| Name | Description |
| AccumulateAggregatedNodes | Accumulates the aggregated nodes to the specified list |
| AccumulateChildren | Overloaded. Accumulates the children of this node, to the provided node list |
| AccumulateDescendants | Overloaded. Accumulates the descendants of this node, to the provided node list |
| AccumulatePropertyNodes | Accumulates the nodes that are exposed by properties of this node. |
| AddChild | Appends the specified node to the end of the list of children of this node. Throws an exception, if this node is not a collection node. |
| AddEventHandler | Overloaded. Appends an event handler, which is triggered during the AtTarget/Bubbling phase |
| CanInsertChild | Queries whether the specified node can be inserted at the specified index |
| CanRemoveChild | |
| CanRemoveChildAt | Queries whether the node at the specified index can be removed. |
| CanSetChild | Queries whether the specified node can be set at the specified named slot |
| ClearLocalValue | Clears the local value for the specified property. Has no effect on properties backed by member. |
| ClearValue | Clears the value of the specified property. |
| ContainsEventHandler | Returns true if the node contains the specifeid event handler for the specified dom event |
| ContainsLocalValue | Gets whether the node contains a local value setting for the specified property |
| DeepClone | Overloaded. Creates an identical copy of this node subtree. |
| DeepCopy | Performs a deep copy of the properties and children of the specified source node. |
| DeepEquals | Performs deep equals of this node object in the specified context and returns true if the given object is a node and its properties and children are equal to those of this node. |
| Equals | Overriden to seal the Equals overridable method and to check the nodes for reference equality. |
| GetAggregatedNodes | Overloaded. Gets the nodes aggregated by this node (e.g. both children and property nodes) |
| GetAggregationInfo | Gets information about the way in which the node is currently aggregated in its parent |
| GetAncestor | Gets the ancestor of this node that is the specified levels-up from this ancestor. 0 is the node itself, 1 is ParentNode, 2 is the ParentNode.ParentNode etc. |
| GetChild | Overloaded. Gets the child at the specified named slot. If a child node at the slot does not exist, but the named child is marked as CreateOnDemand, a new child node of the default schema is automatically created. |
| GetChildAt | Gets the child node at the specified index. Throws an exception, if the index is out of range. |
| GetChildren | Overloaded. Gets a list that contains the children of this node. |
| GetChildrenCount | Overloaded. Get the count of child nodes |
| GetChildrenIterator | Gets a child node iterator, which iterates through this node children in forward order |
| GetDepthFromAncestor | Determines the depth of the node from the specfified ancestor |
| GetDepthFromRoot | Determines the depth of the node from the root. The root is at depth 0. |
| GetDescendants | Overloaded. Gets a list, which contains the descendants of this node. |
| GetDescendantsCount | Overloaded. Returns the number of descendant nodes. |
| GetFirstAncestor | Overloaded. Returns the first node ancestor that satisfies the specified filter or null if such ancestor is not found. |
| GetFirstChild | Overloaded. Gets the first child node. |
| GetFirstCommonAncestor | Gets the first ancestor, which is an ancestor of this node and the specified node |
| GetFirstDescendant | Overloaded. Gets the first descendant node of the given schema. This method visits descendants in Depth-First Pre-Order. Children are enumerated in forward order (from first to last). |
| GetHashCode | Overriden to seal the GetHashCode and return the default implementation. |
| GetLastAncestor | Overloaded. Returns the last node ancestor that satisfies the specified filter or null if such ancestor is not found. |
| GetLastChild | Overloaded. Gets the last child node |
| GetLastDescendant | Overloaded. Gets the last descendant node of the given schema. This method visits descendants in Depth-First Post-Order. Children are enumerated in reverse order (from last to first). |
| GetLocalValue | Overloaded. Gets the local value of the specified property |
| GetNextSibling | Gets the next sibling node |
| GetPathFromAncestor | Returns the path from the node to the specified ancestor. The returned path has a root-to-leaf order, meaning that ancestor nodes appear before descendant nodes in the list order. |
| GetPrevSibling | Gets the previous sibling node |
| GetPropertyNodes | Overloaded. Gets a list of the nodes, which are exposed as property values |
| GetReverseChildrenIterator | Gets a child node iterator, which iterates through this node children in reverse order |
| GetReverseSubtreeIterator | Overloaded. Gets an iterator, which iterates through the node and its descendants in a Depth-First-Pre-Order fashion (visits the parent and then visits the children). Children are enumerated in reverse order (from last to first). |
| GetSubtreeIterator | Overloaded. Gets an iterator, which iterates through the node and its descendants in a Depth-First-Pre-Order fashion (visits the parent and then visits the children). Children are enumerated in forward order (from first to last). |
| GetValue | Overloaded. Gets the value of the specified property. |
| IndexOfChild | Gets the index of the specified child node in this node children container. Returns -1 if the node is not a child of this node. |
| InsertChild | Inserts the specified node at the specified index. Throws an exception, if this node is not a collection node. |
| IsChild | Determines whether the specified node is a child node of this node. Note that although the node ParentNode may be this node, this node may not consider the node as child, if it is exposed by a property. |
| IsDescendantOf | Overloaded. Determines whether this node is a descendant of the specified ancestor |
| IsInstanceOfSchema | Queries whether the node is an instance of the specified schema. (i.e. whether the node schema is equal to the specified schema, or is its ancestor). |
| MoveToCurrentThread | Moves the node aggregated subtree cache and other thread related information so that the node aggregated subtree can function on the current thread. Call this method when the node has been constructed on another thread, but will continue to be used on the current thread. |
| MoveToThread | Moves the node aggregated subtree cache and other thread related information so that the node aggregated subtree can function on the specified thread. Call this method when the node has been constructed on the current thread, but will continue to be used on the specified thread. |
| PackCategory | Packs the specified categories by joining them with the property category separator. |
| RemoveAllChildren | Removes all child nodes of this node. Works for both collection and container node. In the case of container nodes where a child may be set as non-nullable, throws an exception. |
| RemoveAllEventHandlers | Overloaded. Removes all normal (attarget/bubbling) or sinking event handlers |
| RemoveChild | Removes the specified child node. Works for both collection and container nodes. |
| RemoveChildAt | Removes the child node at the specified index. Throws an expection if index if out of range. Works for both collection and container nodes. |
| RemoveEventHandler | Overloaded. Removes the specified event handler for the specified DOM event. The event handler must have been registered for the AtTarget/Bubbling phase and the default group. |
| SetChild | Sets the child instance at the specified child slot. Throws an exception, if this node is not a container node. |
| SetChildAt | Sets(substitudes) the child at the specified index. Throws an exception, if this node is not a collection node. |
| SetLocalValue | Sets a local value for the specified property. |
| SetValue | Sets the value of the specified property. |
| ToString | Returns a string that represents this node. |