Name | Description | |
AccumulateDisplayChildren | Overridden. Overriden to do nothing - i.e. do not pass the rendering to the item children | |
CanTransform | Overridden. Overriden to return true. | |
CreateImage | Gets or creates the image that represents this item | |
DoPrePaint | Overridden. Performs the element pre children paint. | |
GetAbilitiesMask | Overridden. Gets the item abilities | |
GetPaintCacheMode | Overridden. | |
GetTransform | Overridden. Gets the matrix that transforms local to parent coordinates. | |
HitTest | Overloaded. Overridden. Hit tests the node by point (in local coordinates). | |
LocalToParent | Overloaded. Overridden. Transforms a point in local coordinates to the coordinates of its parent coordinate system | |
ParentToLocal | Overloaded. Overridden. Transforms a point in parent coordinates to local coordinates | |
ShowPropertiesDialog | Overridden. Shows the library item properties dialog |