NNurbsCurve Class Methods
In This Topic
For a list of all members of this type, see NNurbsCurve members.
Public Methods
| Name | Description |
| AddToPath | Appends the primitive to the specified graphics path |
| ContainsOnOutline | Determines whether the outline of the primitive contains the specified point |
| GetKnotMultiplicity | Gets the number of times the given knot value exists in the NURBS curve knot vector. |
| GetOutlineLength | Gets the length of the nurbs curve |
| InsertKnot | Inserts a knot and modifies and inserts control points as needed. |
| Refine | Refines the NURBS curve by inserting knots (and control points) in order to make each knot multiplicity equal to the NURBS curve degree. |
| Translate | Translates the primitive with the specified amounts |
See Also