Name | Description | |
AllowChangeAspectRatioProperty | Reference to the AllowChangeAspectRatio property | |
AllowChangeBeginPointProperty | Reference to the AllowChangeBeginPoint property | |
AllowChangeEndPointProperty | Reference to the AllowChangeEndPoint property | |
AllowChangePinPointProperty | Reference to the AllowChangePinPoint property | |
AllowFormatProperty | Reference to the AllowFormat property | |
AllowGeometryEditProperty | Reference to the AllowGeometryEdit property | |
AllowInplaceEditProperty | Reference to the AllowInplaceEdit property | |
AllowLayoutsReglueBeginPointProperty | Reference to the AllowLayoutsReglueBeginPoint property. | |
AllowLayoutsReglueEndPointProperty | Reference to the AllowLayoutsReglueEndPoint property. | |
AllowMoveXProperty | Reference to the AllowMoveX property | |
AllowMoveYProperty | Reference to the AllowMoveY property | |
AllowResizeXProperty | Reference to the AllowResizeX property | |
AllowResizeYProperty | Reference to the AllowResizeY property | |
AllowRotateProperty | Reference to the AllowRotate property | |
AllowUpdateBoundsProperty | Reference to the AllowUpdateBounds property | |
AngleProperty | Reference to the Angle property | |
BeginPointChangedEvent | Reference to the BeginPointChanged event | |
BeginPointGlueChangedEvent | Reference to the BeginPointGlueChanged event | |
BeginPointGlueChild | Reference to the BeginPoint property. | |
BeginXProperty | Reference to the BeginX property | |
BeginYProperty | Reference to the BeginY property | |
BuildContextRibbonGroupEvent | Reference to the BuildContextRibbonGroup event. | |
CanSplitProperty | Reference CanSplit property. | |
CodeBehindSourceProperty | Reference to the CodeBehind property | |
ColorThemeIdProperty | Reference to the ColorThemeId property. | |
ConnectorThemeIdProperty | Reference to the ConnectorThemeId property. | |
ControlsChangedEvent | Reference to the controls changed event | |
ControlsChild | Reference to the Controls child. | |
DefaultShapeGlueProperty | Reference to the DefaultShapeGlue property | |
EditHeightIn1DProperty | Reference to the EditHeightIn1D property | |
EndPointChangedEvent | Reference to the EndPointChanged event | |
EndPointGlueChangedEvent | Reference to the EndPointGlueChanged event | |
EndPointGlueChild | Reference to the EndGlue property. | |
EndXProperty | Reference to the EndX property | |
EndYProperty | Reference to the EndY property | |
FlipXProperty | Reference to the FlipX property | |
FlipYProperty | Reference to the FlipY property | |
FontThemeIdProperty | Reference to the FontThemeId property. | |
GeometryChangedEvent | Reference to the geometries changed event | |
GeometryChild | Reference to the Geometry child. | |
GraphPartProperty | Reference to the GraphPart property | |
HeightProperty | Reference to the Height property | |
HorizontalPlacementProperty | Reference to the HorizontalPlacement property. | |
HyperlinkChild | Reference to the Hyperlink child. | |
ImageBlockChild | Reference to the ImageBlock child. | |
LayoutDataChild | Reference to the LayoutData child | |
LocPinRelativeProperty | Reference to the LocPinRelative property | |
LocPinXProperty | Reference to the LocPinX property | |
LocPinYProperty | Reference to the LocPinY property | |
MasterGlueChangedEvent | Reference to the MasterGlueChanged event | |
MasterGlueChild | Reference to the MasterGlue property. | |
MenuItemsChild | Reference to the MenuItems child | |
MoveSlavesProperty | Reference to the MoveSlaves property | |
NShapeSchema | Schema associated with NShape | |
PageTransformChangedEvent | Reference to the page transform changed event | |
PinXProperty | Reference to the PinX property | |
PinYProperty | Reference to the PinY property | |
PortsChangedEvent | Reference to the PortsChanged event | |
PortsChild | Reference to the Ports child. | |
PropertiesChild | Reference to the Properties child | |
QueryAutoConnectButtonContentEvent | Reference to the QueryAutoConnectButtonContent event | |
ResizeInGroupProperty | Reference to the ResizeInGroup property | |
RouteThroughHorizontallyProperty | Reference to the RouteThroughHorizontally property. | |
RouteThroughVerticallyProperty | Reference to the RouteThroughVertically property. | |
ScratchesChild | Reference to the Scratches child | |
ShapeTypeProperty | Reference to the ShapeType property | |
ShowControlHandlesProperty | Reference to the ShowControlHandles property | |
ShowShapeHandlesProperty | Reference to the ShowShapeHandles property | |
SizeChangedEvent | Reference to the size changed event | |
SplittableProperty | Reference Splitable property. | |
StyleChild | Reference to the Style child. | |
StyleThemeIdProperty | Reference to the StyleThemeId property. | |
TextBlockChangedEvent | Reference to the text block changed event | |
TextBlockChild | Reference to the TextBlock child. | |
ThemeIdProperty | Reference to the ThemeId property. | |
TransformChangedEvent | Reference to the transform changed event | |
UserCellsChild | Reference to the UserCells child | |
VariantColorIndexProperty | Reference to the VariantColorIndex property. | |
VariantStyleIndexProperty | Reference to the VariantStyleIndex property. | |
VerticalPlacementProperty | Reference to the VerticalPlacement property. | |
VisibleProperty | Reference to the Visibility property | |
WidgetChild | Reference to the Widget child. | |
WidthProperty | Reference to the Width property |