Inheritance Hierarchy
In This Topic
    Nevron.Nov.Diagram.Themes Namespace
    In This Topic
    ClassRepresents a NOV diagram drawing theme.
    ClassA collection of drawing themes.
    ClassA theme color that depends on a color from the theme color palette.
    ClassA theme color that always has the same NColor equivalent.
    ClassRepresents a theme arrowhead style.
    ClassA collection of theme arrowhead styles.
    ClassBase class for all theme colors. Theme colors are typically used in theme fill and stroke styles.
    ClassRepresents a theme color fill.
    ClassBase class for all theme color infos
    ClassRepresents the color palette of a drawing theme. Contains a collection of primary colors for the theme, as well as a collection of colors for each of the theme variants.
    ClassContains connector style for a theme.
    ClassBase class for all theme entries like theme colors, theme fill styles, theme stroke styles, etc.
    ClassBase class for all theme fills.
    ClassRepresents a collection of fill styles.
    ClassRepresents a theme font.
    ClassA collection of theme fonts.
    ClassRepresents a gradient stop used in theme gradient definitions.
    ClassRepresents a collection of gradient points.
    ClassRepresents a theme linear gradient fill.
    ClassRepresents the theme palette color info.
    ClassContains shape styles for a theme.
    ClassRepresents a theme stroke style.
    ClassRepsesents a collection of stroke styles.
    ClassRepresents the theme variant color info.
    ClassRepresents a theme variant style, which is a collection of theme variant style entries.
    ClassA collection of theme variant styles.
    ClassContains information about the fill, stroke and text style of a theme variant for a specific style index.
    ClassRepresents a variant color palette, which is a palette that contains 7 colors.
    ClassA collection of theme variant color palettes.
    InterfaceImplemented by class that contain a collection of drawing themes (i.r. drawing and library view)
    EnumerationEnumerates the theme color names.
    See Also