Name | Description | |
Create3DBorder | Creates a Windows Classic 3D border with the specified colors. | |
CreateDoubleBorder | Overloaded. Creates a double border filled with the given color. | |
CreateFilledBorder | Overloaded. Creates a border that fills its sides and corners with the specified color. | |
CreateHitTestPath | Gets the path for hit testing. | |
CreateInnerOutlineBorder | Overloaded. Creates a border that strokes the inner outline with the specified color. | |
CreateMiddleStrokeBorder | Creates a middle stroke border using the given color and border thickness. | |
CreateOuterOutlineBorder | Overloaded. Creates a border that strokes the outer outline with the specified color. | |
CreatePredefinedBorder | Overloaded. Creates a predefined border using the given predefined border style, color and thickness. | |
CreateRaised3DBorder | Creates a Raised Border for the specified theme colors. | |
CreateSunken3DBorder | Creates a Sunken Border for the specified theme colors. | |
CreateThreeColorBorder | Overloaded. Creates a three-color border using the given inner, middle and outer colors. | |
CreateTwoColorBorder | Overloaded. Creates a border that consists of two colors - inner and outer. | |
Paint | Paints the wall provided by the specified border wall implementation to the specified paint context. | |
PaintBackgroundGeometry | Paints the background geometry of this border. It is up to the caller to setup the visitor styles prior to calling this method. | |
SetInnerRadiuses | Sets the InnerXRadius and InnerYRadius properties of all corners | |
SetOuterRadiuses | Sets the OuterXRadius and OuterYRadius properties of all corners | |
SetRadiuses | Overloaded. Sets the all radiues of all corners |