NAggregatePromise Class Methods
In This Topic
For a list of all members of this type, see NAggregatePromise members.
Public Methods
| Name | Description |
| All | Overloaded. The All method takes an array of promises, and returns a single Promise that contains an array of the results of the input promises. The returned promise will fulfill when all of the input's promises have fulfilled. It rejects immediately upon any of the input promises rejecting, and will fail with this first failure exception. |
| AllResolved | Overloaded. The AllResolved method returns a promise that resolves after all of the given promises have either fulfilled or rejected, with an array of booleans each of which describes whether the promise at the specified ordinal fulfilled or rejected. |
| Any | Overloaded. The Any method takes an array of promises, and returns a single promise that fulfills with the result of the first promise that is fulfilled. If no promises fulfill (i.e. all of the promises are rejected), then the returned promise is rejected with an AggregateException, that groups together the individual exceptions. Essentially, this method is the opposite of the All method. |
| Race | Overloaded. The Race method returns a promise that fulfills or rejects as soon as one of the promises fulfills or rejects, with the value or reason from that promise. |
| SequencialTry | Sequencially invokes the specified functions and waits for their result. The returned promise succeeds when the first sequencial promise succeeds, and fails if no of the promises succeeds. |
See Also