Nevron Open Vision Documentation
Nevron.Nov.Diagram Namespace / NShapeStyle Class

In This Topic
    NShapeStyle Class Properties
    In This Topic

    For a list of all members of this type, see NShapeStyle members.

    Public Properties
    Public PropertyGets/Sets the value of the FillColorIndex property.  
    Public PropertyGets/Sets the value of the FillStyleIndex property.  
    Public PropertyGets/Sets the value of the FontColorIndex property.  
    Public PropertyGets/Sets the value of the FontStyleIndex property.  
    Public PropertyGets the document effective history service that this node uses to record history (Inherited from Nevron.Nov.Dom.NDocumentNode)
    Public PropertyGets the id of the element, which uniquely identifies the element inside the owner document. It is automatically assigned when the element is registered in a document and is also automatically set to -1 when the element is unregistered from the document. You can manually assign the next document Id to the element, before it is added to a specific document, by using AssingNextId method. (Inherited from Nevron.Nov.Dom.NElement)
    Public PropertyGets a reference to the document owning the node. Returns null if the node is not residing in a document. (Inherited from Nevron.Nov.Dom.NDocumentNode)
    Public PropertyGets the parent node in the node hierarchy. (Inherited from Nevron.Nov.Dom.NNode)
    Public PropertyGets the root node in the node hierarchy. (Inherited from Nevron.Nov.Dom.NNode)
    Public PropertyGets the node schema. (Inherited from Nevron.Nov.Dom.NNode)
    Public PropertyGets/Sets the value of the StrokeColorIndex property.  
    Public PropertyGets/Sets the value of the StrokeStyleIndex property.  
    Public PropertyGets or sets the node tag, that can be any DOM compliant object. This property is not used by the node itself and is intended to provide users with the ability to attach custom data to the node. Attaching custom data to any node can also be achieved with the help of extendeded properties. (Inherited from Nevron.Nov.Dom.NNode)
    Public PropertyGets the thread on which this node is safe to be accessed. (Inherited from Nevron.Nov.Dom.NNode)
    Public PropertyGets or sets the User Class to which the element belongs. This property is usually assigned by the user and is used to group related elements. An element can belong to more than one user classes that should be separated by the ' '(space) character. For example: element.UserClass = "MyClass1 MyClass2" specifies that element belongs to both MyClass1 and MayClass2 classes. The NUserClassCondtion styling condition lets you select elements of a specific user class. (Inherited from Nevron.Nov.Dom.NElement)
    Public PropertyGets or sets the User Id associated to this element. This property is usually assigned by the user and is used to identify specific elements in the document. Unlike the Id property, the value of this property is not guaranteed to be unique in the document. The NUserIdCondition styling condition lets you select elements with a specific User Id. (Inherited from Nevron.Nov.Dom.NElement)
    See Also