| Name | Description |
 | AlertState | A widget with Nevron.Nov.Dom.NElement.UserClass set to UserClassAlert. |
 | BoldFontStyleState | Matches elements with and NStylePropertyEx.FontStyleBoldPropertyEx equal to true. |
 | BottomDropDownButtonPositionState | A drop down edit whose drop down button is positioned at the bottom. |
 | BottomHeadersPositionState | A tab with headers positioned at th bottom. |
 | BottomTicksPlacementState | The slider has ticks on the bottom (valid only for horizontal sliders). |
 | CheckedAndDisabledState | Combines the Checked And IsDisabled states. |
 | CheckedAndIsMouseOverState | Combines the Checked And IsMouseOver states. |
 | CheckedAndIsPressedState | Combines the Checked And IsPressed states. |
 | CheckedState | Matches elements with a Checked:bool property equal to true. |
 | CollapsedState | Matches elements with an Expanded:bool property equal to false. |
  | ColorsChild | Reference to the Colors child. |
 | CommandBarItemSelectedState | Selected state of items placed in a command bar. |
 | DefaultFontSizeState | Matches elements with and NStylePropertyEx.RelativeFontSizePropertyEx set to Default. |
 | DescendantOfRibbonGroupContext | Matches a widget, descendant of a ribbon group. |
 | DisabledState | Matches elements with a IsDisabled:bool property equal to true. |
 | EnabledState | Matches elements with a IsDisabled:bool property equal to false. |
 | ExpandableState | Matches elements with an Expandable:bool property equal to true. |
 | ExpandedAndDisabledState | Combines the Expanded And IsDisabled states. |
 | ExpandedState | Matches elements with an Expanded:bool property equal to true. |
 | FlatLookState | Matches elements with an NStylePropertyEx.ExtendedLookPropertyEx property equal to Flat. |
 | FlatSkinType | The flat skin type |
  | FontsChild | Reference to the Fonts child. |
 | FontSkinType | Represents the Font skin type, that is associated with the following properties: Font |
 | HasHiddenItemsState | The state of a command bar when it has hidden items. |
 | HorizontalState | A widget with horizontal orientation. |
 | InApplicationMenuPopupContext | Matches a widget, direct child of an application menu popup window. |
 | InAutoCompleteBoxContext | Matches a widget, direct child of an auto complete box. |
 | InButtonBaseContext | Matches a widget, direct child of a button base. |
 | InCalendarArrowButtonContext | Matches a widget, direct child of a calendar arrow button. |
 | InCalendarPickerCellContext | Matches a widget, direct child of a calendar picker cell. |
 | InCalendarTitleButtonContext | Matches a widget, direct child of a calendar title button. |
 | InCheckBoxContext | Matches a widget, direct child of a check box. |
 | InCollapsedStateDropDownContext | Matches a widget, direct child of a ribbon group collapsed state menu drop down. |
 | InColorBoxBaseContext | Matches a widget, direct child of a color box base. |
 | InComboBoxContext | Matches a widget, direct child of a combo box. |
 | InComboBoxItemContext | Matches a widget, direct child of a combo box item. |
 | InCommandBarContext | Matches a widget, direct child of a command bar. |
 | InCommandBarFloaterOptionsButtonContext | Matches a widget in a command bar floater options button. |
 | InCommandBarItemCollectionContext | Matches a widget, direct child of a command bar item collection. |
 | InCommandBarLaneContext | Matches a widget, direct child of a command bar lane. |
 | InCommandBarPendantContext | Matches a widget, direct child of a command bar pendant. |
 | InContextMenuPopupWindowContext | Matches a widget, direct child of a context popup window. |
 | InDateTimeBoxContext | Matches a widget, direct child of a date time box. |
 | InDayPickerCellContext | Matches a widget, direct child of a day picker cell. |
 | IndeterminateAndDisabledState | Combines the Indeterminate And IsDisabled states. |
 | IndeterminateAndIsMouseOverState | Combines the Indeterminate And IsMouseOver states. |
 | IndeterminateAndIsPressedState | Combines the Indeterminate And IsPressed states. |
 | IndeterminateState | Matches elements with an Indeterminate:bool property equal to true. |
 | InDropDownButtonContext | Matches a widget, direct child of a drop down button. |
 | InDropDownEditContext | Matches a widget, direct child of a drop down edit. |
 | InDropDownEditDropDownButtonContext | Matches a widget, direct child of a drop down edit's drop down button. |
 | InExpandableSectionContext | Matches a widget in an expandable section. |
 | InExpandableSectionHeaderContext | Matches a widget in an expandable section header. |
 | InHorizontalScrollBarContext | Matches a widget, direct child of a a horizontal scrollbar. |
 | InListBoxItemContext | Matches a widget, direct child of a list box item. |
 | InMenuBarContext | Matches a widget direct child of a menu bar. |
 | InMenuDropDownContext | Matches a widget direct child of menu drop down. |
 | InNavigationBarPendantContext | Mathces a widget, direct child of an outlook bar pendant. |
 | InNumericUpDownContext | Matches a widget, direct child of a numeric up down. |
 | InPopupWindowContext | Matches a widget, direct child of a popup window. |
 | InRadioButtonContext | Matches a widget, direct child of a radio button. |
 | InRangeSliderContext | Matches a widget, direct child of a range slider. |
 | InRibbonCollapsiblePanelContext | Matches a widget, direct child of a ribbon collapsible panel. |
 | InRibbonContentDropDownContext | Matches a widget, direct child of a ribbon content drop down. |
 | InRibbonGalleryContext | Matches a widget, direct child of a ribbon gallery. |
 | InRibbonGallerySpinnerContext | Matches a widget, direct child of a ribbon gallery spinner. |
 | InRibbonGroupHeaderContext | Matches a widget, direct child of a ribbon group header. |
 | InRibbonMenuDropDownContext | Matches a widget, direct child of a ribbon menu drop down. |
 | InRibbonSplitButtonContext | Matches a widget, direct child of a ribbon split button. |
 | InRibbonStackPanelContext | Matches a widget, direct child of a ribbon stack panel. |
 | InRibbonTabContext | Matches a widget, direct child of a ribbon tab. |
 | InRibbonTabPageContext | Matches a widget, direct child of a ribbon tab. |
 | InRibbonWrapFlowPanelContext | Matches a widget, direct child of a ribbon wrap flow panel. |
 | InScrollBarArrowButtonContext | Matches a widget, direct child of a scrollbar arrow button. |
 | InScrollBarContext | Matches a widget, direct child of a scrollbar. |
 | InScrollBarThumbContext | Matches a widget, direct child of a scrollbar thumb. |
 | InSliderContext | Matches a widget, direct child of a slider. |
 | InSpinnerButtonContext | Matches a widget, direct child of a spinner button. |
 | InSpinnerContext | Matches a widget, direct child of a spinner. |
 | InSplitButtonContext | Matches a widget, direct child of a a split button. |
 | InSplitterBaseContext | Matches a widget, direct child of a splitter base instance. |
 | InSplitterThumbButtonContext | Matches a widget, direct child of a splitter thumb button. |
 | InSplitterThumbContext | Matches a widget, direct child of a splitter thumb. |
 | InSymbolButtonContext | Matches a widget, direct child of a symbol button. |
 | InSymbolRepeatButtonContext | Matches a widgetm direct child of a symbol repeat button. |
 | InSymbolToggleButtonContext | Matches a widget, direct child of a symbol toggle button. |
 | InTabContext | Matches a widget, direct child of a tab. |
 | InTabPageContext | Matches a widget, direct child of a tab page. |
 | InTaskDialogContext | Matches a widget, direct child of a task dialog. |
 | InTitleBarCloseButtonContext | Matches a widget, direct child of a title bar close button. |
 | InTitleBarContext | Matches a widget, direct child of a window title bar. |
 | InTitleBarControlBoxContext | Matches a widget, direct child of a title bar control box. |
 | InTitleBarHelpButtonContext | Matches a widget, direct child of a title bar help button. |
 | InTitleBarMaximizeButtonContext | Matches a widget, direct child of a title bar maximize button. |
 | InTitleBarMenuDropDownContext | Matches widgets that are children of the title bar menu drop down |
 | InTitleBarMenuItemHeaderCloseContext | Matches symbols in headers of menu items, whose UserId is set to Close. |
 | InTitleBarMenuItemHeaderMaximizeContext | Matches symbols in headers of menu items, whose UserId is set to Maximize. |
 | InTitleBarMenuItemHeaderMinimizeContext | Matches symbols in headers of menu items, whose UserId is set to Minimize. |
 | InTitleBarMenuItemHeaderRestoreContext | Matches symbols in headers of menu items, whose UserId is set to Restore. |
 | InTitleBarMinimizeButtonContext | Matches a widget, direct child of a title bar minimize button. |
 | InTitleControlMenuContext | Matches a widget, direct child of a title bar control menu drop down. |
 | InToggleButtonContext | Matches a widget, direct child of a toggle button. |
 | InToolBarContext | Matches a widget direct child of a toolbar. |
 | InTopLevelWindowContext | Matches a widget, direct child of a top level window. |
 | InTreeViewItemHeaderContext | Matches a widget, direct child of a tree view item header. |
 | InUpDownBaseContext | Matches a widget, direct child of an up down base. |
 | InVerticalScrollBarContext | Matches a widget, direct child of a vertical scrollbar. |
 | IsBeginThumbState | Matches a begin thumb. |
 | IsCheckedSymbolContext | Matches the checked symbol of a checkable menu item. |
 | IsChildMenuItemsSymbolContext | Matches the ChildMenuItemsSymbol child of a menu item. |
 | IsCollapsedDropDownChildContext | A button that is the collapsed down child of a ribbon gallery. |
 | IsContentOfSelectedMenuItemContext | Matches a widget, content child of a select menu item. |
 | IsDarkThemeInvertibleState | Matches elements with an NStylePropertyEx.IsDarkThemeInvertiblePropertyEx property equal to true. |
 | IsDecreaseButtonState | Matches a widget that is a decrease button. |
 | IsDecreaseShaftButtonState | Matches a widget that is a decrease shaft button. |
 | IsDragDirectlyOverState | Matches elements with a NDragDrop.IsDirectlyOver extended property equal to true. |
 | IsDragOverState | Matches elements with a NDragDrop.IsOver extended property equal to true. |
 | IsDropDownButtonChildContext | A button that is the drop down button child of a ribbon gallery spinner. |
 | IsEndThumbState | Matches an end thumb. |
 | IsFirstChildState | Matches a node that is the first child of its parent. |
 | IsFocusedState | Matches elements with a NKeyboard.IsFocused extended property equal to true. |
 | IsFocusWithinState | Matches elements with a NKeyboard.IsFocusWithin extended property equal to true. |
 | IsFooterContext | Matches a widget, which is the Footer child of a task dialog. |
 | IsFrameActiveNotState | Matches top level windows with an IsFrameActive:bool property equal to false. |
 | IsFrameActiveState | Matches top level windows with an IsFrameActive:bool property equal to true. |
 | IsFromNextMonthState | Day picker cell that represents a day from the next month of the currently shown month. |
 | IsFromPrevMonthState | Day picker cell that represents a day from the previous month of the currently shown month. |
 | IsHighlightedState | Matches elements with an NStylePropertyEx.IsHighlightedPropertyEx property equal to true. |
 | IsIncreaseButtonState | Matches a widget that is an increase button. |
 | IsIncreaseShaftButtonState | Matches a widget that is an increase shaft button. |
 | IsLastChildState | Matches a node that is the last child of its parent. |
 | IsLastWidgetOnLaneState | A ribbon separator that is the last widget on a lane of a ribbon wrap flow panel. |
 | IsMaximizedNotState | Matches top level windows with an IsMaximized:bool property equal to false. |
 | IsMaximizedState | Matches top level windows with an IsMaximized:bool property equal to true. |
 | IsMouseDirectlyOverState | Matches elements with a NMouse.IsDirectlyOver extended property equal to true. |
 | IsMouseOverState | Matches elements with a NMouse.IsOver extended property equal to true. |
 | IsMouseOverSymbolState | Matches elements with a IsMouseOverSymbol:bool property equal to true. |
 | IsNextPageButtonChildState | A button that is the NextPage button in a calendar header. |
 | IsNextPaneButtonState | Matches a widget that is a next pane button. |
 | IsOnlyChildState | Matches a node that is the only child of its parent. |
 | IsPageDownButtonChildContext | A button that is the page down button child of a ribbon gallery spinner. |
 | IsPageUpButtonChildContext | A button that is the page up button child of a ribbon gallery spinner. |
 | IsPopupOpenedState | Matches elements with a IsPopupOpened:bool property equal to true. |
 | IsPressedState | Matches elements with a IsPressed:bool property equal to true. |
 | IsPreviousPaneButtonState | Matches a widget that is a previous pane button. |
 | IsPrevPageButtonChildState | A button that is the PrevPage button in a calendar header. |
 | IsScrollLeftButtonChildContext | The scroll left button of a ribbon tab. |
 | IsScrollRightButtonChildContext | The scroll right button of a ribbon tab. |
 | IsSelectedAndDisabledState | Combines the IsSelected And IsDisabled states. |
 | IsSelectedAndEnabledState | Combines the IsSelected And IsEnabled states. |
 | IsSelectedState | Matches elements with an NStylePropertyEx.IsSelectedPropertyEx extended property equal to true. |
 | IsTextHighlightedState | Matches elements with an NStylePropertyEx.IsTextHighlightedPropertyEx property equal to true. |
 | IsTodayCellInHighlightTodayCalendarContext | Matches a day picker cell that represents today in a calendar widget with HighlightTodday property set to true. |
 | IsVerificationCheckBoxContext | Matches a widget, which is the IsVerificationCheckBox child of a task dialog. |
 | IsVisitedState | Matches a linked label whose link URL has been visited. |
 | LargeFontSizeState | Matches elements with and NStylePropertyEx.RelativeFontSizePropertyEx set to Large. |
 | LeftHeadersPositionState | A tab with headers positioned on the left. |
 | LeftTicksPlacementState | The slider has ticks on the left (valid only for vertical sliders). |
 | NormalLookState | Matches elements with an NStylePropertyEx.ExtendedLookPropertyEx property equal to Normal. |
  | NUIThemeSchema | Schema associated with NUITheme. |
 | ProgressBarCircularState | A circular progress bar. |
 | ProgressBarHorizontalState | A horizontal progress bar. |
 | ProgressBarVerticalState | A vertical progress bar. |
 | RibbonSkinType | The ribbon skin type. |
 | RibbonSmallState | A ribbon widget in small state. |
 | RibbonTabCollapsedState | A ribbon tab in collapsed state. |
 | RibbonTabExpandedState | A ribbon tab inexpanded state. |
 | RightHeadersPositionState | A tab with headers positioned on the right. |
 | RightTicksPlacementState | The slider has ticks on the right (valid only for vertical sliders). |
  | SchemeProperty | Reference to the Scheme property. |
 | SelectedMonthState | A calendar picker cell that represents the currently selected month. |
 | SelectedYearState | A calendar picker cell that represents the currently selected year. |
 | ShowTitleBarNotState | |
 | ShowTitleBarState | |
 | SmallFontSizeState | Matches elements with and NStylePropertyEx.RelativeFontSizePropertyEx set to Small. |
 | TextFillSkinType | Represents the Text Fill skin type, that is associated with the following properties: TextFill |
 | ThemeType | The UI theme type. |
 | TopHeadersPositionState | A tab with headers positioned at the top. |
 | TopTicksPlacementState | The slider has ticks on the top (valid only for horizontal sliders). |
  | TouchModeProperty | Reference to the TouchMode property. |
 | UncheckedState | Matches elements with a Checked:bool property equal to false. |
 | UserClassAlert | A user class that when applied to flat buttons (for example buttons in ribbon and toolbars), applies an "Alert" style to them, typically making them red. |
 | VerticalState | A widget with vertical orientation. |
  | WindowResizeCornerSizeProperty | Reference to the WindowResizeCornerSize property. |
  | WindowResizeFrameThicknessProperty | Reference to the WindowResizeFrameThickness property. |
 | XLargeFontSizeState | Matches elements with and NStylePropertyEx.RelativeFontSizePropertyEx set to Large. |
 | XSmallFontSizeState | Matches elements with and NStylePropertyEx.RelativeFontSizePropertyEx set to XSmall. |
 | XXLargeFontSizeState | Matches elements with and NStylePropertyEx.RelativeFontSizePropertyEx set to XXLarge. |
 | XXSmallFontSizeState | Matches elements with and NStylePropertyEx.RelativeFontSizePropertyEx set to XXSmall. |
 | XXXLargeFontSizeState | Matches elements with and NStylePropertyEx.RelativeFontSizePropertyEx set to XXXLarge. |