellHorizontallyCommandAction | Splits the cell in the current selection horizontally |
| NSplitCellVerticallyCommandAction | Splits the cell in the current selection vertically |
| NStatusPaneCommandAction | A command action that updates a status pane |
| NTableBlockResizeModeCommandAction | Sets table block resize mode |
| NTableColumnWidthModeCommandAction | Sets table column width mode. |
| NTablePortsDistributionModeCommandAction | Sets table block resize mode |
| NTableStyleCommandAction | Applies a table style to the currently selected table. |
| NTableStyleOptionsCommandAction | Edits table style options. |
| NTextApplyFormattingCommandAction | Applies the formatting defined by each text formatting command source to the text of the currently selected item. |
| NTextBaselineCommandAction | Applies a text style to the current selection. |
| NTextBlockCommandAction | Base for all command actions. |
| NTextBlockStyleCommandAction | Base class for all rich text style command actions. |
| NTextBlockToggleCommandAction | Base for all command actions. |
| NTextCopyFormattingCommandAction | Updates the text formatting command sources with the text formatting of the currently selected item. |
| NTextFillCommandAction | Applies fill (background or foreground) to the currently selected inlines. |
| NTextHorizontalAlignmentCommandAction | Applies a text style to the current selection. |
| NTextLineHeightFactorCommandAction | Applies line gap factor to the currently selected paragraphs |
| NTextShadowCommandAction | Applies Shadow to the currently selected inlines |
| NTextStrokeCommandAction | Applies Stroke to the currently selected inlines |
| NTextVerticalAlignmentCommandAction | Applies a text style to the current selection. |
| NThemeCommandAction | A command action that applies a drawing theme to the current page. |
| NThemeVariantCommandAction | A command action that applies a theme variant to the current page. |
| NToggleAutoConnectCommandAction | The toggle rulers command action. |
| NToggleCellAlignmentCommandAction | Aligns the content of a cell. |
| NToggleCellTextDirectionCommandAction | Aligns the content of a cell. |
| NToggleEditGeometryCommandAction | The toggle edit geometry command action. |
| NToggleFontStyleCommandAction | Toggles the font style (bold, italic, underline etc) of the text of the currently selected diagram items. |
| NToggleGridCommandAction | The toggle grid command action. |
| NToggleGuidelinesCommandAction | The toggle guidelines command action. |
| NToggleMarksVisibilityAction | Toggles block float mode (normal, left and right) |
| NTogglePageBreaksCommandAction | The toggle grid command action. |
| NTogglePortsCommandAction | The toggle ports command action. |
| NTogglePreviewMailMergeCommandAction | Generates a preview of the currently selected mail merge data record. |
| NToggleRulersCommandAction | The toggle rulers command action. |
| NToggleSnapToGridCommandAction | The toggle snap to grid command action. |
| NToggleSnapToGuidelinesCommandAction | The toggle snap to guidelines command action. |
| NToggleSnapToRulersCommandAction | The toggle snap to rules command action. |
| NToggleSpellCheckAction | Toggles spell checking enabled state |
| NToggleZoomModeCommandAction | Toggles the Zoom Mode of the active page. |
| NUngroupCommandAction | Ungroups the selected page items |
| NUpdateBoundsCommandAction | Ungroups the selected page items |
| NUpdateFieldCommandAction | Updtes all currently selected fields |
| NViewPresentationCommandAction | The toggle grid command action. |
| NZoomInCommandAction | The zoom in command action. |
| NZoomModeCommandAction | Toggles the Zoom Mode of the active page. |
| NZoomOutCommandAction | The zoom out command action. |
| NZoomToPercentCommandAction | The zoom to factor command action. |