| Name | Description |
| AllowChangeAspectRatio | Gets or sets whether the user is allowed to change the aspect ratio (Width vs Height) of this shape. |
| AllowChangeBeginPoint | Gets or sets whether the user is allowed to reposition, glue or unglue the begin point of the shape. |
| AllowChangeEndPoint | Gets or sets whether the user is allowed to reposition, glue or unglue the end point of the shape. |
| AllowChangePinPoint | Gets or sets whether the user is allowed to change the pin point of the shape. |
| AllowFormat | Locks the AllowFormatting of a shape so it cannot be changed. |
| AllowGeometryEdit | Gets or sets whether the user is allowed to edit the geometry of this shape, when it is selected. |
| AllowInplaceEdit | Gets or sets whether the user is allowed to inplace edit this shape, when double clicked. |
| AllowLayoutsReglueBeginPoint | Gets or sets whether layouts can reglue the begin point. Applicalbe only if this is a 1D shape. By default set to true. |
| AllowLayoutsReglueEndPoint | Gets or sets whether layouts can reglue the end point. Applicalbe only if this is a 1D shape. By default set to true. |
| AllowMoveX | Gets or sets whether the user is allowed to move the shape horizontally. |
| AllowMoveY | Gets or sets whether the user is allowed to move the shape vertically. |
| AllowResizeX | Gets or sets whether the user is allowed to change the Width of the shape. |
| AllowResizeY | Gets or sets whether the user is allowed to change the Height of the shape. |
| AllowRotate | Gets or sets whether the user is allowed to rotate the shape. |
| AllowUpdateBounds | Gets or sets whether the user is allowed to update the bounds of this shape. This is only applicable to 2D shapes. |
| Angle | Gets or sets the shape angle of rotation |
| BeginPointGlue | Gets or sets the begin glue. Use one of the GlueBeginToXXX() methods for an easier way to glue the begin point. |
| BeginX | Gets or sets the X coordinate of the begin point (in parent coordinates) |
| BeginY | Gets or sets the Y coordinate of the begin point (in parent coordinates) |
| CanGluePoints | Determines whether this shape can glue its end-points (in case a 1D Connector) and its control points. |
| CanSplit | Gets or sets whether the shape can split 1D shapes when dropped on them. The value of this property has no effect if the page interaction Enable1DShapeSplitting property is set to false. |
| CodeBehindSource | Gets or sets the code assembly that defines the code behind object. |
| ColorThemeId | Gets/Sets the ThemeId of the theme whose color palette to use. |
| ConnectorThemeId | Gets/Sets the value of the ConnectorThemeId property. |
| Controls | Gets or sets the control points collection. |
| DefaultShapeGlue | Gets or sets the way in which other shapes begin points by default glue to this shape. By default set to GlueToGeometryContour. |
| EditHeightIn1D | Gets or sets whether it is allowed to edit the height of the shape, when the ShapeType is set to 1D. |
| EndPointGlue | Gets or sets the end glue. Use one of the GlueEndToXXX() methods for an easier way to glue the end point. |
| EndX | Gets or sets the X coordinate of the end point (in parent coordinates) |
| EndY | Gets or sets the Y coordinate of the end point (in parent coordinates) |
| FlipX | Gets or sets whether the shape coordinate system X flipped. |
| FlipY | Gets or sets whether the shape coordinate system Y flipped. |
| FontThemeId | Gets/Sets the value of the FontThemeId property. |
| FromShape | Gets the shape to which the begin point is currently glued to. Returns null, if the begin point is not glued. |
| Geometry | Gets or sets the Geometry of the shape. Creates the geometry if it does not exist. Use the GeometryNoCreate property if you don't want to create it. |
| GeometryNoCreate | Gets the Geometry of this shape without creating it if it does not exist. |
| GraphPart | Gets or sets whether the shape should be threated as a part of the logical graph, which the page represents |
| HasInwardPorts | Determines whether the shape has inward ports |
| HasOutwardPorts | Determines whether the shape has outward ports |
| Height | Gets or sets the shape height |
| HorizontalPlacement | Gets or sets the horizontal placement of the shape within the arrange slot provided by an automatic layout. By default set to Fit. |
| Hyperlink | Gets/Sets the Hyperlink child. |
| ImageBlock | Gets or sets the ImageBlock of the shape. |
| ImageBlockNoCreate | Gets the ImageBlock contained in this shape without creating it. |
| IsBeginPointGlued | Determines whether the begin point is glued. |
| IsConnected1DShape | Gets whether this is a connected 1D shape (i.e. 1D shape whose begin or end point is connected). |
| IsEndPointGlued | Determines whether the end point is glued. |
| IsReflexive | Queries whether this shape is reflexive (e.g. its FromShape is equal to its EndShape) |
| IsVisible | Determines whether the shape is visible in the page. This method returns true if the shape itself is visible, has at least one visible layer (if it is assigned to layers), and if all ancestor groups are visible too. |
| LayoutData | Gets or sets the data that layouts can use when arranging this shape. |
| LocPinRelative | Gets or sets whether the local pin point is positioned relatively to the shape Width and Height. By default true. |
| LocPinX | Gets or sets the local pin point X coordinate (in local or relative local coordinates depending on LocPinRelative), to which the pin point X coordinate is mapped. |
| LocPinY | Gets or sets the local pin point Y coordinate (in local or relative local coordinates depending on LocPinRelative), to which the pin point Y coordinate is mapped. |
| MasterGlue | Gets or sets the master glue. Use the GlueToMaster() methods for an easier way to work with master glue. |
| MasterShape | Gets the shape to which the shape is currently a slave of. Returns null, if the shape is not glued to a master shape. |
| MenuItems | Gets or sets the menu items collection, which defines custom actions that can be executed upon this shape from the shape context menu. |
| MoveSlaves | Gets or sets the shapes that are translated together with this shape. |
| OwnerGroup | Gets the group in which the shape resides, if any |
| PinX | Gets or sets the pin point X coordinate (in parent coordinates) |
| PinY | Gets or sets the pin point Y coordinate (in parent coordinates) |
| Ports | Gets or sets the ports collection. Creates a ports collection if it doesn't exist. Use the PortsNoCreate method if you don't want to create the ports collection. |
| PortsNoCreate | Gets the ports collection without creating it if it doesn't exist. |
| Properties | Gets or sets the shape properties. |
| ResizeInGroup | Gets or sets the shape resize mode, which defines how Nevron updates the shape dimensions and transformation when the user resizes this shape and it is contained in a group. |
| RouteThroughHorizontally | Gets or sets whether routes are allowed to pass trough this shape horizontally. Only applicable if ShapeType is set to Shape2D. By default set to false. |
| RouteThroughVertically | Gets or sets whether routes are allowed to pass trough this shape vertically. Only applicable if ShapeType is set to Shape2D. By default set to false. |
| Scratches | Gets or sets the scratches of the shape. |
| ShapeType | Gets or sets the shape type |
| ShowControlHandles | Gets or sets whether the control points of the shapes are displayed when the shape is selected |
| ShowShapeHandles | Gets or sets whether the shape handles (box Width and Height for 2D shapes and start-end points for 1D shapes) are displayed when the shape is ``. |
| Size | Gets or sets the size of the shape. Internally this property delegates to the Width and Height properties. |
| Splittable | Gets or sets whether the shape is splittable and can be split by 2D shapes dropped on it. The value of this property has no effect if the page interaction Enable1DShapeSplitting property is set to false. |
| Style | Gets/Sets the Style child. |
| StyleThemeId | Gets/Sets the ThemeId of the theme whose style component to use. |
| Text | A shortcut property that gets/sets the shape text. |
| TextBlock | Gets or sets the TextBlock of the shape. |
| TextBlockNoCreate | Gets the TextBlock contained in this shape without creating it. |
| ThemeId | Gets/Sets the value of the ThemeId property. |
| ToShape | Gets the shape to which the end point is currently glued to. Returns null, if the end point is not glued. |
| UserCells | Gets or sets the shape user cells. |
| VariantColorIndex | Gets/Sets the value of the VariantColorIndex property. |
| VariantStyleIndex | Gets/Sets the value of the VariantStyleIndex property. |
| VerticalPlacement | Gets or sets the vertical placement of the shape within the arrange slot provided by an automatic layout. By default set to Fit. |
| Visible | Gets or sets the shape visibility. |
| Widget | Gets or sets the child widget. |
| Width | Gets or sets the shape width |