| Class | Description |
| NAitoffProjection | The Aitoff projection is a modified azimuthal map projection. |
| NBonneProjection | A Bonne projection is a pseudoconical equal-area map projection. |
| NCylindricalEqualAreaProjection | Represents the general Cylindrical Equal-Area projection. |
| NDataGrouping | Base class for all data grouping algorithms. |
| NDataGroupingEqualDistribution | Also known as quantiles, this method allows for unequally sized data intervals and involves adjustment of the interval limits until an equal number of data points can be slotted into each interval. |
| NDataGroupingEqualInterval | Also known as equal ranges (or steps), this method involves division of the entire data range into equally sized intervals. |
| NDataGroupingOptimal | Uses the Jenks-Caspall optimal data grouping algorithm. |
| NEckertIVProjection | The Eckert IV projection, used for world maps, is a pseudocylindrical and equal-area. |
| NEckertVIProjection | The Eckert VI projection, used for maps of the world, is pseudocylindrical and equal area. |
| NEquirectangularProjection | Basic GIS projection that maps meridians to equally spaced vertical straight lines, and parallels to equally spaced horizontal straight lines. |
| NEsriMapImporter | Imports one or more ESRI shapefiles in a drawing document. |
| NEsriShapefile | Represents an ESRI shapefile containing geographical data. |
| NGisFeature | Base class for all ESRI supported GIS features. |
| NHammerProjection | The Hammer projection is an equal-area map projection, described by Ernst Hammer in 1892. |
| NKavrayskiyVIIProjection | The Kavrayskiy VII is a map projection invented by V. V. Kavrayskiy in 1939 for use as a general purpose pseudocylindrical projection. |
| NMapArcsSettings | Controls the way parallels and meridians are rendered. |
| NMapDataBindingContext | Provides information about map importer data binding. |
| NMapFillRule | Base class for map fill rules. |
| NMapFillRuleRange | A map fill rule that fills the map shapes based on a value associated with each of them. |
| NMapFillRuleValue | A map fill rule that fills the map shapes based on a value associated with each of them. |
| NMapImporter | Base class for maps. |
| NMapProjection | Base class for all map projections. Call the Initialize method to set the size of the map and the canvas to render it in. |
| NMercatorProjection | Implements the Mercator projection. |
| NMillerCylindricalProjection | The Miller cylindrical projection is a modified Mercator projection, proposed by Osborn Maitland Miller (1897-1979) in 1942. |
| NMollweideProjection | The Mollweide projection is a pseudocylindrical map projection generally used for global maps of the world (or sky). Also known as the Babinet projection, homolographic projection, or elliptical projection. |
| NOrthographicProjection | Orthographic projection is a perspective (or azimuthal) projection, in which the sphere is projected onto a tangent plane. It depicts a hemisphere of the globe as it appears from outer space. The shapes and areas are distorted, particularly near the edges, but distances are preserved along parallels. |
| NProjectedFeature | Represents a projected feature. |
| NRobinsonProjection | The Robinson projection is a map projection made in 1988 to show the entire world at once. It was specifically created in an attempt to find the good compromise to the problem of readily showing the whole globe as a flat image. |
| NShapeCreatedListener | Empty implementation of the INShapeCreatedListener interface. |
| NStereographicProjection | The stereographic projection is a particular mapping (function) that projects a sphere onto a plane. |
| NVanDerGrintenProjection | The van der Grinten projection is neither equal-area nor conformal. It projects the entire Earth into a circle, though the polar regions are subject to extreme distortion. |
| NWagnerVIProjection | Wagner VI is a pseudocylindrical whole Earth map projection. Like the Robinson projection, it is a compromise projection, not having any special attributes other than a pleasing, low distortion appearance. |
| NWinkelTripelProjection | The Winkel Tripel projection (Winkel III) is a modified azimuthal map projection proposed by Oswald Winkel in 1921. The projection is the arithmetic mean of the equirectangular projection and the Aitoff projection. |