Nevron Open Vision Documentation
Nevron.Nov.Dom Namespace / NProperty Class
Fields Properties Methods

In This Topic
    NProperty Class Members
    In This Topic

    The following tables list the members exposed by NProperty.

    Protected Constructors
    Internal ConstructorOverloaded.   
    Public Fields
    Public FieldA mask that includes the values of the AffectsArrangeFlag and AffectsParentArrangeFlag flags  
    Public FieldA mask that includes the values of the AffectsDisplayFlag and AffectsParentDisplayFlag flags  
    Public FieldA mask that includes the values of the AffectsMeasureFlag and AffectsParentMeasureFlag flags  
    Public Field  
    Public Field  
    Public FieldA mask that includes the values of the StyleableFlag and InheritedFlag flags  
    Public FieldThe affects layout flag  
    Public FieldThe affects display list flag  
    Public FieldThe affects display transform flag  
    Public FieldThe affects measure flag  
    Public FieldThe affects parent layout flag  
    Public FieldThe affects parent display list flag  
    Public FieldThe affects parent measure flag  
    Public FieldThe inherited flag  
    Public FieldThe stylable flag  
    Protected Fields
    Internal Field  
    Internal Field  
    Internal Field  
    Internal Field (Inherited from Nevron.Nov.Dom.NSchemaPart)
    Internal Field (Inherited from Nevron.Nov.Dom.NSchemaPart)
    Internal Field  
    Internal Field (Inherited from Nevron.Nov.Dom.NSchemaPart)
    Internal Field (Inherited from Nevron.Nov.Dom.NSchemaPart)
    Internal Field (Inherited from Nevron.Nov.Dom.NSchemaPart)
    Internal Field  
    Internal Field (Inherited from Nevron.Nov.Dom.NSchemaPart)
    Internal Field  
    Internal Field  
    Internal Field  
    Internal Field  
    Internal Field  
    Internal Field  
    Internal Field  
    Internal Field  
    Internal Field  
    Internal Field  
    Internal Field  
    Internal Field  
    Internal Field  
    Internal Field  
    Internal Field  
    Internal Field  
    Public Properties
    Public PropertyGets the order in which this property is declared in the schema. Only valid for self properties. For extended properties always returns -1.  
    Public PropertyGets the DOM property associated with this property  
    Public PropertyGets the type associated with the property values  
    Public PropertyGets whether the part contains any meta units (Inherited from Nevron.Nov.Dom.NSchemaPart)
    Public PropertyGets the property id, which is the Id of the DOM property associated with this property. The Id is unique for the properties declared in a schema and for all extended properties in general.  
    Public PropertyGets whether the property is backed by a member or not (is backed by a slot).  
    Public PropertyGets whether this is an extended property or not  
    Public PropertyGets the event, which is dispatched when the local property value is about to be changed. This event is assigned to the NNode.ChangingEvent category, and is associated with the Function<NValueChangeEventArgs> delegate.  
    Public PropertyGets the get member value delegate. Only applicable for properties backed by member.  
    Public PropertyGets the set member value delegate. Only applicable for properties backed by member.  
    Public PropertyGets the name of the property  
    Public PropertyGets the schema, which owns this property. For a self property, this is the schema that declared the property. For an extended property, this is always the NNode schema.  
    Public PropertyGets the event, which is dispatched when the local property value has changed. This event is assigned to the NNode.ChangedEvent category, and is associated with the Function<NValueChangeEventArgs> delegate.  
    Public Methods
    Public MethodAdds a local value changing delegate. The callback is called when this property local value is about to change for the specified node. The callback must return false, if the new value is not acceptable.  
    Public MethodAdds a value changed delegate. The callback is called when this property local and/or recomputed value has changed for the specified node.  
    Public Methodstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)Overloaded.   
    Public MethodGets whether this property affects the layout for the specified schema. By default AffectsArrange is set to false.  
    Public MethodGets whether this property affects the display list for the specified schema. By default AffectsDisplay is set to false.  
    Public MethodGets whether this property affects the measure for the specified schema. By default AffectsMeasure is set to false.  
    Public MethodGets whether this property affects the parent layout for the specified schema. By default AffectsParentArrange is set to false.  
    Public MethodGets whether this property affects the parent display list for the specified schema. By default AffectsParentDisplay is set to false.  
    Public MethodGets whether this property affects the parent measure for the specified schema. By default AffectsParentMeasure is set to false.  
    Public MethodGets whether this property affects the display transform for the specified schema. By default AffectsTransform is set to false.  
    Public MethodGets the value for the Custom1 flag for the specified schema. By default Custom1 is set to false. (Inherited from Nevron.Nov.Dom.NSchemaPart)
    Public MethodGets the value for the Custom2 flag for the specified schema. By default Custom2 is set to false. (Inherited from Nevron.Nov.Dom.NSchemaPart)
    Public MethodGets the value for the Custom3 flag for the specified schema. By default Custom3 is set to false. (Inherited from Nevron.Nov.Dom.NSchemaPart)
    Public MethodGets the value for the Custom4 flag for the specified schema. By default Custom4 is set to false. (Inherited from Nevron.Nov.Dom.NSchemaPart)
    Public MethodGets the value for the Custom5 flag for the specified schema. By default Custom5 is set to false. (Inherited from Nevron.Nov.Dom.NSchemaPart)
    Public MethodGets whether this property is deeply clonable for the specified schema. By default DeeplyClonable is set to true.  
    Public MethodGets the default property value that applies for the specified schema  
    Public Methodstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)Gets the schema associated with the specified name. Returns null if the specified name is not a valid schema name, or the public static readonly ClassNameSchema pattern was not obeyed.  
    Public MethodGets whether this property is inherited for the specified schema. By default Inherited is set to false.  
    Public MethodOverloaded. Gets the metaunit with the specified key, which applies for the specified schema (Inherited from Nevron.Nov.Dom.NSchemaPart)
    Public MethodGets whether this property is nullable for the specified schema. By default Nullable is set to true.  
    Public MethodGets whether this property is recordable for the specified schema. By default Recordable is set to true.  
    Public MethodGets whether this property is serializable for the specified schema. By default Serializable is set to true.  
    Public MethodGets whether this property is styleable for the specified schema. By default Stylable is set to false.  
    Public MethodOverloaded. Sets whether this property affects the layout for the owner schema. By default AffectsArrange is set to false.  
    Public MethodOverloaded. Sets whether this property affects the display for the owner schema. By default AffectsDisplay is set to false.  
    Public MethodOverloaded. Sets whether this property affects the measure for the owner schema. By default AffectsMeasure is set to false.  
    Public MethodOverloaded. Sets whether this property affects the parent layout for the owner schema. By default AffectsParentArrange is set to false.  
    Public MethodOverloaded. Sets whether this property affects the parent display list for the owner schema. By default AffectsParentDisplay is set to false.  
    Public MethodOverloaded. Sets whether this property affects the parent measure for the owner schema. By default AffectsParentMeasure is set to false.  
    Public MethodOverloaded. Sets whether this property affects the display transform for the owner schema. By default AffectsTransform is set to false.  
    Public MethodOverloaded. Sets the value for the Custom1 flag for the owner schema. By default Custom1 is set to false. (Inherited from Nevron.Nov.Dom.NSchemaPart)
    Public MethodOverloaded. Sets the value for the Custom2 flag for the owner schema. By default Custom2 is set to false. (Inherited from Nevron.Nov.Dom.NSchemaPart)
    Public MethodOverloaded. Sets the value for the Custom3 flag for the owner schema. By default Custom3 is set to false. (Inherited from Nevron.Nov.Dom.NSchemaPart)
    Public MethodOverloaded. Sets the value for the Custom4 flag for the owner schema. By default Custom4 is set to false. (Inherited from Nevron.Nov.Dom.NSchemaPart)
    Public MethodOverloaded. Sets the value for the Custom5 flag for the owner schema. By default Custom5 is set to false. (Inherited from Nevron.Nov.Dom.NSchemaPart)
    Public MethodOverloaded. Sets whether this property is DeeplyCloneable for the owner schema. By default DeeplyCloneable is set to true.  
    Public MethodOverloaded. Sets the default property value that applies for the owner schema  
    Public MethodOverloaded. Sets whether this property is inherited for the owner schema. By default Inherited is set to false.  
    Public MethodOverloaded. Sets the specified metaunit, which applies to the owner schema (Inherited from Nevron.Nov.Dom.NSchemaPart)
    Public MethodOverloaded. Sets whether this property is nullable for the owner schema. By default Nullable is set to true.  
    Public MethodOverloaded. Sets whether this property is recordable for the owner schema. By default Recordable is set to true.  
    Public MethodOverloaded. Sets whether this property is serializable for the owner schema. By default Serializable is set to true.  
    Public MethodOverloaded. Sets whether this property is styleable for the owner schema. By default Stylable is set to false.  
    Public MethodReturns the string representation of the property (i.e. its name).  
    Protected Methods
    Internal Method (Inherited from Nevron.Nov.Dom.NSchemaPart)
    Internal Method  
    Internal MethodOverridden.   
    Internal MethodOverloaded.  (Inherited from Nevron.Nov.Dom.NSchemaPart)
    Internal Method (Inherited from Nevron.Nov.Dom.NSchemaPart)
    See Also