Name | Description | |
ActivePage | A shortcut property that gets and set the active page of the drawing, contained in the drawing document displayed by this view. | |
ContextMenu | Gets or sets the context menu builder which is responsible for creating context menus and popup-us for selected items. | |
CurrentInplaceEditor | Gets or sets the current inplace editor. | |
CurrentInPlaceTextBlockEditor | Shortcut property to safely get the current rich text block editor | |
CurrentProtectedRichTextView | Shortcut property to safely get the current rich text block editor | |
CurrentRichTextView | Shortcut property to safely get the current rich text block editor | |
FindTextSettings | Gets the text find settings | |
HRuler | Gets or sets the HRuler | |
LogicalUnitBox | Gets or sets the LogicalUnitBox | |
NavigationPanel | Gets or sets the navigation panel child. The panel is used to host drawing view navigation content, such as NPageNavigator or NPresentationNavigator children. | |
PageNavigator | Gets the page navigator | |
ReplaceTextSettings | Gets the text replace settings | |
Settings | Gets or sets the drawing view settings. | |
SpellChecker | Gets the spell checker attached to the view. | |
ViewportPadding | Gets or sets the padding applied to the viewport in which the drawing active page is displayed. | |
VRuler | Gets or sets the VScrollBar |