Nevron Open Vision Documentation
Nevron.Nov.Diagram.Shapes Namespace / NPredefinedShapeFactory<TEnum> Class
Fields Properties Methods

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    NPredefinedShapeFactory<TEnum> Class Members
    In This Topic

    The following tables list the members exposed by NPredefinedShapeFactory<TEnum>.

    Protected Fields
    Public Properties
    Public PropertyGets or sets the default shapes size (Inherited from Nevron.Nov.Diagram.Shapes.NShapeFactory)
    Public PropertyGets or sets the name of this shape factory. (Inherited from Nevron.Nov.Diagram.Shapes.NShapeFactory)
    Public PropertyOverridden. Gets the number of shapes in this factory.  
    Public Methods
    Public MethodCreates a new library, which contians a library item for each shape which the factory can produce (Inherited from Nevron.Nov.Diagram.Shapes.NShapeFactory)
    Public MethodCreates a library item for the shape at the specified index. (Inherited from Nevron.Nov.Diagram.Shapes.NShapeFactory)
    Public MethodOverloaded. Creates a shape of the given type.  
    Public MethodObtains information about the shape at the specified index (Inherited from Nevron.Nov.Diagram.Shapes.NShapeFactory)
    Public MethodGets the names of the shapes inside this shape factory (Inherited from Nevron.Nov.Diagram.Shapes.NShapeFactory)
    Public MethodOverloaded. Initializes a 2D shape. (Inherited from Nevron.Nov.Diagram.Shapes.NShapeFactory)
    Public MethodOverloaded. Creates a library from this shape factory and saves it to the specified library file. (Inherited from Nevron.Nov.Diagram.Shapes.NShapeFactory)
    Protected Methods
    Internal MethodOverloaded.  (Inherited from Nevron.Nov.Diagram.Shapes.NShapeFactory)
    Protected MethodOverloaded. Creates center and relative ports. (Inherited from Nevron.Nov.Diagram.Shapes.NShapeFactory)
    Protected MethodCreates center and sides ports for the specified shape. (Inherited from Nevron.Nov.Diagram.Shapes.NShapeFactory)
    Protected MethodCreates a center port. (Inherited from Nevron.Nov.Diagram.Shapes.NShapeFactory)
    Protected MethodOverloaded. Creates an image map from the files inside the specified zip stream (Inherited from Nevron.Nov.Diagram.Shapes.NShapeFactory)
    Protected MethodCreates a relative port. (Inherited from Nevron.Nov.Diagram.Shapes.NShapeFactory)
    Protected MethodCreates ports with the specified relative locations. (Inherited from Nevron.Nov.Diagram.Shapes.NShapeFactory)
    Protected MethodCreates the shape info for the shape at the specified index (Inherited from Nevron.Nov.Diagram.Shapes.NShapeFactory)
    Protected MethodCreates a side port. (Inherited from Nevron.Nov.Diagram.Shapes.NShapeFactory)
    Protected MethodCreates sides ports for the specifies shape (Inherited from Nevron.Nov.Diagram.Shapes.NShapeFactory)
    Protected MethodGets the modeling bounds for a shape (Inherited from Nevron.Nov.Diagram.Shapes.NShapeFactory)
    Protected MethodGets scaled rectangle. (Inherited from Nevron.Nov.Diagram.Shapes.NShapeFactory)
    Internal MethodOverloaded.  (Inherited from Nevron.Nov.Diagram.Shapes.NShapeFactory)
    Protected MethodCalled when the shape at the specified index has been created (Inherited from Nevron.Nov.Diagram.Shapes.NShapeFactory)
    Protected MethodScales the shape to the default size of the shape factory. (Inherited from Nevron.Nov.Diagram.Shapes.NShapeFactory)
    Protected MethodSets the bounds of the specified shape. (Inherited from Nevron.Nov.Diagram.Shapes.NShapeFactory)
    Protected MethodOverloaded. Sets shape bounds rectangle. (Inherited from Nevron.Nov.Diagram.Shapes.NShapeFactory)
    Protected MethodStyles the shape as a connector. (Inherited from Nevron.Nov.Diagram.Shapes.NShapeFactory)
    See Also