| Name | Description |
| ClearFill | Clears the current fill. |
| ClearFont | Clears the current font. |
| ClearShadow | Clears the shadow style. Subseqent geometry/text commands will not drop a shadow. |
| ClearStroke | Clears the current stroke settings |
| ClearStyles | Clears all styles (fill, stroke, shadow and font). |
| DisableCustomBrushCalibration | Disables the custom brush calibration, thus turning on the automatic brush calibration. |
| DisableCustomPenCalibration | Disables the custom brush calibration, thus turning on the automatic brush calibration. |
| EnableCustomBrushCalibration | Enables custom brush calibration for the specified rectangle |
| EnableCustomPenCalibration | Enables custom pen calibration for the specified rectangle |
| GetTransformToVisual | Gets the post transform |
| Hint | Performs an additional hinting operation with the specified hint. The hint needs to be suppored by the set of SupportedHints. |
| PaintEllipse | Overloaded. Paints an ellipse with the current fill and stroke |
| PaintGlyphRun | Overloaded. Paints a range of a horizontally flowing glyph run. The glyph run starts from the specified origin. |
| PaintImage | Overloaded. Paints the specified image at its default size (unscaled), at the specified location. |
| PaintLine | Overloaded. |
| PaintPath | Overloaded. Paints a path with the current fill and stroke and with Even-Odd filling rule. |
| PaintPolygon | Overloaded. Paints a polygon with the specified fill rule. The current fill, stroke and shadow styles are used. |
| PaintPolyline | Overloaded. Paints a polyline. The current stroke and shadow styles are used. |
| PaintQuadrangle | Overloaded. Paints a quadrangle. The current fill, stroke and shadow styles are used. |
| PaintRectangle | Overloaded. Paints a rect with the current fill and stroke |
| PaintString | Overloaded. Paints a string at the specified location |
| PaintTriangle | Overloaded. Paints a triangle. The current fill, stroke and shadow styles are used. |
| PopSnapToPixels | Restore the value of the SnapToPixels property, as it was before the pairing PushSnapToPixels call. |
| PostVisit | Overridden. Called after the visitor has visited the node children Overriden to call the PostPaint2D method of the node, if it implements the INPostPaintNode interface, before it calls the base implementation. |
| PreVisit | Overridden. Called before the visitor visits the node children. Overriden to call the PrePaint2D method of the node, if it implements the INPrePaintNode interface, after it calls the base implementation. |
| PushSnapToPixels | Pushes a new value for the SnapToPixels property. If true, all paint commands will internally snap to pixels. If false, all paint commands will not snap to pixels. |
| RoundLengthX | Rounds X length to pixel grid |
| RoundLengthY | Rounds Y length to pixel grid |
| RoundNonZeroLengthX | Rounds X length to pixel grid |
| RoundNonZeroLengthY | Rounds Y length to pixel grid |
| SetFill | Overloaded. Sets the current fill to the specified NFill instance. A value of null clears the fill. |
| SetFont | Overloaded. Sets the current font |
| SetShadow | Sets the current shadow to the specified NShadow instance. A value of null clears the shadow. |
| SetStroke | Overloaded. Sets the current stroke to the specified NStroke instance. A value of null clears the stroke. |
| SkipBranchTraversal | Overridden. Overriden to skip the branch if the current paint scene clip is empty |
| SnapPathHP | Snaps the path points to the half pixel grid. |
| SnapPathZP | Snaps the path points to the zero pixel grid. |
| SnapPointHP | Snaps a point to the half pixel grid |
| SnapPointsHP | Snaps an array of points to the half pixel grid. |
| SnapPointStroke | Snaps a point for pixel snapped stroking. |
| SnapPointsZP | Snaps an array of points to the zero pixel grid. |
| SnapPointZP | Snaps a point to the zero pixel grid |
| SnapRangeHP | Snaps a range to the half pixel grid. |
| SnapRangeZP | Snaps a range to the zero pixel grid. |
| SnapRectangleHP | Snaps a rectangle to the half pixel grid. |
| SnapRectangleStroke | Snaps a rectangle for pixel snapped stroking. |
| SnapRectangleZP | Snaps a rectangle to the zero pixel grid. |
| SnapXHP | Snaps a X coordinate to the half pixel grid. |
| SnapXStroke | Snaps a X coordinate for pixel snapped stroking. |
| SnapXZP | Snaps a X coordinate to the zero pixel grid. |
| SnapYHP | Snaps a Y coordinate to the half pixel grid. |
| SnapYStroke | Snaps an Y coordinate for pixel snapped stroking. |
| SnapYZP | Snaps a Y coordinate to the zero pixel grid. |